Chapter 124: Romance: A Puzzling Pleasure

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I absentmindedly scrolled through my phone, something I had been doing ever since smartphones became more affordable. I had asked Kuroko for a smartphone, as they were more prevalent in Japan than flip phones. I knew it was a reminder of home, but I was grateful for whatever I could get.

I started scrolling through my (admittedly sparse) contact list and-

Oh, shit! I was supposed to call Zoe tonight!

I almost dropped my phone in shock, and I was thankful that no one was around to witness my embarrassment. I nervously glanced around, feeling a bit self-conscious, before looking back down at my phone. I had to find Zoe's contact info, which is still listed under Bina's name. After I made the necessary changes, I finally called her.

"Well, hey there!" Zoe greeted from the other end, delighted. "Was wonderin' when you were gonna call!"

"Better late than never," I chuckled, embarrassed and absentmindedly scratching the back of my neck. As soon as I heard her voice, I couldn't help but smile. "Sorry, I got caught up with some things at home."

"Don't ya always?" she snorted. I could hear shuffling in the background. "Had a busy day, too, myself."

I inquired curiously, leaning back into my chair and resting my head against my free hand. I crossed my legs, settling comfortably, and asked, "Oh? Anything fun?"

"Psh, I wish," Zoe groaned. "Packin' and movin', mostly. Boring shit. Kuroko set me and the girls up in a shared apartment. Wish is fuckin' huge, by the way."

"Ah, right, I remember now," I said, nodding. "Did Romera move in with you, too?"

"Yup, she's got her room an' shit. I ain't livin' without her." A voice called out in the background, though I couldn't determine whose. "Eh, huh? Nothin', don't worry 'bout it!" More shuffling. "Hey, I said-Hey!"

"Hellooooo?" inquired a new voice that sounded suspiciously like Tio. "Is this Aki?!"

"Hi, Tio," I chuckled. "Isn't it kinda rude interrupting someone's conversation, though?"

"Hee hee, maybe," she responded coyly. "I just wanted to see who Bina was talking to that was getting her all blushy. It was super cute!"

"Hey, gimme!" I could hear Zoe protest in the background.

"Maybe I should give it back," Tio relented. "See you tomorrow for work, Aki!"

It wasn't all that surprising that the physically strongest member of MON, Tio, would be accompanying me on my visit to the Takasaka house. I wasn't sure how ogre strength would measure against a sizeable arachne breed or a black slime, but it had to be worth something. Moreover, Tio's naturally warm and friendly personality could do wonders in helping to alleviate any potential tension that may occur.

"See ya then," I told her cheerfully. I heard the phone switch owners, with Zoe grumbling something under her breath as she firmly pressed it against her ear. "You need to get better at taking care of your belongings."

"Not my damn fault Tio's strong enough to bench-press a fuckin' car," she grumbled. "Whatever she wants, she gets. Don't mean I have to like it, though!" That last part must've been directed toward Tio, whose laugh echoed in the background. "Anyway, how was yer day? Kuroko mentioned you had a visitor or somethin' that stirred some shit up."

"Yeah, we did," I sighed. "Ren Kunanzuki, a teenage girl from Rachnera's former host family. Do you remember what the circumstances were?"

"Yeah, they sold her to that little shitbag we bagged a while back," Zoe said, disgust plain in her voice. "The hell did she want?"

I could feel Zoe's outburst about to come through the phone, so I hastily continued, trying to explain the situation. "She had the best intentions, believe it or not. I mean, her parents were really to blame for the whole thing, and Ren just wanted to make things right with her."

"Huh," Zoe grunted. "And ya believed her?"

"She seemed quite sincere to me. After talking with her for a bit, she was torn up about it. Rachnera didn't go with her, of course, but I think those two might be able to patch things up in time. I was a little worried, at first, since Rachnera's had been acting... weird lately."

"How ya mean?"

I hesitated, uncertain of how to continue. Even though Rachnera and I had sorted out our differences, I was still unsure how Zoe would react. Especially if I mentioned that Mero had a crush on me, I thought back, trying to recall if Zoe was even aware of Mero's feelings. "She already yelled at me for what she assumed was my treatment of Mero, but we've discussed it, and we're on good terms now."

"Hold on, hold on," Zoe interrupted me. "Back up a sec. Why'd she yell at ya about the princess chick?"

"Oh..." I had no other option. "I'm sure it's because I went out with you despite knowing she was interested in me. I had already told Mero I wasn't interested in seeing anyone, but when I changed my mind and wanted to start dating, I didn't go to her first."

"... Sheesh, I knew she was hittin' on ya hardcore when ya first met, but I thought that was done with a while ago." Her chuckle was short but bitter. "'Course I missed that."

"I'm not so selfish that I expect you to pay attention to every detail of my life," I said, trying to reassure her. "Besides, I chose to go out with you, not her. So let's be positive!"

"Heh, well, I am kinda the shit," Zoe confessed, her voice lighter. "Most guys would go the gold digger route, though, y'know? Makin' it good with royalty would've set ya up fer life!"

"Maybe." Although I could have easily gained a considerable amount of wealth and influence from romancing Mero, and I couldn't deny that she was beautiful, her fascination with tragedy ultimately ended it. If it was just a casual fling, it might have been different, but I knew that it would eventually become something more. I wanted to be straightforward with my feelings. "But let's just say I have reasons for wanting to be with you," I said, trying to sound demure.

"Oh?" Damn, just imagining the look that came with that response was enough for me. "You should tell me all about those reasons tomorrow."

"Play your cards right, and I just might," I replied with a smirk. I had every intention of doing so, and she knew it. "So, if I'm lucky enough, will you join me when I visit the Takasaka house?"

"Yer goddamn right you will," Zoe affirmed, voice filled with bravado. "You, me, an' Tio are meetin' up at base at around noon. Hopefully, by the time we get to the house, they'll have had lunch. You do not want to try talkin' to those girls when they're hungry, y'know?"

"Good to know being hangry is a thing, regardless of species," I noted. "And awesome, I feel loads better if you got my back."

"Flatterer," Zoe laughed before her tone turned slightly more serious. "So, ya got a plan of attack fer handlin' these chicks? This ain't gonna be as chill as Mandroot, and most of 'em got way more issues than Preya did."

"Yeah, I spent a good few hours thinking it through." I stretched my back a little, feeling something pop in the lower area. "All told, the ones I'm least worried about are Iris and Mako. Iris because all I should need to do with her is be wholly transparent and make sure she knows I have no ulterior motives, and Mako because she already has a somewhat amiable personality, the only issue being her... enthusiasm left over from her pirate days

"Yeah, Mako's a hella funny chick," Zoe allowed. "Fun to share stories with, even if she's an ex-con. And Iris... Eh, I'll always be a lil' nervous 'round backbeards. Can't help it."

I nodded understanding before realizing she couldn't see me, so I gave an affirmative grunt. Backbeards could be disconcerting enough for those who knew nothing about them, but if you already had a shared history with Enkidu... For such a small person, Beholder cast a large shadow.

"I hear you," I offered sympathetically. "I'll worry about her, alright?"

"Please, I ain't scared of the little creep," Zoe dismissed. "But I'll jus' be keepin' my eye on her and making sure it ain't on any of us."

"If you say so," I said reluctantly, shaking my head and trying to smile. "Anyway, Piper, Tula, and Vera will likely need to be handled in different but delicate ways. But Gu is the one I'm most concerned about."

"... Yeah, I don't blame ya for that," Zoe sighed, turning surprisingly somber. "Known her fer ten years now, and it hasn't been easy dealin' with her."

"You've known her for that long?" I asked, astonished. "Kuroko must have had something to do with Gu being her responsibility...I'm assuming it has to do with Enkidu?"

A pregnant pause ensued. I was worried that Zoe had left when she finally spoke.

"I dunno how much yer supposed to know, but..." She sounded conflicted. "She was the first slime those bastards got their hands on. Only Kuroko and maybe Mana know what they did to her, but I know fer sure she was there at the end. In Roanapur."

Where Enkidu had finally been bombed into oblivion.

"During the fighting, she went on a rampage," Zoe continued. "I'd seen action fer over twenty years now, but I've never seen anythin' like a slime cuttin' loose and going apeshit on anythin' it could find. Even gave Doppel a run fer her money."

"Shit," I breathed. I could only imagine how terrible a sight like that would've been. "How... How was she stopped?"

"Kuroko talked her down. Somehow. She's always been near us since, usually kept secure in whatever city we were stationed in during the cleanup years. It was only recently that she developed a more human body and started to show signs that she could be around 'normal' people again."

"Gotcha," I said, nodding my head in understanding. "I appreciate you taking the time to explain this to me. It's given me a much clearer picture of the situation. I'm grateful for the extra context."

"Bah, it's old news. Classified old news, but still," Zoe insisted. "Jus' don't go tellin' everyone, alright?"

"Yes, ma'am!" I declared crisply.

"Yer darn right!" Zoe laughed but, after a moment, groaned. "Ugh, I gotta get goin'. Romera's bitchin' 'bout the AC or some shit again."

"Siblings can be annoying like that," I comforted. "Lord knows my little sister was a pain in the ass sometimes."

"You'll have to tell me about it sometime," Zoe said. "Anyway, gotta fly. See ya tomorrow."

"Mhm. Looking forward to seeing you again," I said warmly. "Goodnight, Zoe."

There was a brief hesitation before I heard her clear her throat. "Me too," she replied. "I mean, I'm lookin' forward to seein' ya, too. ... G'night, Ant."

At that, she hung up.

I exhaled deeply, my phone resting in my lap, and my gaze slowly shifted to the night sky. I sat there, my thoughts drifting away, my eyes drinking in the darkness, and my imagination running wild, imagining the stars twinkling behind the shifting clouds.

As I yawned, I was reminded of my promise to Suu to spend the evening with her. I wanted to try to understand what had been bothering her and provide her with some comfort and reassurance. I hoped that by connecting with her and sharing some happy memories, I could help her feel better.

To be continued...

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