Chapter 72: Mero Interlude, Part 1: Moonlit Waves and Mermaids Tale

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Over a month ago...

"Princess Meroune Lorelei du Neptune, I want you to participate in the Cultural Exchange."

I had been expecting my mother to say that, yet that didn't prevent my stomach from churning. She had summoned me to court, which meant that I would be in front of numerous nobles and dignitaries, and I would need to behave appropriately. "Don't put on those strange, drab garments you're so fond of that are only fit for servants," she instructed gently, "It would be inappropriate for our esteemed guests to think of you as one of them, wouldn't it?"

My retort that no one could mistake me, the proud Princess of Neptunus, one of the four great Merfolk kingdoms, for a mere fishfolk quickly dissipated on my lips. Knowing I needed to obey my mother's wishes, I arrived at her summons wearing only the most fashionable attire. This week, I chose a beautiful sea foam-colored dress with frills that flowed like waves, perfectly adorned with a pattern of conches and moons along the seams.

"My Queen," I said, bowing my head respectfully and striving to maintain my noble tone, "It would be an honor and a privilege for me to be a part of this union between our kind and the humans. Despite my confusion, I humbly request that you explain your reasons for wishing this of me?"

Although I enjoyed the formal speech with other nobles and high-borns, testing how much I had learned and could learn by playing the game of grandiose loquaciousness, I always felt uneasy engaging in it with my mother. It felt insincere to converse with my mother in such an artificial way; however, she was the Queen and I the Princess, so perhaps she had better insight than I.

Mother gave a melodic chuckle from her throne, her finger delicately brushing against the gem-encrusted scepter in her grasp. She looked down at me with a loving gaze, making me feel so tiny in front of the many observers. Why did you have to tell me this now, Mother, in the presence of these unfamiliar faces?

"The Cultural Exchange has become a symbol of hope for both our worlds, a noble union of species that promises a brighter future for us all. It is our duty as supporters of this historic event to participate in it and experience the joy and new opportunities it offers us. What better way to show Neptunus' support than to have our own Princess live amongst the humans, to learn their ways, and to share ours with them?" Mother said, her voice resounding through the throne room as she swept her scepter across the room, commanding undivided attention.

Mother, you know I have never ventured beyond the capital in my twenty-one years of life; it was a rarity for me to even be outside the palace. So why are you so abruptly casting me out into the world I know nothing about, and on the surface, too?!

Surely she knew what was best, yes? Being the Queen and my mother, she would never do anything to endanger her only daughter, right? After all, this was for something noble, as she said. The prospect of bettering the relationship between humans and merfolk in a public manner was something unheard of until five years ago. Being part of the first grand step towards a future where both liminals and humans could coexist was the highest honor.

I should be proud, exalted even! So what was this lingering doubt in my heart?

"And... does my King feel the same?" I asked hesitantly.

For the first time, Mother let scorn mar her beautiful face, but it lasted only a moment. Our audience likely had not caught it, but I sadly had expected it.

She answered politely, her lips twitching sadly, "Unfortunately, he has been dealing with an influx of sahagin, the rabble, on our borders and won't be available for another week. Despite this, I know his opinion and confidently say he would support my decision."

"I... I see," I murmured, unconvinced of my words. The tension between my parents had been palpable for as long as I could remember, yet I could never discern the cause. I had lost count of the number of formal events I attended where they both put up a united front - but that was all it was a façade. "Then... I humbly accept this honorable charge you have bestowed upon me, My Queen," I said, dipping my head in a deep bow, my long pink locks cascading over my eyes as I attempted to mask the confusion and turmoil within.

"Fret not, my child," Mother warmly said as I rose, "Though you may be far from home, know that the goodwill of your kingdom will always be with you. And perhaps..." A playful smile graced her face, her eyes twinkling with anticipation as she beheld the crowd. "This may be the best opportunity to explore life and discover the ultimate joy deep within our hearts."

The nobles were instantly abuzz.

"Could it be... ?"

"I'm so jealous! Maybe I should join the Exchange, too...."

"Oh, such a good mother, always helping her daughter so...."

I blinked, almost not believing what I'd heard.

How could I have been so blind? Her true intention all this time was to enable me to reach the highest of highs, the goal I had been striving for since I was a child! Even now, I remember when Mom sat me down and read me that story that would become my life's ambition. She wasn't discarding me; she was giving me the best gift I could have ever asked for!

The tragic romance!


The morning after the full moon...

Last night was... unpleasant.

After speaking with Aki, he left to spend the night with that glorified cadaver. No, wait, that was mean! I hadn't meant it, I swear!

I sighed and sank deeper into the pool, reflecting on what I had done in solitude during the full moon, despite my longing to do otherwise. It was probably for the best that I was restrained to a confined area during the full moon, or else I might have inflicted harm on others or myself due to my agitated state. After all, it would not be acceptable for a Princess to be observed losing the command of her emotions or body.


I vigorously shook my head in an attempt to erase all of the gloomy contemplations that had lingered in my mind during the night. Not only were they unhelpful, but I was also worried that they might have damaged my perspective of Aki.

He was meant to be my one opportunity for a genuine romantic tragedy! The solitary dimensional voyager, finding solace in the kindhearted mermaid princess who desperately attempted to comprehend his plight! But, to my dismay, he flat-out refused that possibility. He was so bold to state he had no interest in having a partner, and that tragic romances weren't the greatest source of pleasure in life!

That alone should've been enough to push me away... but every time I tried, fond memories kept coming to my mind. Every small gesture he did to care for me, pushing my wheelchair, talking openly to me but in a manner that wasn't hostile, those...enchanting words he uttered while he was intoxicated. But the most prominent of them all was that time in the rain, carrying me in his arms, visibly strained from the effort, yet he never uttered a single complaint. Singing to me, unconcerned with the rain that cascaded down his face...

Gosh, why was he so vexing?

"Rough night?"

I yelped in surprise and hastily submerged into the water, feeling embarrassed and flustered. However, I quickly composed myself and cautiously rose above the surface, only to find Rachnee-san gazing at me with a bemused expression by the door.

"You're far too sneaky, Rachnee-san," I reprimanded, straightening up and leaning my arms along the pool's edge. "Remember to knock before entering a lady's private chambers."

"What's the fun in that?" she responded with a shrug, "Questions still stands, by the way."

I looked at her evenly before caving in and sighing.

"You would be correct to assume as much," I admitted, slumping against the marble floor. "Unfortunately, my mental state had been deteriorating even before the full moon had set in, and so...well..."

"Of course, that idiot left you like that," Rachnee-san groaned, palming her face with a claw.

"You... you knew that my thoughts were of Aki?" I asked curiously, surprised.

"Even the blind could see what's been going on with you two," she responded, "You're not what I'd call subtle, Mero."

Warmth rushed to my face in embarrassment as I uttered, "I...I see. If I may ask, where is everyone this morning? I haven't yet left my room today."

Rachnee-san told me, folding her arms, "Centorea, Papi, Suu, Honey, and Counselor-san have all left for the gym earlier than expected. As for Miia, she's been lying in her room, doing her best slug impression. I tried to wake her up, but all I got from her was a half-hearted tail slap in response."

"And did you not desire to go to the gym?"

"I'd much rather go in the evening, to be honest. I was planning to see if one of the guys would be willing to come with me tonight, but if not, well," She gave me a sly smile and shrugged, "It's no secret why I prefer the night, after all."

"You don't mean to say," I gasped, "You'd leave without a host?!"

"Oh, come now," Rachnera said with a light laugh, "I do it all the time, and so does Papi. She gets away with it because she's so cute; I get away with it because I'm too crafty to be caught. Now that I think about it, why don't we go sightseeing? Would you like to join me?"

"But... but Rachnee-san! That's..." I paused, my eyes darting around before I leaned forward to whisper, "Illegal."

"I couldn't care less if I ended up deported," Rachnee-san retorted fiercely, "It would hardly be the worst thing humans had done to me. And you may think I'm being presumptuous, but something tells me that deportation wouldn't be a threat to someone like you."

"Why, Rachnee-san," I said, putting on my best diplomatic face. An easy yet cordial smile, slightly inclined head, and eyes narrowed only subtly. My mother always taught me to assume this expression each time I needed to be cautious but in a way that would not provoke displeasure. "What has led you to think so?"

"What you just did," she pointed out, smirking at the surprise on my face, "And more besides. You always seem to have a diplomatic approach when you talk to people, with a regal bearing that could be considered a bit overdramatic. But," Rachnee-san shrugged, "That doesn't matter. All I know is that you must leave the house and get some fresh air."

This arachne... was far more astute than I had initially anticipated. The fact that she could so effortlessly discern my carefully honed etiquette was quite revealing. Her insights also made me realize that perhaps she was right in her assertions.

"But, alas, going out is not so simple for me," I lamented, "If you are required to push my wheelchair, that could impede our ability to evade potential difficulties."

Rachnee-san's smirk widened into a toothy grin, and silk began to form in her hands. She pulled a string taut for emphasis and asked with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, "You honestly think I'd let something so insignificant stand in my way? Now, little mermaid, why don't you come with me and have real fun in the great wide world instead of sitting here and moping over some trivial idiot?"

I gazed at Rachnee-san in amazement, wondering why she was adamant about aiding me despite having virtually no prior interactions with her. Most people would view her actions as suspicious due to her ghastly appearance. However, at this moment, I was not concerned with that. My room felt stifling, isolating, and the water in the pool was still. It was time for me to take a leap of faith.

Mother, I understand that this isn't what you had envisioned for me when I departed, and for that, I am truly regretful. Yet, as Rachnee-san took my webbed hand in her clawed one, lifting me, I felt a sense of acceptance and contentment. I knew then that this wasn't so bad after all.

To be continued!

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