Chapter 141: A Fresh Start

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The acrid taste of coffee flooded Kuroko's mouth as she took a long sip. Many years ago, she would have shuddered at the lukewarm liquid, adamant that the only coffee worth drinking was hot enough to burn her tongue. But now, she rarely ever had the chance to enjoy it freshly made. No, there was always a report to read, a call to make, and demands on her attention that she inevitably had to divide amongst the various crises that arose each day.

Much like a certain irksome lamia that thought it a bright idea to poison members of various nations, one of which a future head of state, and abduct two of them to the Far Side.

Kuroko sighed as she set down the coffee mug and adjusted her reading glasses. At least Layra would be taken home by representatives of Chthonia in a couple of days. The headache wouldn't be over yet, but at least that despicable kidnapper wouldn't be taking up a cell and draining their budget. Lamias had such ravenous appetites; it was a miracle Darling managed to keep Miia and all his other tenants fed.

"Need another?"

She glanced up, spotting a familiar figure hunched over a small desk in the corner. His fingers drummed a rhythm on the wooden surface, tapping his feet in time to an unrecognizable melody.

"Still got some left," Kuroko replied, looking down at her files on the larger desk. "Don't worry about it."

"Okely-dokely," Aki nodded. He kept drumming his fingers, looking at the papers before him, until he grunted. "Hey, what's a cerastes?"

"Lamia subspecies with ram horns on their head," she answered, not once looking up. "Less aggressive than echidnae, but they got a stronger bite and are rather stubborn."

"Neat," Aki said. She sighed and looked up from her papers, pushing them aside. He wanted to chat; the two had just spent several hours in silence, after all. Kuroko couldn't blame him; he'd been burning through research, essays, and manuscripts for history books that would've fried the brains of most. "So... they're part of Chthonia, the nation Layra's from, right? Why haven't I seen or heard anything about them before reading this?"

"Cerastes usually stay within their territories," Kuroko replied. "It's hard to find them outside of their homes, let alone in Chthonia; they tend to be more reclusive than most dryads."

"Damn," Aki stated, rubbing his chin. "So how likely are any of their reps to show up at the Expo?"

It made perfect sense for him to ask that, given the fact that the Cultural Exchange Expo was the very reason he had come to the offices that morning. He had arrived with a cup of coffee and a cheery expression, informing Kuroko that he was ready to do whatever he could to help with the preparations. After noticing that he seemed in much higher spirits than the last time she saw him, she immediately put him to work researching the various liminal nations and companies participating in the event.

"Most likely only one," Kuroko suggested. "Though they are not a large collective, the Chthonians will want a representative from each member species present."

"Mm," Aki hummed and nodded. After studying the document for a few more minutes, his bushy eyebrows rose in surprise. "That means there will be a lot of representatives, then. Almost every type of lamia, arachne, empusae, and several varieties of lizardfolk will be in attendance."

"They're one of the bigger fish out there," Kuroko said. "Thankfully, they were one of the trinity of major supporters pushing for the Bill, along with Sheol and Neptunus."

"Sheol's the nation of devils, right?" When she nodded, Juyo smiled. "That's funny. Never would've thought they'd be the crusaders of coexistence."

"Despite what stories or religions may tell you, devils aren't inherently evil," Kuroko pointed out, adjusting her glasses and smirking. "Just more liable to be a pain in the ass."

"Ain't that the truth?" Aki sighed, leaning back into his chair. "That reminds me. How's Lilith doing?"

"The same as always," Kuroko replied nonchalantly. "She likes to push her luck to the limit. It's getting to the point that we might need a member of MON to stake out her house when the family is away. Though, at that point, we might as well deport her for her."

"Shitty," Juyo groaned. "I should visit her again."

Kuroko gave him a critical look. "Didn't I tell you that you didn't have to be on counselor duty for a week?" she asked.

"Well, yeah," he admitted. "But I'm feeling a lot better now."

Kuroko paused, her steely gaze scanning him as she noticed the stark difference. "Last time I saw you, your body was so tightly wound from tension that you looked ready to snap. Not that I'm complaining, but it feels like you've done a complete 180. You seem a lot more energetic now. Did something good happen?" She smiled in anticipation.

It was Aki's turn to smile. "That it did," he said. "I, uh, well..." He gave her a sheepish look. "I told Kimihito and everyone at the house about the manga."

Kuroko blinked. Then, she tilted her head to the side, long raven hair swaying. Then she took off her glasses.

"You what."

Aki flinched as the two words struck him with a dull yet sharp intensity. "Ah, yes, I told them," he murmured, his voice unsteady as he cleared his throat. "Miia was in pieces after what happened with her mom, claiming it was all her fault... I couldn't take it any longer," he said, his expression finally crumbling. "So I had to tell her the truth. It didn't feel right to keep it a secret any longer."

Aki ran his fingers through his dark, curly hair, his voice becoming more animated as he recalled the story. "So I told her, and then I told everyone else. It was a bit messy initially, but eventually, they all knew the truth. I was expecting the worst, but to my surprise, they were more than accepting. It was like a dream come true!" His face lit up with a wide grin, still in disbelief at the outcome.

After shaking his head, Aki continued with a sense of relief. "We all hung out and talked late into the night, and I felt an immense sense of peace that I hadn't felt in a long time," he confessed. "It was only then that I realized how much my inner turmoil had been affecting me."

Kuroko was quiet, staring at him while he spoke and swirling the dark contents of her cup.

"And you're better, now?" she eventually asked. "Really?"

Aki paused to consider the question. Though he was still smiling, his expression seemed to sober a bit.

"I wouldn't say I'm one hundred percent," Aki replied, rubbing his head. "I won't feel complete until I can reunite with my friends and family again. That's when I'll truly be satisfied. But until then...Yes, I'm doing much better than before." He nodded solemnly in agreement with his own words.

Kuroko regarded him briefly before allowing a small smile to grace her face.

"Excellent," she stated with a nod. "Nevertheless, it would be better to go through the appropriate protocols before disclosing government secrets to civilians next time. Understand?" Her smile suddenly turned into something more sinister.

"Uh, y-yes, ma'am," Aki replied sheepishly, though he didn't seem too bothered.

"Lovely." Kuroko brought the cup of coffee to her lips. "For starters, I permit you to tell Bina everything you told them, but only for tonight. After that, no more chances."

That got him.

"W-Wait a goddamn minute!" Aki protested, sitting in his seat and tightly gripping the chair's arms. "Don't I get a say in-!"

A knock on the door cut him off. "Hello, Miss Smith?" the soft voice of Kimihito came through the other side. "May I come in?"

Kuroko gave Aki a victorious smirk. "Come on in, Darling!" she called out while Aki shot her a death glare.

"Hello!" Kimihito walked in with a wave and a friendly smile, but it quickly faded when he saw Aki, whose face was shocked. "Uh, I hope I'm not interrupting anything?"

"No," Kuroko replied before Aki could answer. "I'm just giving Aki some information about the different liminal nations in preparation for the upcoming Cultural Exchange Expo."

"Right..." Kimihito drolled, looking back and forth between the two before shrugging.

"How's Miia doing?" Aki asked after giving up on trying to make Kuroko feel bad silently.

Kimihito said, "She was okay when I left her, but she's visiting her mother now, so I can't imagine what she's going through. I hope they can find some resolution, for Miia's sake." He sighed and shook his head, clearly saddened by the situation.

"Even though she poisoned you and your friends?" Kuroko inquired, quirking an eyebrow.

"For Miia's sake," Kimihito emphasized, his voice growing stronger. "Not mine. She's her mother, and it's clear that she still loves her. I only wish that the love between them could be a less painful experience than it currently is."

"I feel you," Aki sighed, resting his hands behind his head and leaning back into his chair. "But I can't even begin to fathom what I'd think if my mom did something like that." He shook his head, a look of deep contemplation on his face.

"I don't envy Miia right now," Kimihito agreed, his face torn in sympathy.

"Darling," Kuroko spoke up. He looked up to meet her gaze. "Was there something you wanted to discuss? Because we are working in here and need to get things done."

"Oh, that's actually why I'm here." Kimihito brightened a little, clearly thankful for the topic change. He stepped forward until he was directly before her desk. "I want to help."

"Oh? How so?" She seemed amused.

"Anyway, I can," he replied. "Though if I remember correctly, you've told me several times now that I'm the most successful host in the entire homestay program."

"By several orders of magnitude," Kuroko added. "At least in Japan."

"Right," Kimihito said with a wide smile. "There's gotta be something you can use me for when you put it that way, right?"

"Hm, well, you make a compelling argument," Kuroko said with a smirk, clearly enjoying his enthusiasm. "Are you sure you're up for it? It will require a lot of effort, and it might take away from the time you spend with the ladies at home."

"Taking care of them is my top priority," Kimihito asserted sincerely. "However, they won't wilt away if I'm gone for a day; they're more resilient than that. I'm as ready as I'll ever be, Miss Smith. I'm eager to make a real difference through the Cultural Exchange."

"'Real good,' huh?" Kuroko glanced at Aki. "Now, where have I heard that before?"

Aki shrugged. "It's not like the girls would be required to remain home during this period either," he remarked. "Cerea will need to participate in the Expo since she's already a member of MON, and I can't imagine any of the other girls would be content to sit around idly while we're working hard." He paused briefly before snickering. "Though I guess Rachnera might be alright with that," he joked.

Kuroko hummed thoughtfully as she contemplated her thoughts. When she spoke to Kimihito again, her voice was more serious. "Darling, if you're sure about this, I'll give you a full workload. You've succeeded remarkably, making you the perfect poster boy for the Cultural Exchange. You'll become famous beyond this city's boundaries."

She leaned forward and said, "Interviews, meetings, panels, shaking hands with many people, meeting many people, and even kissing a few babies. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?"

"I get that you just described an introvert's worst nightmare," Kimihito laughed.

"Nightmare or not, that's the nature of public relations," Kuroko said firmly, with no hint of humor. Kimihito shrunk back, not daring to utter a word. "You'll have the attention of both the human and liminal worlds and all the implications that come with it."

When she noted his uncomfortable expression, Kuroko sighed and relented.

"Look, I could easily secure you a job as a basic worker, and I'm confident you'd work hard and exceed expectations. However, that would be a huge waste of your potential. I wouldn't entrust this task to anyone else," she stated. "I'm certain it's where you could do the most 'real good'."

"If that's the case," Kimihito said, his eyes burning with an intense determination, "then I'm willing to take on the challenge. I want to share my experience of genuine joy – the joy that comes from helping others and learning more about one another. Does that sound alright to you?" His smile returned, brighter than before, filled with genuine warmth and sincerity.

In the corner, Aki started clapping and whooping like a cheerleader.

Kuroko grinned and stood up from her chair, walking around the desk so that she was right in front of him. "Kuroko," she said as she extended a hand between them.


"For now on, you get to call me that," she declared. "Got it, Kimihito?"

"Ah." His eyes lit up, and he gladly shook her hand. "Got it, Kuroko."

"And to respond to your query," she said after their handshake. "It was a bit cheesy, but you should get extra credit for delivering it with a poker face."

"I thought it sounded pretty good, though..." Kimihito pouted.

"If you keep speaking like that, I'm sure you can give Aki a run for his money in terms of sappiness," Kuroko replied, gesturing towards Aki with a thumb.

"Hey, if it works, it works," Aki shot back defensively, folding his arms. "It ain't easy being cheesy."

"Please never say that again," Kuroko groaned good-naturedly. Turning to Kimihito, she continued, "As for you, I want you to get up to speed on all the different liminal governments and businesses that will be at the Expo, plus current events. Also, I trust you already have an in-depth understanding of the homestay laws, correct?"

"Yeah, I looked extensively at them when Miia first arrived," Kimihito nodded.


"You know, you still haven't told me exactly what I'll be doing yet," Aki piped in.

Kuroko placed her hands on her hips and remarked, "That's still to be determined. Your current circumstances are quite extraordinary, so I must consider carefully how to take full advantage of your abilities."

"Translation work is a given," Aki offered. "Other than that, I dunno, something to do with my counselor work?"

"We'll see. Until then, though..." There was another knock at the door, but far more emphatic than Kimihito's. "Ah, perfect timing."

"Hello, hello, Miss Smith!" Polt shouted in greeting, swinging the door wide open as she strutted in. "Oh, hi, Mister Kurusu and Mister Bando! Fancy meeting you guys here!"

Kimihito and Aki jumped in surprise at the sudden increase in volume in the room, but they quickly regained their composure. "Ah, Hi, Polt," Kimihito said warmly.

"Yo," Aki greeted, giving a small wave.

Polt declared triumphantly, rounding on Kuroko and lifting a briefcase that seemed to be overflowing with documents. "Fontaine and Kasim had to do some serious digging and calculations, but I managed to get you everything you requested!"

Kuroko smiled as she returned to her seat behind the desk. "That's wonderful," she said. "So, we have confirmed using Sports Club Kobold's facilities for the Expo, correct?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Polt exclaimed cheerfully, slamming the briefcase down on the desk with a loud thud. "Omran managed to reach out to some of his old friends in Svartalfheim, so we have the extra funding and support we need!"

"That's a mouthful of a name," Juyo commented from the sidelines.

"Of course that old statue did," Kuroko snorted, rolling her eyes. She then looked back and forth between Kimihito and Aki, her gaze stern and serious. "Listen closely. Polt is one of the best-connected people in Japan when it comes to the liminal world, and we'll be relying on her for help. So pay attention."

"Looking forward to working with you both!" Polt encouraged as we approached, her tail eagerly wagging behind her. "This is gonna be fun!"

To be continued...

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