Chapter 132: Evaporation

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"Aki?" Kurusu poked his head into the kitchen, looking curiously at me. "What're you doing?"

"Making tea," I replied, pouring water.

"Uh?" That only made him look more confused. "You've never done that before."

"It's such a special occasion," I said with a forced smile, trying to mask the anxiety that bubbled inside me. "Plus, you always make the tea. You should be over there getting to know your future mother-in-law," I said, forcing a laugh. Inside, I was screaming.

I gestured emphatically toward the living room, where everyone else was gathered around Miia's mother, eagerly listening to stories about Miia's childhood - much to her daughter's dismay. Kurusu shook his head and let out a deep groan in response.

"Why do you have to keep referring to her that way?" he sighed, pressing a palm to his forehead. "Miia and I haven't even begun dating properly yet."

"And yet there's a 'yet,'" I noted, returning to my task. "But don't worry, have fun and enjoy yourself!"

"Hm," he grunted, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. After a few moments of consideration, he finally shrugged and conceded. "Alright. I still find it strange that you're choosing to make tea at this particular time, but if you want to do it, go ahead."

"Much appreciated," I exhaled in relief as he left to join the rest. I observed Mero and Rachnera in the living room give me a peculiar stare, yet I chose to ignore them. I ought to have foreseen that my unconventional action would draw attention, but in my haste, it was the only suitable solution.

The plan was to prepare our tea before Layra could have her turn. I was hoping that the potential of a social blunder would restrain her, enabling me to have an extended conversation with her about Lamian culture. I was confident in my knowledge of the culture, as I had been provided with comprehensive information as a Cultural Exchange counselor.

I had already sent out texts to both Kuroko and Zoe, informing them that I might need their help, yet I had not yet received any replies from them. They might have been still busy dealing with Gu or possibly undergoing an operation. Consequently, I had to presume I would have to handle this situation alone.

"Would anyone like a cup of tea?" I asked, holding the steaming pot of tea and several cups on a tray.

"Ooh, ooh, me!" Papi cried, waving her wing energetically to get my attention. "I want Big Brother tea, please!"

"How courteous of you, Juyo," Cerea said with a nod, taking a cup. "'Tis refreshing."

"I'm just trying to be helpful," I said to Rachnera as I offered her a cup. I looked her directly in the eye and added, "I want us to have a pleasant experience with our guest."

I was aware that Rachnera would likely question why I was suddenly acting out of character, so I had to try to dissuade her before Layra got suspicious. I hoped my subtle hint that I had a good reason for my actions and that we could discuss it later would be enough to get the message across.

She studied me for a few moments before shrugging and taking the cup. "It's rather strange to do it now," Rachnera commented. "But then again, you are an eccentric man, aren't you?"

It took considerable willpower not to give her a flat look.

"Thank you," I said emotionlessly, slowly walking away from her and weaving through the crowd. When I finally reached Layra, I gave her a polite smile. "I hope you'll enjoy the tea, Miss Layra. I'm still inexperienced, but I hope it meets your expectations."

When I leaned in, I noticed an ominously black bottle peeking out of the bag at her side. My heart sank in dread when I realized this was the poison she intended to use on us all. I quickly put on a polite façade, but her sly smirk told me my efforts were futile.


Please, please, please accept my goddamn tea...

"Inexperience is undeniably delightful in its own right," Layra eventually replied, smiling at me while taking the cup from my hand. As she did, her fingers lingered and caressed mine. "For me, it's absolutely endearing!"

"That's nice," I said before quickly stepping back and finding a spot next to Suu and Mero. Although she'd accepted the tea, it was difficult for me to relax. She'd noticed that I'd spotted the poison and my immediate, reflexive reaction to it. I was sure that she had more than that on her, too, since there was the strange hate-lust incense as well. Who knows what other sinister items she was carrying around?

We were far from out of the woods yet.

"Aki," Mero's gentle voice murmured beside me. "Your hands...they're trembling."

I winced, looking down at my hands. Indeed they were.

"I appreciate you telling me," I said, keeping my voice gentle. Kurusu was making conversation with Layra, and thankfully everyone's focus was on them. "I'm still a bit wound up from yesterday at work, but I'm sure I'll be alright."

"Oh, ah, of course," Mero replied, averting her gaze from me. My shoulders slumped as an uncomfortable sensation descended upon me.


No, one thing at a time, man. Please stop trying to overthink everything and take it all at once.

"-The trip was quite enjoyable," Layra said, her coils shifting slightly behind her. "It was my first time in a human airplane, and I was quite excited by the experience. I had heard rumors of the 'Mile High Club,' and I was half-expecting it to appear at some point." She let out a small giggle as she placed her hand over her mouth, her eyes shining with amusement. "Would any of the humans here know how I can get membership to this club?"

Rachnera tried to stifle her laughter but instead snorted, causing Kurusu to blush fiercely. "Is that the first question you have about our culture?" he asked meekly, maintaining a polite smile on his face.

Pretty much everyone else in the room looked on in confusion, save for me, who was groaning, and Miia, who looked like she wanted to die.

"But of course!" Layra replied with enthusiasm. "I've had the privilege of viewing several informative films that depicted the Mile High Club in action, and I must say, it was quite captivating!"

You know, it wasn't shocking that porn ended up under the vague category of "cultural exchange."

"Well, considering none of us are members of the Mile High Club," I interjected, "we can't help you with that. But let's move on. Where did you fly in from?"

Layra gazed curiously at her daughter, inquiring, "Oh, Miia, did you never tell you where we're from?" When Miia shook her head silently, she went on to explain, "Our tribe was moved to the Far Side not too long ago, so I had to travel through the gate in Greece and then take a flight to reach here, the same route Miia had taken, I believe."

I perked up.

"There's a gate to the Far Side in Greece?" I pressed, leaning forward.

"Oh? Now I have your attention?" Layra responded, giving me a sultry look.

I pretended not to notice Mero's body freezing up beside me.

"I'm always fascinated to learn more about the Far Side," I responded. Damn it, where did Lala go? Her quirky perspectives would have been invaluable. Unexpectedly, a delicate floral scent filled my nose. That was strange...

"Mm," Layra hummed, her dark red hair cascading along her shoulders as she rested her chin on an open palm. "Indeed, there is. This is the main hub for citizens of Chthonia, which Miia and I are, and the same goes for the arachne over there."

"Such a shame you already seemed to forget my name after hearing it a few minutes ago," Rachnera commented.

"Mama, be nicer, please," Miia pleaded. "Rachnee's a friend."

"Oh, forgive me!" Layra said, waving a hand and inclining her head toward Rachnera. "It slipped my mind!"

Rachnera grunted, wiping her nose before bringing the tea to her lips.

"Chthonia?" I repeated, my voice filled with wonder. I had seen that word in Cultural Exchange documents before, but only briefly and never in depth. This was the first time I had heard of a multi-species nation outside of Neptunus, the kingdom Mero was from. This was an exciting revelation.

Absently, I sniffled.

"Our tribe is more of a protectorate than a part of Chthonia proper," Layra dismissed. "So you shouldn't confuse us with those stuffy politicians eager to bend over for humans. And not even in the fun way," she added, licking her lips sensually as she switched looks between Kurusu and me.

Yack-worthy flirting aside, were those political and social issues I sensed?

"Forgive me for the abruptness of my departure," Cerea spoke up rather hurriedly, setting down her cup and moving to leave. Everyone turned to face her as she stood by the door. "I must begin preparing for my first fieldwork in the coming days, so I must take my leave now."

"Oh?" Kurusu said. "Um, what's it for?"

"'Tis... classified," Cerea replied, not quite looking at him. She fussed with her clothes briefly before walking away. "I shall return for our evening meal." At that, she left, her hooves clopping against the wooden floor.

"Ah... okay," Kurusu weakly murmured, wiping his nose and sounding oddly dejected. "Well, good luck!"


We all turned our attention back to Layra, who had a satisfied look on her face. Suu's antennae twitched in confusion next to me as she sipped from her cup. It was certainly darker than the tea I remembered. But Suu seemed alright, so I had to focus on Layra and get my questions answered first.

"Miss Layra, if you don't mind me asking," I started, deciding to press forward on a hunch I was beginning to have. "But what's the story behind that distinction? Of being a protectorate and all?"

For a moment, I could've sworn I saw a hint of emotion flickering across her face. A faint quiver of the lips, a slight narrowing of the eyes. But it was fleeting and gone too quickly for me to be sure.

Layra answered flippantly, with a hint of annoyance in her voice, "Oh, just them trying to impose their beliefs on us in the wake of recent events. Nothing that you need to be concerned about, especially not you."

Did... did her tongue just flick out right there?

The scent of the flowers was becoming increasingly overpowering, and I found it increasingly difficult to concentrate, blink, and move. As I slowly turned my head, I saw Mero leaning against her hand, her expression a mask of pain. Behind her, Rachnera and Papi mirrored Mero's expression, their figures swaying heavily as if they were struggling to stand.

Oh no.

Kurusu groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "What's... what's that smell?" he asked, his words slurring slightly.

Damn it, damn it, damn it!

"Suu..." I mumbled, struggling to keep my head up. So... heavy... "Suu..."

She was inert, the cup of tea dehydrated at her feet. Her face was blank and slowly regressing to its Roomba state.

This... bitch...

Miia frantically looked between us, pressing a hand on Kurusu's forehead and asking hysterically, "Guys?! What's wrong?! Kimi, you're heating up!"

Miia wasn't affected. Thank goodness...

The last thing I saw before losing consciousness was Layra grinning from ear to ear and raising both hands to the air in victory. As she rose, I fell.

I'm sorry, guys. I should've seen this coming. I should've been more active and prepared more. I'm... I'm suck a fuck-up. Miia... please. I'm counting on you.

To be continued...

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