Chapter 91: Weaving a Web of Nostalgia

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I narrowed my eyes at the papers spread out before me.

"Kuroko," I asked, my voice steady despite my trembling hands as I grabbed one of the documents, "What am I looking at here?"

"Can't you tell by looking at it?" she responded, taking a sip from her mug of coffee. "What do you see?"

"You suggest I check in on a police officer's house to monitor the behavior of six of the most dangerous and hostile liminal species ever encountered. Is this not better suited for individuals who can handle such individuals?" I said, slamming the file back down on the desk.

"Takasaka seems to handle himself well enough," Kuroko pointed out.

"Yeah, well, I'm not Takasaka," I quickly retorted. Hyousuke Takasaka was the police officer in question, who, by some stroke of luck, had not been injured or killed by the very same liminals he was hosting.

Not to mention this entire setup just reeked of yet more harem bullshit—something I'd thankfully avoided very handily for so long.

Kuroko tried to sound reassuring as she offered, "Don't worry. You'll have double the protection you usually do when counseling. MON will provide two members to accompany you when you visit. I'll also ensure Centorea joins you further later on for extra security."

"I still haven't had my first meeting with Lilith tomorrow," I griped, "And now you want me to deal with... Lemme see," I peered down at the files, "An echidna, wyvern, large breed arachne, backbeard, shark mermaid, and a black slime."

"You've historically done very well with slimes," Kuroko pointed out.

"One slime," I countered, "And I'm not so cocky as to assume things would go nearly as well a second time."

"Look, have you finished complaining?" she asked, her gaze penetrating me through her sunglasses, "Or are you prepared to listen to my reasoning behind this decision?"

I raised a finger and emphatically declared, "Tripling my workload so quickly is complete and utter bullshit!" I lowered my finger and added, "And with that, I'm done."

Kuroko set down her cup and started, "Your cases here will not be as intense as your previous ones. Takasaka is handling the girls well, despite his job and their tendencies. We have people who are more familiar with the law checking in regularly, but primarily to ensure that no laws or bones have been broken."

Considering how blatantly and often those laws get broken in this city, I can safely say they're doing a shitty job.

"That's not what you'll be focusing on," she continued, "Your primary responsibility is to monitor the girls' emotional well-being. Nothing too intrusive unless they offer up their innermost thoughts and feelings to you immediately, simply ensuring they are content. You may also be asked to do house-sitting if Takasaka requests it."

"Hm. So what kind of timeframe are we talking about here? Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly?"

"Weekly visits should be the norm, but we can do more if Takasaka requests it," Kuroko replied. "You can get liminals to open up to you; it's a skill not many possess."

"I just treat them like people," I replied. "It's not that hard."

"It is harder than it appears. If humans struggle to treat each other with respect and courtesy, how can they extend the same kindness and consideration to those of different species?"

"... Point taken."

"I like to think I have an eye for talent from time to time," Kuroko smirked, "Your previous experience with Suu, despite your protestations to the contrary, is an invaluable asset that played a major role in my decision. Your extensive contact with her has made you the unofficial expert on slimes, making you the natural choice for dealing with the menacing black slime."

"That may indeed be true; however, I highly doubt that Guu will be as receptive to me as Suu was. An integral factor of the bond between Suu and myself is physical contact, and attempting to do the same with Guu would be highly dangerous."

"That's not all there is to it," Kuroko said, "But I'm sure you can figure it out. I don't expect the same level of closeness. Just having a conversation with her would be great."

She exhaled deeply. "As I said, your patience in dealing with these volatile liminals has been deeply appreciated. All these girls are struggling in their ways, and apart from Takasaka, they don't have anyone to turn to. I'm not asking you to try and fix them, but I have been thinking that organizing social events to bring them into contact with members of Darling's house may be beneficial to them. It would be great if they could spend more time around you too." Kuroko folded her arms and leaned back in her chair.

I nervously scratched at the back of my head, pondering her words. It would undoubtedly be a difficult task to manage all those people. Draco was one thing, but having six liminals around me, possibly eager to pummel me, didn't sound appealing. But... Kuroko did make valid points. It didn't have to be me, but I was more suitable for it than most, and it was daunting.

"It would be a remarkable success story for the Cultural Exchange," Kuroko suggested, "There are numerous events in the coming months where influential members will come together to review the present and future of the organization. If we collaborate, we will have more influence and better advocate our agenda."

Ah, so the political implications of this were clear. As much as I dreaded the thought, I admit I agreed. If we wanted to impact the Cultural Exchange, we needed a good reputation. I was putting my life on the line to assist six liminal parolees that no one else had hope for. It was a perfect story for a feel-good drama film, and I knew people would love it.


"That's great to hear," I replied, "But I would rather not focus on making money from this, even if our ultimate goal is to better the Cultural Exchange. That wouldn't make sense, would it?"

Kuroko's lips curved into a warm smile. "I'm glad to hear that from you, Aki. So, what do you think?"

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat before answering. "To be honest, I'm still a little hesitant," I admitted. "I understand your reasoning; I do. However, I would like to clarify a few before committing to another project."

Kuroko glanced at her desktop screen and clicked away on her mouse. "Like the dullahan you mentioned?" she asked. "She's been hopping around from host to host, saying they're all inadequate and filing for transfers. I don't know why she doesn't just request Darling's house if that's who she's looking for—it would make things much simpler."

"I'm sure Lala is waiting for a dramatic moment to show up; you can count on it," I said confidently. "She has a knack for making ordinary situations appear much more intense and exciting than they are."

"So, what's the full story with her?" Kuroko asked, her curiosity piqued. "You said she had an interest in Darling that led her to move in with him, but you've been a bit sketchy on the details."

"In the original timeline, Kurusu had a lot more close calls with death than he does in this timeline," I explained. "The girls were far more reckless in their attempts to gain his attention, which was taking a toll on him. He almost died frequently, yet miraculously recovered with the occasional broken bone. This remarkable ability even caught the eye of Lala, so she came here to investigate further."

Kuroko's frown deepened. "But these types of incidents have become increasingly rare in recent months, especially since last month," she pondered aloud. "If Darling has had significantly fewer close calls, why would she be here now?"

"I've been pondering the same thing," I told her, shrugging. "It's possible that what's occurred so far has already caught her interest, but I feel there's more to it. Lala was one of the few characters connected to the supernatural in the manga, so it's not too far of a stretch to believe she is heavily involved in the Far Side. If that place has something to do with how I ended up here... well, that could be another story."

Kuroko quirked an eyebrow. "You think she's here because of you and Darling?"

"I don't want to assume," I said, "It's just a possibility." And a hope.

"Mm," Kuroko hummed, "And you don't think she's a threat?"

I shook my head. "Nah, she stirred some shit up originally, but I feel cooler heads will prevail this time."

Kuroko asked, "So am I right in assuming you want to do more with Lilith before moving on to that? I'll trust your judgment, but I'll have to keep her under closer watch."

"Yeah," I sighed, "I also have a meeting with Preya coming up in a few days-"

"That reminds me," she cut in, "Was she, or Mandroot for that matter, in the manga?"

"Nope. Why?"

Kuroko shrugged, a small but soft smile on her face. "Just wondering. I'm guessing those parolees weren't, either."

"No," I said firmly, "I don't know anything other than what these documents say. I'll do it, but I want to ensure everything is in order first."

"All I wanted to hear," Kuroko said happily, downing a few more gulps of coffee before continuing, "Next week long enough for you?"

"Hm," I contemplatively muttered as I contemplated the situation. Eventually, I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I think that's enough time to figure out what I'm going to do with Lilith and Lala. Now that I think about it, Ren will probably show up around then too..."


Oh, that's right - I had forgotten entirely about Ren until I thought more deeply about the upcoming canon events. She appeared after the anime had ended, and I only had a basic understanding of the plot in the later manga chapters. Ren's involvement in the series was sandwiched between the more memorable events of Lala and the mother's arc, so I guess I can be forgiven for forgetting about her.

"She's a teenage girl from Rachnee's first host family," I explained, my face contorting into a grimace as I recalled her situation, "In the manga, she appears in an attempt to reclaim Rachnee for some unknown purpose. She tried to prove something, but it seemed foolish and ultimately served only to add depth to Rachnee's backstory."

"Sounds like an annoyance," Kuroko sighed before her expression hardened, "It's worse than that. Her family sold Rachnera off to that despicable director, didn't they? So why the hell would they want her back?"

"Fuck if I know. To make amends, maybe?"

Kuroko's gaze hardened. "It doesn't matter. I'll never accept it. The Cultural Exchange has blacklisted them, and they will never be part of the Exchange again. If this Ren girl attempts to just come to our house and take Rachnera, she and her family will have to face the consequences."

"As well, there absolutely should be," I said, my tone growing more passionate than anticipated. I paused to take a deep breath before continuing. "But it doesn't have to come to that. I'm not sure when she'll arrive, but when she does, she'll be met with a cold reception. That's the end of it."

"Good. Anything else you feel I need to know?"

"Hm... No. Nothing business-related, at any rate."

Kuroko's shoulders relaxed as her lips curled into a gentle smile, and she leaned back into her chair. "I'm intrigued; tell me more."

"Well, Curious," I said, a wide smile spreading across my face as Kuroko rolled her eyes at my attempt at humor. "Kurusu has been planning a grand feast for tomorrow, and Miia and I will be contributing a special dish to share. We would love you and MON to join us for the event."

"How could I say no to an opportunity to experience Darling's cooking?" Kuroko purred, her tongue slipping across her lips with anticipation. "What special occasion is it for?"

"None, really," I replied with a nonchalant shrug. I rose to my feet and absentmindedly brushed off my legs. "We just wanted to hang out with our friends and have a good time."

Kuroko chuckled heartily at that. "You can count on me," she answered with a warm grin. She had been much more open, almost inviting, around me ever since our dinner date. The snarky and laid-back coordinator was still there, but her words were less cynical, and her attitude less guarded. It was also much easier to talk to her now that I didn't have to constantly worry about giving away too much information.

It was almost like we were friends or something crazy like that.

"Gucci," I said enthusiastically, beaming a dazzling smile right back at her. "We might have a few other people joining us, but that will be decided later. I hope my session with Lilith tomorrow will be smooth and stress-free."

"Don't worry," Kuroko said reassuringly, "Stop worrying so much, and you'll be amazed at how things will turn out. And if not, you can always spend time overthinking other matters!"

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Like what?"

Kuroko deadpanned, her smirk growing impossibly wider as if challenging me to figure out how she managed to do it. My surprise that she knew what happened between Zombina and me was virtually nonexistent. "Oh, I don't know," she said, her eyes twinkling with mischief, "Perhaps a certain zombie girl is still waiting for a certain answer from a rather indecisive dimensional traveler?"

"I have to balance many tasks," I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose to somehow relieve the impending headache. "Tasks that have unfortunately increased significantly in number, thanks to you, I might add."

Kuroko gestured to the enormous stack of papers to her left and said firmly, "Only a fraction of my workload, I assure you." Her expression softened, and she looked me directly in the eye. "Aki, for what it's worth, 'Bina is one of the few people I'd call my comrade. We've been through so much together. She deserves something good, more than you can ever imagine. So please, don't let her down, okay?"


I was taken aback. Was Kuroko really that emotionally invested in the situation between Zombina and me? Could it be that she was more worried about her than me? Whatever the case, it was something I had been putting off, but it wasn't an easy decision. I suppose this is just me overthinking things, as usual.

"I won't," I promised her. That was all I could say. All I wanted to say, anyway, is no pressure, right?

Kuroko nodded. "I'll hold you to that. Now get out of here before things get too dramatic, will you?"

Snorting, I left without another word.

When I returned home, I saw Miia anxiously examining something on the wall in the main hallway. She smiled and waved at me as I approached her.

"Hi, Romance Master!" she welcomed with a brilliant smile, "How was your meeting with Smith?"

"Fine," I replied, "Always seems to be more and more to do around here. Anyway, whatcha got going on?"

Miia proudly set her hands on her hips and turned back to her project with a beaming smile. "Oh, this? It's the Board of Memories!" she declared proudly.

A large pin board had been attached to the wall, with the words 'Board of Memories' across the top in shining, vibrant hues and decorated with hearts and exclamation points. Photos filled a substantial area of the pin board, though there was still plenty of space for more. As I looked at each picture, I couldn't help but smile in delight, taking in the entire display.

Kurusu was quickly the most prominently featured person in the pictures, which was hardly surprising. There was one of him happily smiling as he worked in the kitchen and another diligently sewing a torn pink shirt that unmistakably belonged to Miia. Even though he usually seemed unaware of the camera, when he did become aware of it, he would smile shyly and appear somewhat embarrassed.

But he was hardly the only one in focus. Papi and Suu energetically played tennis on the Wii while Cerea held her MON trainee badge close to her chest with an affectionate smile. Rachnee and Mero were preparing to sneak out through the back door, with Rachnee attempting - and failing - to hide her face as she left the scene. I, meanwhile, had taken the time to clean the glass sliding door at the back while Suu happily perched atop my head.

There was more than just that, of course. Mero and I sang in the rain while Kurusu fussed over a bruised Papi. Cerea was enthusiastically playing Dark Souls while Suu looked on with excitement. Rachnee was sprawled lazily on the couch, taking up the whole thing for herself. It wasn't just us on the board, as the day we all hung out playing Smash was captured in our memories. Doppel was hysterically laughing as she trolled Cerea while Manako shyly tried to figure out how to handle the over-excited Papi. Tio was cheering and clapping in excitement, which Mero happily joined in. Zombina and I fiercely bumped elbows as we faced off against each other on the screen. Kuroko was smiling at the whole scene beside Kurusu, his arms filled with the latest batch of snacks.

"Miia, this is...." I breathed, unable to express how I felt eloquently, "This is great!"

Miia chuckled with appreciation, "I just felt like doing this, I guess. I've been snapping pictures for a while now and thought you'd all like to look at what I've come up with." She raised her camera for me to inspect her work.

"Wow, that's amazing!" I exclaimed, taking her camera and glancing at the board. When I noticed something strange, I furrowed my brow. "Wait a minute... you're nowhere on here at all."

"The point of the board is that most people don't realize that their picture is being taken," Miia said with a slight hint of sadness. "I would know if I was taking a picture of myself, of course," she added with a lighthearted smile.

"Well, let's fix that." I raised the camera.


There was a flash, forever capturing the image of a flustered and startled Miia staring at me.

"H-Hold on, Romance Master, that's not funny!" she protested as I laughed.

"No, that's not true!" I said, trying to hide the amusement in my voice, "You are the one who created this board, and yet, you're not even part of it!"

"That's not true..." Miia murmured, brushing aside a lock of red hair as her eyes lowered, "You guys are the reason it exists."

My laughter faded as I recognized the sadness behind her words. Glancing at the corkboard, filled with treasured memories, and then back at her, I felt a lump in my throat at her conspicuous absence.

"We are," I nodded, resting a hand on her slim shoulder and offering her the camera back. "All of us, silly. This board wouldn't feel right without you. So cheer up, buttercup."

Miia smiled softly.

"Is that official Romance Master advice?" she asked as she looked up.

"You're damn right," I answered with a silly grin.

That got a giggle out of her. "Then I'll take it to heart," Miia said, determination filling her voice.

To be continued...

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