Chapter 64: Staying The Course

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I looked on, watching everyone hastily scurry into the elevator as ominous creaking noises filled the air, and I quickly decided that I would not join them.

"Let's go with this one," I said, steering Mero's wheelchair toward the other elevator. Suu quickly caught up with us while Papi sauntered along. "Enjoy yourselves," she called out after us.

Polt asked from inside the elevator, barely able to dodge Miia's coils, "What are you talking about? There's plenty of space!"

"I beg to differ," responded Rachnera, who had half of her legs pressed against the wall, "Perhaps it is for the best that we split up, for if we do not, the gym could be closed down before it even opens due to some disastrous accident."

"Yeah, going splat doesn't sound too appealing to me," I agreed, "Let's meet up there. Papi, would you like to join us on our ride?"

"Mmmm... nope! I'll fly up!" she replied before ascending and flying towards the rock climbing wall. Oh yeah, it seemed to reach up to the top floor. Yet...

"Wait, Papi!" I shouted, "Do you know what floor we're headed to? Aaaaaand she's already gone."

Polt added, "There's also a super thick glass wall between the existing floor and the rock climbing wall, so no one can accidentally fall off! But I'm sure she'll catch on real quick."

Everyone except Polt and Suu uttered a simultaneous "Ehhhh...", making the atmosphere incredibly eerie.

"Regardless," I began after exchanging uncomfortable glances, "Is there any way Papi can reach us without flying back down here? Otherwise, I think I'll stay here and wait for her."

Polt exclaimed, "There is a special opening through the glass on each floor! This is in case of an emergency and can be used at a moment's notice!"

Well, that was convenient and also exceptionally fortuitous. It was unexpected, but I'm glad it worked out this way. This was an excellent idea for liminals that prefer flying to each floor rather than taking the elevator. It's much more efficient and enjoyable.

"Gucci, then Mero, Suu, and I are gonna take the other elevator," I said, "We'll see you guys there. Fourth floor, right?"

"Yup, yup!"

One thankfully uneventful elevator ride later, we found ourselves on the fourth floor. Compared to the first floor, which mainly had regular-sized exercise equipment, this floor was filled with intricate contraptions that weren't haphazard or random at all - even if I had no idea what they were at first glance.

There was a strange, spring-shaped object roughly the length of Miia, some odd-looking hydraulics, and a few pull-up bars (or at least, objects that somewhat resembled them). Having only been to the gym twelve times during my college years, I was unfamiliar with the terminology, although I did recognize some of the 'standard' exercise equipment.

As the ding echoed through the air, the doors slowly opened, and all the others, except for Miia, rushed out, their breaths coming in shallow, rapid gasps.

Polt chuckled, fanning herself with a paw as she felt the heat from the stuffy elevator ride. "Guess I'll have to add elevator ventilation to the to-do list!" she said with a bemused expression.

"One would think... that would be common sense..." Cerea complained.

"It was fine for me," Miia replied cheerfully, "Though I guess it was a little stuffy...."

"Says the cold-blooded reptile," Rachnera groused.

"In any case, this floor is tailored to the needs of lamias, their various subspecies, and other creatures with similar body types, like eel mermaids!" proclaimed Polt, not letting the sweltering heat affect her. "A Melusine has given me invaluable advice on most items here!"

"Melusine?" Kurusu echoed, looking confused, "What's that?"

Cerea answered, "It's a lamia subspecies. They share several characteristics with dragonewts, such as draconic wings, but unlike dragonewts, these wings are useless for gliding, making them virtually worthless."

"They can also be a little mean," Miia confided, lowering her voice for some reason, "And they get super serious all the time!"

"Lusig could be quite stern at times," Polt confessed, "But she's just as passionate as I am about helping liminals progress. Her wisdom was invaluable! I have an invention of hers I'd like to show you all!"

As Polt led us, I kept vigil for Papi beyond the glass wall. Thus far, I had seen no sign of her. I assumed she had gone up to the eighth floor, which made me a little anxious. I hoped that she wouldn't tire herself out too much.

"And here it is!" Polt said, "Lusig's Coil Strengthening Grip!"

It resembled one of those hand strengtheners, the small metal grips enveloped in rubber that carried out their purpose as their name implied. Except it was inverted, the metal core rooted into the ground, boasting four rubber grips instead of two that shot up like peculiar alien vegetation. It was broad enough for me to stand in the center with considerable comfort easily.

It was not difficult to understand the object's function, given its name and appearance.

Miia wrapped around the equipment cautiously, her eyes scanning the object curiously. "Now what?" she asked, a curious glint in her eye.

Polt enthusiastically pointed to the metal bar just above the grips, "To start, grab the bar with both hands and wrap your arms around it. After you feel secure, tighten your lower body on the grips and gradually expand your hold. Lusig showed me the technique, and it looked like so much fun! I wish I had legs so I could do it too!"

... Sad as it was, I'd heard weirder things before I came to this world.


The loud sound startled us, causing us to turn toward the commotion. We were met with the sight of Papi flapping erratically on the other side of the wall; her face flushed and an expression of equal parts pain and confusion. However, her confusion quickly turned to determination as she backed up and seemed ready to launch herself into the glass again.

"No! Papi, stop!" I yelled, sprinting towards the wall and vigorously waving my arms. "There's a door right here, okay?! Stop trying to break through-!"


I sighed in frustration as I ran towards the door, which was nothing more than a piece of glass that moved aside when a button was pressed. I pressed the button and called out to Papi again, "Papi! I'm over here!"

She fluttered over to me, sniffling and rubbing her head as she set herself down on the small landing just outside the door.

Papi winced as she touched her forehead, her blue eyes welling up with tears. A large bruise had already formed, and she muttered in pain, "Papi hurt her head..."

"It's alright," I whispered, wrapping my arms tightly around her and running my fingers through her hair. "big brother is here for you. Would you like me to pick you up?"


After she got settled and rode piggyback on me, we headed back to join the rest. While there was some concern for Papi, once it was ascertained that she would be okay and was already beginning to recuperate (though she refused to let me put her down), attention returned to the Coil Strengthening Grip. To save myself the hassle of saying it in full, I referred to it as the CSG.

"What do you say, Miia? Why don't you give it a try?" Polt suggested, a gleam of excitement in her eyes as she gestured towards the contraption before her. Miia hesitated, her red hair shining in the light as she eyed the machine warily.

"I dunno..." she said nervously, "If a Melusine made it, it might be too intense for me...."

"You know, we've all taken advantage of the things Polt-san has provided us with," Rachnera said, "so it would be nice if you could show some appreciation and offer some constructive feedback - she seems quite keen to hear it!"

"Papi hasn't, yet," I cut in, "Though she's certainly done plenty enough already...."

The person in question giggled from behind me.

Kurusu reassured her with a comforting smile, "There's no pressure to do it if you don't want to."

Miia's amber eyes darted between him and the rest of the girls, mainly focusing on Cerea. She was likely comparing herself to them, no doubt feeling inferior due to Rachnera's presence. Rachnera, Mero, and Cerea each displayed their strengths, while Miia thought she had done nothing to prove herself. However, when I saw a spark ignite in her eyes, I could tell that her traditional lamia passion had been reignited, born out of a determination to match up to the others.

"I'll do it!" Miia declared with a confident grin, clenching her fist.

It suddenly dawned on me that this trip to Sports Club Kobold had become an unintentional contest of one-upmanship. Fortunately, none of them had proposed a sparring match, although I could easily envisage Cerea calling a duel soon.

Miia followed Polt's instructions, expertly latching onto the bar before gracefully wrapping her impressive bulk of almost seven meters around the CSG twice at its widest spread. Despite supposedly putting on some extra weight, the rippling muscles under her red scales were still clearly visible.

At Polt's direction, Miia took a deep breath and tightened her grip on the metal. Despite the groaning of the metal, it did not break under the immense power of her strength. I couldn't help but be amazed at the force Miia exerted as her muscles bulged in the effort. Despite her apparent difficulty, her sweating face and trembling hands showed that she was making progress faster than I had anticipated.

Seriously, how had Kurusu ever managed to survive being constricted by a Lamia? Lamias were known to be powerful enough to tear through steel if they genuinely wanted to, and if Miia was anything to go by, they didn't always have the best self-control.

It could have been my imagination, as well as Lala's comments about Kurusu in canon, but I was starting to consider if something supernatural was at play seriously. It might be related to whatever the mysterious Far Side has to do with this world.

Miia eventually stopped, exhausted and unable to move an inch forward. Kurusu attempted to catch her, but her weight caused them both to fall. Surprisingly, the CSG was unharmed, demonstrating that it was stronger than steel. It made sense, as a lamia subspecies evidently designed it. After all, who would know the limits of a lamia better than their kind?

"Wow, you lasted almost as long as Lusig!" Polt exclaimed, offering a water bottle to the exhausted Miia. "That's truly impressive!"

"Th-Thank you," Miia said shakily, gratefully taking the bottle and quickly drinking some clear liquid until she felt Kurusu's hand tapping urgently against her. "Oh, I'm sorry, Darling! Are you alright?"

"I'm okay, I'm okay," he sighed in relief, emerging from beneath her. He gave her an encouraging grin as he rose and extended his hand. "You did amazing, Miia!"

As Kurusu's harem protagonist, musk worked magic on Miia, who blushed brilliantly and sweetly cooed her love for Darling. I tilted my head towards Papi, who was still riding on my back, taking in the moment.

"How're you feeling?" I asked.

"Better now!" Papi chirped, "Thanks a bunch, big brother!"

"Sure thing," I replied with a smile, "So, do you think you'll be okay with whatever stuff Polt has in store for harpies?"

"Yeah, I wanna see Papi's stuff!" she said excitedly, "Everyone else got their extradite embattlement, so now it's Papi's turn!"

I would've corrected her word choice, but she looked so damn cute and eager. And I was too busy laughing, which also helped.

To be continued!

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