Chapter 89: A Dance Deals And Demons

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Kuroko and I walked down the halls of the Cultural Exchange building, and she informed me that they had contacted the host family. Unfortunately, all the household members were working, and the earliest one could arrive was in two hours.

"I'm not shocked," I sighed. "She probably studied their daily routines and planned to prevent raising any suspicions."

"My thinking as well," Kuroko nodded before giving me a questioning gaze. "By the way, what exactly did this little brat do in the manga? It still feels a little strange to think about." Kuroko groaned and massaged the bridge of her nose.

I couldn't help but let out a little chuckle upon hearing that. Apologetically, I said, "My apologies for that..."

She shrugged. "You did a good job bringing this to my attention. I'm glad we caught her before one of her pranks went too far. I'm guessing something like this has happened 'before'?"

"Kurusu was having stalker problems and had decided to go on a date with Cerea to lure them out. However, Lilith showed up instead and tried to troll everyone, but soon found her plan backfiring when Rachnee intervened and convinced her to back off. Despite the chaotic situation, no one was physically injured - except for Manako's feelings, of course - but a random boar had mysteriously appeared in the middle of the city, leaving everyone wondering how it had got there."

I chose not to tell Kuroko the specifics of how Rachnee achieved that.

Kuroko rubbed her chin as she processed all that, considering the situation carefully. "That doesn't sound too bad, all things considered," she said. "But you said Darling had a stalker? That changes things. Have there been any other incidents we should be aware of?"

"Yes, that was just Doppel stirring up trouble," I said dismissively, "but the reasons for it no longer apply, so there is nothing to worry about."

Kuroko sighed and said, "Sounds like her, alright." We stopped at the door, which was the same one that Kii had been placed in after she was drained of the nutrients. Tio was standing guard outside, dressed in civilian clothes, and topped off with her fully-enclosed helmet. The combination of her yellow frilly dress and her expressionless, plated, and horned helmet was oddly comical; she cheerfully waved at us when she noticed us.

"Hi, Aki!" Tio chimed with enthusiasm, her voice muffled slightly by the protective helmet she wore. "How are you today?"

"We'll find out soon enough," I replied honestly, a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth as I looked her over. "So... what's with the helmet?"

"Oh, this?" Tio tapped her fist against the hard shell. "By covering my eyes with this, lesser devils won't be able to use hypnosis on me as I have forgotten my sunglasses!"

"Ah, I see," I nodded in understanding, "Kuroko, what do you have in mind for dealing with this situation?"

Kuroko replied, tossing her hair to the side, "Send her off with a warning since, as far as crimes go, she hasn't done anything worth deporting over. To ensure that similar incidents don't happen in the future, I'll be placing a tracer on her. Additionally, I'd like to officially add her to your list of counseling patients, as this could help her stay out of trouble in the future."

Yeah, I knew it was coming, but that didn't make it any less unpleasant.

Kuroko must have seen the look on my face because she smirked and went on to say, "What? Afraid of a mere devil? After all, you could coax a mandrake out of its shell and make a wild raptor give humans a second chance despite living in a cramped dung heap. I'm sure you can manage this situation."

"Mandroot and Preya weren't attempting to hypnotize me or hurt me either," I droned, "so that was a relief."

"Do you believe that Lilith will attempt to harm you?"

I let out a deep sigh. "No, she won't physically fight you if you somehow work around her... peculiarities. It will take a while for her to open up, though - that much is certain."

"Oh, have you met her before?" Tio piped up.

Right, I almost forgot. I felt Kuroko's eyes boring into me behind her sunglasses as I answered.

"Not really; I'm more just basing this off what I've heard about her here and there." Hey, that was technically true! Though I did feel a bit bad withholding information from someone as sweet as Tio.

She seemed to accept that if her nod was any indication. "Okay!"

I looked over at Kuroko. "Should I go talk to her?" My voice was more for my reassurance than anything else. She gave me an understanding nod in response.

"That would be the best option, yes," she said before her expression shifted into a slight frown. "But you should protect your eyes with something."

I self-consciously touched my eyes. "Yeah, I'd like not to get hypnotized if it's all the same to you."

To my shock (and Tio's, busy gaping in astonishment beside me), Kuroko unexpectedly removed her sunglasses and offered them to me. "Please return them to me when you're done," she said.

I responded with a thankful yet disbelieving "Thank you!" as I gingerly held the sunglasses, almost as if I feared that they were too fragile for a mere mortal to touch.

Kuroko sighed exasperatedly and said, "Oh please, will you stop being so dramatic about it? The damn things are so cheap; you could get them for next to nothing."

I cleared my throat awkwardly. Seriously, man, it wasn't a big deal. "Right, right." I slowly put them on, and... yeah, they were cheap, considering how the plastic poked at my skin. How could she even stand wearing them so often and for so long? "Anyway, here goes."

Without further ado, I swung open the door and stepped inside.

"Oh, thank goodness, they finally sent someone in here!" exclaimed the little girl as she wiped away her tears, "I swear I'm innocent, mister! Surely you can see that a sweet and innocent little girl like me would never be so cruel to that poor policeman!"

She seemed unobtrusive enough, with her face hidden beneath her hood and her turquoise hair covering the horns I knew she had. She was so small and frail, huddled in a ball and seemingly prepared to weep uncontrollably. If I hadn't known better, I probably would have been taken in by her display.

Thank god that wasn't the case.

"So, you're telling me there's another devil out there who looks just like you - tanned skin, turquoise hair, black and gold eyes, a black and white hoodie, and purple horns - who's also enrolled in the Cultural Exchange's hosting program?" I asked, my voice filled with disbelief. "I'm truly stunned."

Lilith's expression shifted from a fleeting frown to a mischievous grin instantly. She dramatically removed her hood, revealing her naughty and horned self.

"Wow, they sent me a jester who thinks he's a goon," Lilith said, folding her arms and leaning back in her chair. A pair of leathery wings protruded from her back, twirling in the air, followed by a thin, spaded tail that swayed gently behind her. "I guess I should be flattered, huh?"

"Don't be too quick to jump to conclusions," I cautioned, placing my elbows firmly on the table between us. "Labeling me a 'goon' couldn't be more inaccurate."

Lilith smirked as she surveyed me like a piece of meat, saying, "Yeah, come to think of it, you're too much of a string bean to be a goon. So what's the dealio? Will you slap me on the wrist and send me out with a stern warning?"

"More of the former than the latter," I admitted, my eyes drawn to the winding tail involuntarily. Could she use hypnosis through that? All I knew was that she could use it through her fingers. I shook my head to refocus. "We'll be doing something more than just issuing a stern warning this time," I said firmly.

"Oh? What kind of punishment could you dish out on a cute little devil like me?" she asked playfully, batting her eyelashes.

Christ, I hated dealing with this type.

"I don't think 'punishment' is the right word to use here," I told her. "It's clear that you have run away multiple times, so let's try to understand why you are doing this and find a solution. The Cultural Exchange would prefer not to have to send you away from the country."

"Oooh, scary, deportation!" Lilith cried, rolling her eyes.

Suppressing a sigh, I continued, "Which is why I'm here as your counselor for the foreseeable future, to listen to your worries and work together to find solutions to whatever conflicts you may have with your host family."

Lilith quirked an eyebrow, her expression thoughtful. I could almost see the mischievous gears whirring in her mind as she tried to find a way out of the arrangement, all while taking advantage of the situation. It was clear that she had been caught red-handed, and with the government's eye on her, she was likely calculating how to turn the situation to her benefit, even if it had to be at my expense.

Finally, that smirk returned, revealing a set of gleaming teeth that reminded me of Zombina - a crazy devil girl who saw herself as a powerful and glamorous succubus.

Lilith declared bluntly, "Let's just cut the crap, 'kay? I'm not going to change, and I'm not going to let some tax-paid shrink attempt to convince me otherwise."

"That remains to be seen," I replied hesitantly, without absolute conviction.

"And see, you have to say things like that to fulfill your duties," Lilith continued, her gaze turning suggestive as she leaned forward, "So why don't we make this situation mutually beneficial for us both?"

Yeah, I'mma let you finish, but...

"No, thanks, you're not my type," I cut her off, "I'm into older women."

"Funny you should say that," Lilith purred without missing a beat, "Devils age a little differently than other species, y'know? I'm quite a bit older than I appear to be..."

"Oh, I know," I elaborated, "But regardless, I already have a girlfriend."

"Oh yeah? Who?" Lilith snorted, "That airheaded slab of ogre out there?"

My hand involuntarily jerked from the slight to Tio, yet I suppressed it. Lilith was trying to elicit my emotional response, and I had to remain guarded around her. I couldn't let her in as I had with Mandroot and Preya, where my straightforwardness had served me well. With Lilith, I had to be more cautious and composed, at least for the moment. I knew that any vulnerability I showed her now would only be used against me, as she still viewed me as a plaything or an impediment.

It would be an arduous task, but I was determined to try and keep Lilith engaged and intrigued without pushing her away or drawing her too close. I was not willing to give up on her and decide that she was beyond help until I had absolute proof that it was true. I learned from my experiences with Draco that nothing is ever as simple as it seems and that it is essential to give people a chance.

At the very least, it'd be a good test of my counseling abilities, such as they were.

"Nope," I answered, "Her name's Jill." For emphasis, I raised my hand with the backside facing her.

Judging by the bewildered expression on her face, it was clear that she hadn't understood my plan. I couldn't help but congratulate myself on my brilliant and intricate schemes exactly going as I had envisioned. If there was one thing I could be sure of in life, it was my uncanny ability to perplex and baffle people with my nonsensical words and ill-timed references. I felt proud of myself!

"... Uh huh," Lilith slowly said, her sultry gaze broken as she tried to comprehend my words. Her predatory smile returned as she lifted a finger and pointed it at me. "But like I said," she began to twirl in a captivating pattern. "I guarantee it'll be-"

I briskly swatted the finger away. "No, I'm not going along with the hypnosis. It's not ethical."

Lilith's voice was filled with indignation and disbelief as she exclaimed, "Wuh... hey! You can't just hit a liminal like that!"

Oooookay, little miss hypocrite.

"As a liminal counselor," I said firmly, "I'm afforded certain privileges that others don't have. I can't physically harm a liminal, but small actions such as defending myself against hypnosis can be overlooked."I leaned in closer, my sunglasses slipping down to reveal my intense gaze directed at her.

"Like it or not, you're stuck with me," I said, trying to sound confident despite my uncertainty. "That means we'll spend lots of time together, some of it alone, and I'd like that time to be enjoyable. You knew what kind of experience you were signing up for when you applied for this Cultural Exchange. So, if you're so eager to do whatever you want, then why did you bother coming here in the first place?"

Lilith's eyes narrowed subtly, and I could feel the tension radiating off her. I sighed heavily and slumped back into my chair, trying to ease the tightness that had taken hold of my shoulders.

"You don't have to answer that right away," I said soothingly. Why did I feel so drained? "Just take some time to consider it, okay?"

Lilith's face hardened. "I already have my answer," she replied coldly. "And it's no. Now, can you please drop the act?"

I tried to mask my disheartenment, but I knew that progress here would be slow and not worth the effort. I took a deep breath and stood up, ready to leave before my genuine emotions showed. "Take some time to think it over," I said, "I'll be in touch soon."

At that, I turned away from her, unable to trust my voice. Once I shut the door behind me, I handed Kuroko her sunglasses back, feeling a lump in my throat as I rubbed at my eyes.

"That bad, huh?" she offered, her voice gentle and understanding.

"It could've gone better," I muttered with a sigh, "But I'll keep at it. We'll see who will break first, won't we?"

"That's the spirit!" Tio beamed, clapping me on the shoulder. "You'll see, things will work out for the best!"

I couldn't help but smile a little at her encouragement. "Thanks, Tio."

Kuroko's voice cut in with a playful jab. "Cheer up, buttercup. It's not the end of the world if some obstinate brat keeps being, well, obstinate."

My smile widened a bit more. "You're not wrong," I conceded, feeling a bit of hope return.

To be continued...

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