Chapter 25: Centorea Interlude: The Paladin's Code

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(The first installment of this three-part series of interludes is shorter than usual, setting the stage for the upcoming segments.)

"Centorea-chan," Smith remarked in surprise as the centaur entered her office. "This is quite the rare occasion!" Even though they had built the room with larger liminials in mind, Centorea still found it challenging to maneuver through the stacks of paper that littered the floor. "I apologize for the mess; I never have enough time to clear it all up!"

"It is no trouble at all," Centorea hesitantly assured her, a hint of frustration in her voice due to her considerable size and Smith's negligence. "I sincerely apologize for coming at an inconvenient time."

Smith waved her hand nonchalantly as Centorea gracefully settled into the chair specially crafted for centaurs. "Don't worry about it. So, what's the matter? Is something wrong at home?"

"That is certainly not the case," Centorea answered with a blush, "Master has always been incredibly attentive and considerate of my needs and the needs of everyone else. Even during the more hectic and chaotic moments, my time with Master has been quite pleasant."

Smith smirked slyly. "I'm sure it has been quite pleasant. But if everything's as pleasant as it seems, why would you come to me? Usually, exchange students only come to me if there's an issue or problem."

Centorea inhaled deeply and composed herself before delivering her announcement with a graceful bow. "It is my honor to request to join the esteemed MON Squad humbly!"

Smith blinked, incredulously questioning if she had heard that correctly. When she came to the realization that, indeed, she had, the coordinator removed her sunglasses to make eye contact with Centorea. "What is the reasoning behind this decision?" she inquired, her tone relaxed.

Centorea sighed heavily, her shoulders slumping in frustration. "I have been so troubled, of late, by my fear that I am not upholding the code of honor that I have sworn to uphold," she said, her hands wringing anxiously. "I have devoted my life to my Master, and I shall always strive to protect him. But a knight's duty is not only to their lord, but also to those in need, the vulnerable, and the oppressed."

"I am ashamed of my previous inaction, having been so preoccupied with serving my master and keeping the house in order. However, after seeing and learning of the heroic deeds of the MON Squad in stopping those who would sully the name of liminals and exploit the vulnerable, I knew I had to be a real knight and do my part in making the world a better place."

Smith was quiet momentarily, swirling the steaming liquid in her coffee cup as she thoughtfully considered her words.

"I swear," Smith eventually muttered, "there's something strange about that house..."

"Beg pardon?"

Smith leaned forward, folding her arms on top of the desk. "Before we continue, do you understand what this job would be like? You'd undergo intense and comprehensive training, be required to work in a team environment with high levels of coordination, and face some of the most nefarious and dangerous individuals of both human and non-human natures."

Centorea nodded. "I understand."

Smith gazed intently into Centorea's blue eyes, "Do you have the commitment and dedication to help and protect those who cannot defend themselves? Because while there are many technical requirements that you must fulfill, most of these will get attained through training and experience. But there is one requirement that I will not compromise on - a true desire to serve."

Centorea got taken aback. She had underestimated Smith's dedication to her MON duties. The bitter edge in the agent's voice was a shock but only further convinced her that this was where she belonged.

"I swear it."

Smith beamed and reclined into her chair. "That's wonderful news. You still have plenty of paperwork to fill out, and I need to consult with the other members of MON before making a final decision, but I'm giving you the go-ahead to proceed."

Centorea's eyes sparkled with joy as she bowed several times in appreciation and disbelief. She was overwhelmed by the fact that she had been accepted so quickly and graciously.

"Don't thank me prematurely," Smith cautioned, sipping her coffee. "It's not official until things are confirmed. A representative from MON will be in touch soon with more information."

With a joyful skip in her stride, Centorea left Smith's office. As she made her way home, she sang a cheerful old lullaby that her mother used to croon to her when she was a child. For the first time in an age, the song doesn't feel tinged with sadness.

To be continued!

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