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Tara said I could be the chef for tonight's dinner. I had a copy of the latest menu from the diner still with all my other belongings. It took me a good twenty minutes up in my bedroom to decide what to make. I was not letting Gray know about my decision because I wanted to surprise him.

What happened in the museum bathroom totally caught me off guard. Gray and I have become so attached to each other that we needed to release those feelings and share them. We are not official or anything; that hope and dream sits up in my head waiting to be next in line at the booth of reality. I wonder if he will be the one to ask me to be his boyfriend, maybe I will be the one to do it. Gray snaps me straight out of my thoughts by coming into the room with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"How was your shower?" I ask him.

"Good." When he answers me, I set my pencil down with a relieved sigh.

"Tell me if I'm wrong, but did you just finish a song?" Gray wonders with a grin.

"Maybe. I was just looking over it." I grin back.

"Well let me hear it! Let me at least put pants on first." Gray goes to get a pair of pants to thrown on.

"You don't need to." I mumbled down to my guitar in my lap.

I look behind me to see his face staring right back at me; he heard me. He smirks lightly and continues to pull on a pair of light blue jeans. Gray takes a seat on his bed after rolling on deodorant and throwing a white and black baseball tee; the sleeves were black and the chest of it was white. I have the sheet of music out from the song I had titled back when I first came to the Fawser home; I finished it yesterday and was just revising it a little. I wanted it to be detailed and to show my feelings through the sound and through the lyrics.

Each word expresses a feeling or an emotion. I eye my guitar distinctly so the focus on it would sink into my brain sight. I had not practiced playing it yet, so it was not only Gray's first time listening, it was mine as well. My voice ranges from high and low depending on how I want the verses to sound. I have gotten to the second verse and I glance up at Gray briefly; he looks fascinated and intrigued; his eyes bleed through my sight blissfully. How could someone look at something or someone so innocently and look this goddamn good?

My brain travels into the thought and sound of each word; I think it sounds pretty good; I worked hard on it and put effort before anything else. There is a lot to this song, a lot of emotion, I will call it lyrical emotion. Even though Gray may not feel the exact same way I do about him, the song will always be special to me because it represents creativity, my own creativity. There is a line coming up that I know I kept redoing; I wanted to find the right words.

"You look like gold to me, my eyes get locked so easily." I quickly take a glance at my music sheet and go on to the next part.

"My life seems to get better and better, every time you're around, around." I guess it may not look right written out but singing it sounds normal.

My song draws the blinds with the last words of how I feel, "My heart's all twisted, there's a chance I'm falling for you."

I give my guitar some time to sing its last few chords and let out a single breath when it is finished. The strap hooked onto my guitar slides up my back as I bring it over my head and place my instrument on my bed.

Gray still looks focused, focused on me; his pupils are large and are complimented by the ocean blue rings surrounding his pupils; he uses his feet to stand up and for whatever reason I decide to stand up to. Maybe this was all a mistake, maybe I should have never said anything, sang anything for that matter.

"Well umm... I guess I was just fooling around with that one right?" I chuckle nervously. That was so untrue, I was not
just fooling around.

Gray's facial expression takes a turn and labels itself with what I can only describe as confusion.

"You were?"

"I mean...no, but-"

"I would hope you weren't just fooling around." His words pat me on the back soothingly.

A quiet gulp falls in my throat, "Why not?"

Gray grins, he normally has a grin on his face, it is so beautiful to watch it form. His hand goes to my cheek and his thumb goes back and forth slowly.

"Because there's a chance I'm falling for you too."

I am so glad my emotions are keeping this probably stupid-looking happy dance to only be viewed by me inside my mind. We still are not official, we just have feelings for each other, or we think we might, or there is a chance we might.

"Cool." I clear my throat before saying something back to him.

"The song was amazing."

"Thanks." I smile and step closer to Gray.

The immediate second I think our lips are about to meet, Gray's mom knocks twice.

"Come in." Gray says.

I step away from Gray as Tara enters our room.

"Just checking in, I have to go into work for awhile and Will won't be home till around six-ish. That alright with you both?"

Gray nods his head and I do as well, "No problem." Gray says to her.

"Great, I'll be back in time to start dinner. See you boys then." Tara closes the room after a single hand wave.

An empty house rings a silent vibe, a quiet piece of realization, an empty house equals just the two of us. Gray and I, that is all. He confessed that there is a chance he might have feelings for me too; I feel like I should let my mind racers dig a little deeper and discover the truth behind what this connection between Gray and I actual is.

If there was some way that the future could come into my head and tell me what is going to happen, I would like a heads up. Is it meant to be a surprise?

Gray watches his mom shut and lock the door to our bedroom; he puts his eyesight in my direction; he stuffs both of his hands in his pockets like he is waiting for the silence to be broken apart. An atmosphere that begins to feel a bit awkward creeps around the air in the room.

"Swimming?" I suggest.

"Good idea." Gray dismisses himself to retrieve a pair of his swim trunks from the upstairs bathroom in the hallway.

Since I just admitted my true feelings and so did Gray, there is going to be a change. It will come creeping up on us when we do not expect it, or maybe we will expect it. It may end up being a really good thing, or maybe it will crash and burn to the ground.

Whatever happens, I hope it goes well. As I am stepping into my swim trunks, my mind is taking steps backward. It is taking steps back to the moment in the museum bathroom. The way his hands felt on my waist, and through my hair, and on my cheek, it all made me melt.

I do not know if I could end up becoming heartbroken, it might happen, there is always that chance. Gray has expressed a feeling I have never seen or noticed from anyone I have ever known. It is a bit peculiar to me, I never thought I would have such strong feelings for someone that likes me back. Gray comes back into the room already changed into his swim trunks.


"Yeah." I respond after picking up my black flip flops.

Gray and I approach the hardwood staircase, there is two staircases that lead to the downstairs from the upstairs. The in-ground body of water awaits our arrival.

The sun has been showing off a lot lately; it shines its absolute brightest and effuses it's absolute hottest. It is powerful and will allow light breezes of air to slide in and out of the mornings, afternoons, and evenings. The allowing of the breeze to run around is probably an apology for the constant radiation of heat.

I shake off my flip flops in two fluid motions. When I look up, I meet eyes with Gray, who has been staring at me. He seems to be doing that lately. We jump into the pool simultaneously. I pop up, wiping water from my own two eyes. Gray is still underwater, he is swimming closer to me. He is so close to me when he rises up.

He wipes the water from his eyes like I did and glances at me in front of him. I like him, a lot. He likes me, I am not sure how much, but I do know for sure that he likes me. The area of the pool we are standing in is about four feet deep, almost near the five-feet area. I do not really know what to to say, I kind of just want to kiss him and not talk at all. I look away from him, smiling at how much I care about him and how much of an in-depth impact he has made on my life since the loss of my parents.

"What's that smile?" He smiles with me.

"Nothing." I respond, my smile does not leave my face.

"C'mon, tell me." He pleads of me.

I just pass him a look of happiness, "You just make me really happy."

My cheeks get hot as I confess what I am smiling over. Gray reaches for my hand and holds it in his own. I pull away and wrap my arms around his neck. He meets me halfway when we connect our lips. So much feeling is in the kiss that it makes me not want to be in the pool and just be upstairs in our bedroom.

There is more than just lust, there is something else that might just be love. If it is not love, then it is solid attraction. I cannot go back now, and I do not want to; we have already admitted how we feel about each other. He breaks apart from my lips and leans into my ear.

"I wish we were upstairs." He tells me.

"Then let's go." I say back to him.

So much for swimming; now we have to wait till we dry off to do anything. Just a kiss on the lips gets us going. I miss being in his arms, him holding me by my waist, gazing into my eyes so intensely, all of it puts a spell on me that I can only describe as hypnotizing in a really euphoric way. Back up into our bedroom we go. We first snatch towels from the bathroom quickly and begin to wipe and pat ourselves of all the water that had soaked our bodies. There is so much I am already thinking about; so much could happen after we dry off and get back to our bedroom.

Gray takes my hand gently when I hang my now-damp towel up on the bathroom towel rack to dry. I let him lead me down the hallway. We never did take off our swim trunks while drying off, so underneath, we were still damp from the pool. We still have not looked upon the other without clothes on, that thought causes a nervous feeling to clutter my brain.

The boy I wish was my boyfriend cradles my face and moves his lips inward to intersect with mine. I allow him to run his fingers on the inside of the elastic waistband on my swim trunks. After running his hand down my chest and leaving the feeling of his smooth lips along my neck, I reach my hands out while we are still lip-connected and pull on the waistband of his swim trunks. Gray takes my hands away from the waistband and sends his lips on a journey down my chest and stomach. It gives me chills, good ones, extremely good ones.

His fingers hook under the swim trunk waistband and pull down at a slow pace. He is being so gentle and subtle with me. It makes the reality true of how much he really cares about me and what feelings he has for me; I have the same ones and I want what is hopefully about to happen.

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