Chapter 119: Progress in Increments

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While Mero was away, Kurusu, Miia, and Cerea asked Ren some further questions, with even Papi joining in, seeking clarification on various matters. Suu stayed still and quiet while on my lap, and Lala, looking a strange blend of intimidating and uneasy, stood in her corner. I was left in wonderment as to how she was able to pull off such an odd expression.

Our heads turned in unison as Mero entered the room, bringing Rachnera along. We all fell silent at the sight of them. Ren, seated near me, audibly gulped as she looked at Rachnera.

Mero had a broad grin, suggesting an optimistic outlook on the situation. Rachnera, on the other hand, appeared to be struggling internally. Her gaze swept the room before coming to rest on Ren, at which point her body stiffened, and she continued to move forward.

Kurusu started to speak, but he was abruptly cut off by Ren standing up. The teenage girl stood there rigidly; her hands clenched tightly in fists before she inhaled deeply and strode over to Rachnera and Mero. She came to a halt directly in front of them and, in a single fluid motion, bowed so deeply and quickly that it was a miracle her back didn't snap in two.

"I'm so, so sorry!" Ren shouted, her face obscured by the twin tails dangling from her head. "I should never have let that happen to you, and I think I only made things worse by coming here, and, and...."

She more or less lost all her momentum when she ran out of breath, frantically panting as she faced the floor. Rachnera just... stared at Ren, all six eyes wide with shock.

Mero anxiously glanced around, feeling trapped between the two of them. She quickly pushed herself backward, murmuring a polite apology. "Excuse me," she squeaked before hurrying to where we were seated.

"Ren, please," Rachnera begged, stammering for the first time I had ever seen. She shook her head and steeled her resolve, her voice stern yet filled with conflicting emotions. "Please, stop bowing."

The girl slowly rose back to her feet, standing ramrod straight with a few sniffles. Rachnera met Ren's gaze with a determined look, though it was unclear if her intense stare was due to the scar or despite it.

"Apologies from someone I hurt feel unnatural to me," Rachnera said, her right claw tensing. "It's a reversal of the usual order of things."

"I don't care about the scar!"

The outburst caught everyone off guard, especially Rachnera.

Ren shrunk into herself, her feet shifting as her head dipped and her shoulders rose. "I mean...I do, I guess. People at school and on the streets, they stare at me when they think I'm not looking. Some won't even meet my gaze anymore, and I can't blame them. I'd probably do the same; I'm pretty shallow, after all." Her laughter was laced with bitterness, self-deprecating, and sadness.

"But I got it because I wanted to help you," Ren continued, his voice gentle and sincere. "So, I'm accepting it as my punishment for being rude to you before getting to know you. Maybe it's not so bad after all."

"Is that how you see it?" Rachnera interjected, eyes narrowing in anger. "As your 'punishment'?! That's utterly insane!"

Ren angrily said, "You came to this country to learn more about us, even though you were far from home. But instead of welcoming you, my parents and I treated you like a...a MONSTER! How could we make you feel so alone just because you were different from us?" Her fists trembled at her sides in indignation.

Rachnera fell silent, her mouth opening and closing but never quite finding the words to say.

I was rooted to the spot, feeling I had no right to be here. Judging by the room's atmosphere, I assumed everyone else was in the same state of mind. I was hesitant to interrupt the conversation between Rachnera and Ren, as I was sure that I would spoil the moment that was taking place between them. Despite this, I couldn't look away; I knew that the right time to intervene would come eventually, and for no, Rachnera and Ren had to converse uninterrupted.

"I don't hate you, Ren," Rachnera said; Ren's eyes widened with disbelief. "Remarkably, I don't even hate your mother and father, even though they were the ones who sold me to Kasegi." She spat the name with disdain, her expression conveying her deep-seated resentment.

"B-B-But... why?" Ren wondered.

"In their case, they were merely trying to protect their daughter," Rachnera exhaled, her shoulders drooping in despair. "They were foolish and scared; however, they were convinced this was the best choice for their family." She cast her gaze toward the rest of us. "I, too, was going to walk away for similar reasons."

"What reasons?" Kurusu asked, sitting a little straighter.

"Because I didn't want to hurt it," she replied. "Like I... like I did with Ren."

"But that was an accident!" Miia protested. "You'd never hurt someone deliberately!"

"Maybe." Rachnera's gaze shifted to me. "Maybe not."

"Was that why you were about to approach me so aggressively this morning?" I asked, leaning forward with my elbows on my knees. "Were you trying to let me know that you might hurt me if I ever anger you?"

"Yes," she reluctantly admitted, her voice heavy with disappointment. "My mind was... foggy. It still is, to an extent. I had sincerely wished to steer clear of this entire situation."

"But I simply could not have that wish be so," Mero piped up, smiling sweetly. "And it was for the best, no?"

For the first time since she'd entered the room, Rachnera's lips quirked ever so slightly upward.

"We shall see," she replied, looking back at Ren and halting when she saw the tears spilling from the younger girl's eyes.

Ren sobbed uncontrollably, her tears streaming down her face. "W-We sold you! We sold you out of fear and ignorance, never seeing you as a human being!" Her voice broke, and her body convulsed as she wept. "How can you just forgive us so easily?!"

"I can never forgive your parents for what they did," Rachnera replied, her voice conveying a hint of sadness. "Just because I don't hate them doesn't mean I can forgive them. But if that's how you feel, why did you even bother sending me a letter?"

Ren paused to catch her breath, her hand gently pressing against her chest as she tried to calm her racing heart. She shyly looked away as she continued, her voice barely a whisper. "Because I wanted to try again. I wanted to do everything I could to make things right and fix my mistake. Because...I want to get to know you better, Rachnera."

"Even though I hurt you?" Rachnera asked so softly I almost didn't hear.

Ren's answer was a short, jerky nod.

"That's... somewhat unbelievable," Rachnera sighed, wrapping her arms around her chest defensively. "I can tell you right now that I'm not the sort most people want to know. I keep everyone at a distance and antagonize, sometimes to worm the truth out of someone and sometimes not. There's little I trust besides what I know, and even that is suspect these days. My personality is prickly at best, and outright-"

"Rachnee, I must demand you cease at once," Cerea interjected, facing Rachnera fully.

It was safe to say the latter had been caught off-guard. "Excuse me?"

"I refuse to hear you belittle yourself with negative comments," Cerea declared, stomping a hoof for emphasis. "You indeed have flaws, but you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. I'll be honest when you first arrived at this household, I was suspicious of your intentions. Even more so when I learned how you and Aki met."

"Then why-" Rachnera was stopped by Cerea raising a hand.

"I have realized the mistake of my suspicions recently. Despite any disputes that may have occurred between me, Aki, and you, you have never hurt anyone in this household. You even helped Lady Mero in her time of need and gave her liberty. You were considerate throughout the celebration two nights ago, reminding me we can still have a civil conversation even if we disagree."

Cerea paused to take a breath. When she spoke again, it was with a small smile.

"That meant a great deal to me, Rachnee. That, above all, may have shown me that I was wrong to suspect you and my judgment had been wrong. I beg your forgiveness for my dishonorable actions." Then she bowed lowly.

"P-Please, stop bowing to me!" Rachnera stuttered, taking a few steps back from the bowing centaur. "I understand and forgive you," she continued hurriedly, "so there's no need to bow anymore."

"You have my utmost appreciation," Cerea replied with genuine sincerity, standing up with an even wider smile. "It takes courage for Miss Kunanzuki to come to you after what happened. I'm not sure I could have mustered the same bravery, and it pains me to admit it. So please, don't be so hard on yourself, Rachnee. You are far better than you give yourself credit for."

Despite her words, I couldn't help but recall the hurtful things Rachnera had said me these past two days. If Rachnera was as much of an over-thinker as I was, I did not doubt that she was contemplating the same thoughts as uncertainty crossed her face. Cerea's words seemed to have affected her, even though she seemed to be looking my way almost without realizing it. Maybe it was time for me to break the silence.

"I know you and I have some things to sort out," I told Rachnera, catching the attention of everyone in the room. I felt slightly uncomfortable in the spotlight, my body instinctively tensing up. "There were some things said and maybe some threats, but let's save that for another time. Cerea is right; for what it's worth coming from me, I don't think you're a terrible person, just a person. I don't need to add anything else to Cerea's statement; she put it perfectly."

That wasn't all I needed or wanted to tell her, but I had to push most of it aside for now. My grievances with her would be better discussed in a more private setting, so I had to ensure this delicate situation didn't end in an argument. Though I didn't think it would come to that, I didn't want to take any chances. I've been wrong before. I'll do what I have always done - give my classic Aki-brand wry yet heartwarming comments - and worry about myself afterward. So far, it's worked.

"I cannot help my speaking mannerisms," Cerea retorted indignantly, though her words were not filled with heat, and her lips curled into a faint smile. I snorted and shrugged in response, not even attempting to refute her claim.

"... See?" Ren meekly offered to a quiet Rachnera. "I do want to learn more about you. I know you c-c-can't come home with me, but... I want to start again. So... please?"

"You know," Rachnera said after a long silence. "When I got your letter, I was reminded of the darkest parts of myself. I was reminded that I had hurt you, that I had been avoiding contact with you out of fear and insecurity, and that I was a terrible hypocrite. This was why our issues had become so ugly and why I had decided to leave before things got even worse. I was livid at the counselor, your family, and most of all, myself."

"But... a friend made me realize something." Mero preened from where she sat. "I realized I was running away and avoiding the truth of the matter, something I always claimed to have hated more than anything else." Rachnera barked out a single, harsh laugh. "So idiotic of me. And now even Counselor's trying to comfort me. Me!" She palmed a claw against her shaking head. "How ludicrous."

"Seems kinda in character of him to me, actually," Miia murmured under her breath.

"I feel as though we both want the same thing," Rachnera continued, her voice filled with hope. "So, please... I get it. I do." Taking a deep breath, she looked straight at Ren. "I still can't forget, especially when I see... that mark, but I don't want to run away from it anymore. I want to face it. And I don't want to leave here, either. So, if you like, and if we get whatever needs sorting out, then perhaps you could..." She paused, her cheeks becoming slightly flushed, before continuing. "You could visit me, or us, here? What I mean is... I wouldn't mind getting to know you better, Ren."

"R-Really?" Ren's face lit up like the Fourth of July. "You mean it?"

Kurusu eagerly agreed, standing up and clapping his hands together in approval. "I don't see any issues with that, so let's ensure Smith knows. What do you all think?"

"So long as we follow proper procedure, I shall endeavor to make it so," Cerea declared earnestly, though with a warm smile.

"Yay, yay, happy ending!" Papi cheered.

"I would have it no other way," Mero replied joyously.

"Breaking bread with one's foes opens many doors," Lala muttered sagely from her corner.

"That sounds lovely to me!" Miia stated.

Suu shivered in my lap. She didn't say anything, but she looked like she was pleased, at least.

"I'm Gucci with that," I finished, giving them a thumbs-up. "I'm meeting Kuroko today, so I'll hash out the details when I see her."

I was filled with relief as I watched everyone gather around Rachnera and Ren, who was attempting to engage in a lighthearted conversation. It was strange yet comforting to see Rachnera around someone whom she had wronged in the past. It was evident that there was still a lot of work to be done for them to heal and move on, and Rachnera had some unresolved issues, but I kept faith that things would eventually get better.

"Sorry I wasn't much help," Miia whispered in my ear, her hot breath tickling my skin and making me jump in surprise. How did she get so close without me noticing?

"Don't worry about it," I assured her, shoving my hands into my pockets, "I barely did anything myself. Whatever Mero said to her earlier must have done all the work for us."

"Well, you did take the initiative to let Miss Kunanzuki into the house, and you went the extra mile to ensure that we all were informed about the situation. That truly means a lot to me." miia offered happily, swaying where she stood

I shrugged, my happiness growing in response to hers. "If you're sure. I'm just relieved that everything worked out alright. It was getting a bit tense there for a moment."

"Mhm. I'm glad, too." Miia's golden eyes watched as Kurusu and Papi did their best to ease the tension between Rachnera and Ren while Cerea looked onward. "Wanna join them?"

"In a minute," I promised her. "Couple things, first."


While she slithered over to the others, I poked at Suu, who had again gone sedate. "Boop."

Slowly, her head feeler rose up and gently nudged the tip of my nose. "Boop," she murmured.

"I'm clearing my schedule tonight just for you," I told Suu softly, with a warm smile. "Just you and me all night. Does that sound good to you?"

Suu's eyes flickered twice before her body glimmered in my grasp. She then wriggled free from my embrace and dashed over to the others. I grinned in delight as I watched her go, yet I knew I had one more person to talk to before joining them.

"Hey, Mero," I greeted, leaning to rest one knee on the floor beside her. She jumped with a start when she realized I was beside her.

"Oh, Aki! 'T-Tis a pleasure!" Flushed cheeks, eyes darting to and fro, and her hands fidgeting all painted a pretty obvious picture of her feelings. Of course, it only served to make me feel even more awkward.

"Look, I..." I took a deep breath. "Thank you for whatever you did. I dunno what you said to Rachnera, but it helped her more than anything I could've said."

"I merely desired to help my friend," Mero replied hurriedly. "But... your gratitude is appreciated. I spoke from the heart, and Rachnera was kind enough to accept my words. I know that you two," she gulped, clearly anxious about what she was about to say, "You two quarreled over me. That it almost came to blows. That could not be further from what I wish. You know this to be true, right?"

"I know," I nodded. "I don't blame you for anything, so don't worry. She and I need to talk; that's still clear. But it doesn't involve you." Unsure of what else to say, I stood back up and started to walk away, but I hesitated. Surely there was something... "Um... Mero?"


I could feel my nails cutting into my palms as I spoke. "I'm sorry for hurting your feelings. I ignored them because I thought it was part of the 'tragic romance' thing. That was wrong of me. It was cruel." I took a deep breath. "In any case, I'm sorry."

"I..." Mero stared at me, eyes wide and full of emotion. What emotion, I couldn't tell. "I... Um, I suppose I'm supposed to say 'apology accepted,' yes?"

"You don't have to accept it if you don't want to," I sighed heavily. I couldn't quite put my finger on the feeling that was weighing on me, but I knew I needed to leave. "Well, I should be going. Take care, okay?"


I quickly walked away from her, my mind filled with regret. I had to push aside my thoughts of her, no matter how much I wished to linger. I had a meeting with Kuroko looming and knew I had to focus, so I forced myself to keep going. With a heavy heart, I kept telling myself that it couldn't be helped. We had much to discuss, and I had to prepare for it.

The plan that was slowly developing in my mind after considering all that had occurred between Rachnera and the Kunanzuki family would hopefully provide a solution to the issue of preventing such an incident from ever occurring again.

To be continued...

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