Chapter 13: Palatable Parley

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That morning, I shuffled into the kitchen, yawning and rubbing my eyes. Kurusu had an early shift at his part-time job - though he always kept the details a mystery - and wouldn't be back until noon, so the girls and I were on our own for breakfast. I never had much appetite in the morning, so a simple slice of peanut butter toast and a glass of cold milk was enough for me.

Once I stepped into the kitchen, I heard a peculiar gurgling noise. For a brief moment, I thought Suu had finally arrived, only to be met with the spicy scent of burnt ingredients and an overpowering amount of spices. As I looked around, I noticed an array of cauldrons filled with a strange, purple concoction, accompanied by various fragments of bone and what seemed to be meat. With a heavy heart, I stared at Miia's creation and felt nothing but despair.

"Ah, Romance Master!" the perpetrator of an insult to cooking everywhere greeted me. The lamia slithered into the kitchen with a gleeful skip in her figurative step. "You're just in time! Would you be so kind as to taste-test what I've prepared for Darling? I'd ask Papi and Centorea, but you would provide a better critique as a fellow man!"

If I could take solace in one thing, it would be that my presence prevented Miia's well-intentioned yet misguided attempts from causing suffering to the two. However, I had to figure out how to escape this situation without appearing callous.

"Pardon me," I inquired, lifting the pan lid to inspect the objectionable contents, "What is this?"

Miia answered cheerfully, her smile dazzling me even as I had to crush it. "Curry! I've used all the ingredients in the kitchen to impress Darling!"

That's not the right way to cook.

"Ah," I inquired, putting the lid back on with care. "Did you use a particular recipe from a cookbook?"

"No, I followed my heart's recipe for Darling, knowing he would appreciate it with just one bite."

Is this an indication that I should end this now?

"Miia, do you want me to be honest with you?" I asked.

"I wouldn't have asked you if I didn't think you could help."

Let it go, let it go.

"Alright then," I said firmly, maintaining eye contact. "Kurusu-san should not be served this."

To my surprise, Miia didn't back down when I challenged her. Despite my expectations, she was passionate and determined to prove me wrong. "But you haven't even tried it yet!" she retorted indignantly.

"I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but it might be best to start small when experimenting with new dishes, especially if it's your first time cooking."

"How did you figure out this was my first time?"

"Be careful with your phrasing," I cautioned, despite my better judgment. I shook my head and continued, "Typically, chefs who attempt something this daring have more experience in the kitchen."

"Oh, are you a veteran chef?" Miia asked, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm at the prospect of learning more from her Romance Master.

"Not at all," I said firmly, my disapproval clear. "But even without the expertise, I can tell you that serving this to Kurusu-san is a mistake."

Miia nervously glanced at the "food" she had prepared, her voice trembling as she spoke. "I wanted to show Darling that I can be a good wife... and since I don't have many other skills, I thought I'd try my hand at this."

"Hold on, hold on," I said in a comforting and friendly tone, trying to prevent the tears from starting. "I'm not saying you shouldn't cook. I suggest you start small and take things one step at a time. Or, you know, like baby undulations, slides, or whatever you call it for snakes. You get my meaning. "Let me think... oh, what about some traditional dishes from your home country? He'd love to try some of your native cuisines!"

Miia tapped her chin in thought, a spark of excitement crossing her face. "Eggs! That's it!" she exclaimed cheerfully, her eyes twinkling.

I nodded, curiosity piquing my interest. "That's a good start. Why don't we clear these dishes while you tell me more?" I was eager to learn more about what the different liminal species liked to eat; perhaps it would give me a better handle on my new job as a counselor. I hoped that food could be a valuable tool in connecting with those more hostile toward me.

Miia voiced her agreement formally, quickly moving to help beside me. She reached for the sink faucet, turning it on before eagerly beginning her newfound two-pronged task, her previous bad mood seemingly forgotten.

"What type of eggs do lamias prefer?" I asked as I emptied the contents of the vibrant purple "curry." into the sink. I wished Suu were here to help me with this task, but I had to make do on my own.

"Usually, we just eat them raw," Miia replied, her tail swishing back and forth as she scrubbed one of the pans. It wasn't like a dog's wag; the motion felt more controlled and hypnotic. "Though we often mix them with meat and peppers, too. Have you ever tried doro wat?"

I shook my head. "Can't say I have."

"It's a dish from a country in Africa," she explained in detail. "It's chicken coated in a fiery red pepper paste, which is both delicious and fiery! Lamias have a similar dish, usually topped with hard-boiled eggs. Since the Cultural Exchange began, we have also started using red wine to enhance the flavor of this dish."

"That does sound delicious," I admitted. Spicy stuff wasn't always my cup of tea, but I was willing to try any dish at least once. It couldn't be weirder than that bull phallus soup I had in Bangkok. "So are all Lamia dishes egg-based, or are other ingredients involved?"

"Yup! Eggs are a lamia's favorite!" Miia replied cheerfully, her eyes twinkling with enthusiasm. We were making good progress on the pots; anything that didn't go down the drain got set aside for drying, along with the bones we could hardly stuff away. I'd take care of those later. "They're much easier to find than hunting for food, plus they've got lots of protein - an ideal snack for a lamia!"

I couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, eggs are one of my favorite things to eat. I like them scrambled or sunny-side up, but an eggs Benedict is my favorite."

"Eggs, Benedict?" she asked, tilting her head in curiosity.

"It's a delicious breakfast of an English muffin topped with succulent ham and poached eggs smothered in a flavorful sauce."

"Ooooh, that sounds amazing!" Miia exclaimed excitedly, "Can you make some for me?"

"Yeah, why not? I'll make eggs, Benedict, at some point." I shrugged. "So... do you want to give doro wat a try? I'd happily lend a helping hand if you need it."

Miia's eyes lit up excitedly as she nearly dropped the last dish she was wiping. "Really?!" she exclaimed. "You'll help me impress Darling?!"

"What kind of Romance Master would I be if I didn't," I asked rhetorically, not mentioning the fact I also wanted to make sure she didn't poison Kurusu on accident

She grabbed me tightly in a bear hug, her wet hands seeping through my shirt, and exclaimed gratefully, 'Thank you, thank you, thank you!'"

I tensed up at the unexpected touch, but to my relief, she wasn't using her usual strength. I awkwardly patted her back, struggling to keep my movements minimal as I was. "Y-Yeah, of course," I stuttered.

When she released me, I exhaled a sigh of relief. "That hug was surprisingly gentle," I remarked as I grabbed a towel to pat my sides dry.

"Oh, yeah," Miia replied meekly, shifting her stance and pressing her pointer fingers together. "Ever since you said those things during the full moon, I've been trying to restrain myself for Darling's and your sakes..."

Wow, that was such a pleasant surprise! I wasn't sure how successful my message would be, but it looks like it impacted them. The girls seem to have been consciously trying to avoid hurting Kurusu and me recently.

"I appreciate it," I said warmly, my voice filled with gratitude. I wiped at my jeans, and as I did, I noticed a crackling sound. I lifted my hand to investigate and saw what appeared to be pieces of something fragile crumbling between my fingers. Realization dawned on me. "Oh," I whispered, understanding the significance of the moment.

Miia's cheeks were aflame as she stammered, "I-I-I'm s-s-sorry, but I've got to go!" She stumbled over her words as she hastily fled the scene, her embarrassment evident.

I decided not to say anything else, knowing that anything I said would only make her uneasy. Besides, the dishes got cleaned, so there wasn't much to complain about. She had left a few bits of skin scattered around, but I knew I'd have to sweep that up eventually.

Shrugging, I returned to the sink and placed the last cleaned dishes to the side. While I did, I noticed a steady drip coming from the faucet. I tightened the nozzles, but the liquid still seemed to be coming out. On closer inspection, however, I realized it wasn't water but something else entirely.

There was a faint, yet distinct, blue hue to the liquid. When I prodded the slowly expanding puddle in the sink, it jiggled slightly yet remained steadfast.

It seemed we were on the verge of being graced with the presence of the beloved slime girl, although it might take a bit of time yet. Her movement through the pipes was gradual, as evidenced by the tiny droplets of water she left behind. If this rate of progress continued, it could take another day before she reached the same size she was when she first appeared in the series.

I retrieved a large bowl from the cupboard and placed it in the sink. Carefully, I lifted the slimy puddle, which was no more significant than my thumbprint, and it felt like jelly with a bit more solidness. Making sure not to smudge it, I set it in the bowl and stepped back. I was satisfied with the result; otherwise, I feared it would flow back down the drain. Before I could leave, I realized something and quickly grabbed a piece of paper. I scribbled, "Faucet's broken, don't use!" and taped it on the faucet.

I gazed contentedly at the newest member of the family. "Take your time, Suu," I said softly, hoping she could hear me. "I can't wait to meet you."

I grabbed my stomach as it growled in protest, reminding me why I had come here in the first place. Fingers crossed that Miia hadn't ruined the bread.

To be continued!

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