Chapter 49: Zombina Interlude: Ramblin' Gal

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Of course, he fell asleep.

Though, am I surprised? The poor guy was thrown around like a ragdoll all day and then some. It would have been nice if he could stay conscious for a little bit longer, don't ya think?

"Up and at 'em!" I exclaimed as I scooped him up bridal style. His body felt light, yet he was still unconscious due to his recklessness. "Ya had me worried today with your heroic antics and shit!"

Seriously, what kind of shit was that? He allowed himself to be dragged around by a raptor, dropped into the woods, and got a nasty scar from it (though it did look kinda cool, I must admit), only to be captured by a 'roided-up, human-hating dryad that was easily taller than a gigantes! And why? To perhaps save a few random strangers, that's insanity! Ordinary people would never do that, especially if only humans were going against a liminal!

Maybe I shouldn't be using the word 'normal' so freely. After all, my life changed drastically when my sister and I were bitten 21 years ago. Since then, my life has been an endless cycle of chaos and craziness - not to mention the added insanity of Roanapur.

I gazed down at the man sleeping peacefully in my arms, and I couldn't help but feel a warmth radiating from my heart. Although I may not be the most intelligent person in the world, I'm not stupid enough to deny experiencing something genuine and meaningful. I'm sure it's what most people would call 'affection' and most likely even 'attraction.'

I cursed under my breath, shaking my head in disbelief as I stared at the nearly full moon. "Is this your doing, Ya jerk?" I muttered, but the moon remained silent as usual. I wanted to give it the finger, but unfortunately, my hands were full.

If only I had met him a decade ago or more, this would have been a lot simpler to handle. Back then, I had no room for relationships or attachment to anyone other than my sister.

A tank was sent flying into a dilapidated apartment complex, the impact creating a storm of metal and concrete and noise.

Back then, it was so simple: go that way, shoot the bad guys, rinse, and repeat. But it was more than just an easy task - it was an opportunity to give back to her after all the kindness she'd shown me. Plus, I deeply loved a good fight, so it was a Heh, no-brainer to sign up. It was a win-win situation for me.

A vicious roar echoed through the burning streets, followed by the harsh bark of gunfire.

Of course, then came Katsumi Katsuragi and Roanapur. It was quite a challenging time to 'discover myself,' or whatever expression people frequently use nowadays.

A colossal giant with horns protruding from his head towered above the insignificant humans that bravely attempted to impede him, tears streaming down his face even as he mercilessly trampled them beneath his feet.

I'm not going to dwell on the past. It's not in my character. I've accepted what happened, and even though it was difficult, I'm thankful for it because it has led me to where I am now.

Aki muttered something in his sleep and shivered. Reflexively, I pulled him closer for warmth.


This fucking guy was so infuriating that he would fall asleep outside, where mosquitoes could drain him dry. Fortunately for me, this was no longer a concern; anything that tried to take my 'blood' ended up dying unpleasantly. It was a fitting punishment for them.

I didn't know what about this guy made my heart flutter—but that's a lie; I knew exactly why. He was fun to be around; he wasn't scared to banter and joke with me. Whenever I flirted with him, he would answer amusingly, not just in an overly-awkward manner. He would usually roll his eyes and not take any of it seriously or even flirt back with me sometimes. It was refreshing, especially since most people felt uncomfortable when a zombie hit on them. That was half the reason why I did it—it was super fun to see people squirm.

It also helped that he seemed like a genuinely good person. Even if it did get him in trouble every once in a while Though, I did find something a bit off about him at times. It was almost as if he wasn't entirely present with us, like his mind was elsewhere. It was almost like he was staring off into the distance or thinking so profoundly that his body stopped until he finished. That was a bit strange. And that's not even mentioning his often-reserved nature.

Despite my misgivings, I still liked him. I'm courageous enough to admit that. I stopped denying my feelings and accepting who I was a long time ago, and it was a difficult lesson to learn that suppressing my emotions never ended well.

A sickly green face turned away from me, unable to see the state I'd put myself in.

Maybe I should bite the bullet and ask him out tomorrow or the day after. He deserves a break from the rigors of life, and if he says yes, that's great! If not, I'll have to keep soldiering on - or whatever it's called for zombies. Un-live? Stay dead? After 21 years of this, I still don't know the right word to describe it. Guess that's just part of the journey.

Whatever. That's tomorrow-me's problem. Until then, just carrying the guy home was enough for me.


I swiveled my head frantically, desperately searching for the source of the sound I thought I had heard. Although my senses weren't as formidable as Mana's or Doppel-chan's, I was still sharper than most if I remained vigilant.

"Yo!" I shouted out to the deserted street, standing beneath the streetlight. I squinted, barely able to make out anything in the darkness that engulfed me. "Is anyone out there who can show me I'm not just talking to myself?"


"Asshole," I muttered as I kept walking on.

"Rude," mumbled a voice very close to me.

"Jesus!" I yelped, almost dropping him in surprise. "Do ya want me to drop your ass on the concrete?!"

Aki slowly blinked at me, his cracked lips quivering as he took in his predicament. "Is this the second or third time you've had to carry me today?" he asked faintly.

"Third," I snorted, "Only because you're as weak as a limp noodle."

"Hmm," he grunted before yawning, "I'm sure you noticed how cray-cray today was for me, so I hope you understand if I'm a bit tired."

"'Cray-cray'?" I looked at him dubiously. "The fuck says that?"

"Sleepy people. Also, you can let me go if you want. I can walk the rest of the way."

"Nah," I shook my head, "I got you. Get some sleep already, ya weirdo."

Aki hummed contentedly, not making a single move, which made me smile. "Looks like they're not going to stop talking about this," he groaned in exasperation.

"Who gives a shit?"

He looked up at me for an eternity, long enough to feel my preservation fuel flush my cheeks. Finally, he broke the silence by giving a soft laugh. "Fair enough. Thanks, Zombina."

I smiled. "No prob, Aki."

The rest of the walk was peaceful. I could sense he wasn't dozing off this time, but scolding him for it wouldn't do any good, so I decided to let it go. I used to find joy in all the loud and wild moments, yet I have come to value these quiet times more, considering how infrequently they come around. Ever since Aki entered my life, these calm moments have occurred more often. I guess I should be grateful for that.

In the crumbling ruins of a city that had once been home to the most despicable people in the world, a teenage girl with raven-black hair and tears streaming down her cheeks extended her hand to me.

Lord knew I'd earned that much, at least.

To be continued!

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