Chapter 98: Eats Enigma

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"Ah, Draco, right? I'm Miia!" she greeted warmly, extending her hand toward Draco. She brushed aside a lock of her red hair, revealing a friendly smile. "It's nice to meet you!"

Contrary to my expectations, Miia took the initiative and extended her hand to Draco, initiating the introduction before I could intervene. I observed their interaction from the corner of my eye while the rest of the group busied themselves around the dinner table, taking their seats. Some, like Kuroko, MON, and Cerea, watched the situation and prepared to intervene. I had shared Draco's past actions in the original timeline with Kuroko, given the circumstances, so she was particularly vigilant.

Draco appeared visibly nervous as soon as Miia locked eyes with her. Being caught off guard by the meeting, she seemed unsure how to respond. Her claws fidgeted restlessly, her tail curled anxiously behind her, and I could have sworn I saw a slight sheen of sweat forming on her brow. The situation had her on edge.

As I observed Draco's nervousness, it brought back memories of my experiences trying to talk to my crush back in middle school. I empathized with Draco at that moment, feeling a sense of nostalgia wash over me. It had been quite some time since I had reminisced about those old, awkward days.

"Ah, mm, yes," Draco stammered, her voice slightly trembling as she took a moment to compose herself. She cleared her throat before mustering the courage to meet Miia's gaze. "It is... nice to finally meet you, as well," she managed to say, her words laced with nervousness and sincerity.

Draco's initial demeanor was far from the sophisticated and confident persona she had initially portrayed. However, I appreciated this more genuine and honest version of her. It seemed like a promising beginning, one that might pave the way for a true friendship to develop between the two of them. And that, I thought, was perfectly fine by me.

Draco raised her trembling claw, an act of vulnerability and willingness to connect. Miia responded with a warm smile and firmly grasped Draco's hand, reciprocating the gesture with a firm shake.

"I hope you enjoy the food!" Miia chirped, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Romance Master and I put a lot of effort into making the doro wat, so I hope it tastes delicious!"

"I-I'm sure it'll be good," Draco replied, her voice slightly shaky. She scratched at her face nervously and looked away, but then her eyes widened in realization. "Wait, someone cooked with you?!" she exclaimed, surprise evident in her tone.

I might have subtly hinted that Miia would be cooking tonight as an additional incentive for Draco to attend the gathering. However, I intentionally omitted that Miia wouldn't be the only one cooking. I didn't want Draco to get the wrong idea about Miia and me, as our relationship was strictly platonic.

"Mhm! Romance Master was a huge help!" Miia confirmed with a nod, gesturing toward me. Her movement caught Draco's attention, causing her to turn her head and look in my direction.

Internally, I chuckled at Miia's attempt to put me on the spot and Draco's intense gaze, hinting at a nonexistent love triangle. It was clear that I wasn't the one she should be considering a rival.

"All right, everyone, everything's set up!" Kurusu declared, clapping his hands together with enthusiasm. "Let's dig in and enjoy the Meal!"

Kurusu's timing couldn't have been more perfect. The aroma of the delicious dishes wafted through the air, enticing everyone to take their seats and indulge in the meal.

To evade Draco's piercing stare, I settled into my chair at the significantly expanded dinner table. Suu promptly joined me on my left while Zombina took her place on my right.

"So ya really did do some cookin'?" she asked.

"Indeed," I confirmed with a nod. "Do you notice that stew, with chicken and eggs adrift? Miia and I prepared that."

"Huh," Zombina grunted, her hand already diving into the stew to scoop out a generous helping. "Don't mind if I do."

"Well, I must admit, it might not be the best," I cautioned, a note of honesty in my voice. "Fair warning, it was our first attempt at something like this..."

"Hey, who cares?" she shrugged nonchalantly. "You made it, so I wanna give it a shot. Besides, my sense of taste ain't what it used to be, so I'm easily satisfied when it comes to food." With a playful wink, she speared an egg coated in the red spice mixture with her fork and happily devoured it. Letting out a satisfied hum, she flashed me a grin. "See? It's not inedible!"

"Wow, thanks," I responded with a snort, serving myself some doro wat and adding more rice to my plate. As the people around us enthusiastically started indulging in the food, conversations temporarily faded away. The room was filled with the sounds of chewing and clinking silverware. Everyone seemed quite content, except for Manako, who appeared her usual anxious self, and Draco, who seemed visibly uncomfortable, constantly fidgeting in her seat and occasionally casting glances in Miia's direction.

"I must say, Darling, you've truly surpassed yourself once more," Kuroko eventually spoke up, breaking the silence with a smile. "This pork is phenomenal."

"Mhm!" Tio chimed in with enthusiasm. "I adore how these cutlets are incredibly cute as well!"

"Heh, thanks," Kurusu replied with a hint of bashfulness. "I was hoping they would turn out alright. Cooking for such a large group is not something I often do, so I wasn't entirely sure how they would come out."

"Bah, you and yer folks had always had the magic touch when it came ta food," Sasaki assured him, patting his godson roughly on the back, "Hell, I didn't know much I missed Kurusu cookin' 'til just now!"

"So, you two have known each other for quite some time?" Kuroko inquired, raising an eyebrow as she brought a glass to her lips. Was that wine she was sipping?

"Ever since he popped outta Hayami's belly," Sasaki answered, his smile filled with fondness. "I've been best buds with his folks since middle school, so I enjoyed witnessing Kimi's growth. Hell, I even take credit for helping raise the boy!"

"Intriguing," Kuroko pondered, nodding before a mischievous smirk appeared on her face. "Do you have any good stories to share?"

Sasaki burst into laughter, causing Kurusu to glance at him with a concerned expression.

"Like ya wouldn't believe," Sasaki grinned. "But I ain't about to give the boy a hard time while we're chowin' down on his grub. Besides, we all got our share of embarrassing shit from back when we were ankle-biters, right?"

Even though her smile persisted, Kuroko's expression turned stern at his words. "I suppose mocking someone's past actions can be considered rather immature," she acknowledged, her tone carrying a chilly undertone. She was skilled at concealing it, and I only noticed it because I was actively searching for any reaction.

Speaking of reactions, each member of MON had their response to Kuroko's subtle shift in demeanor. Tio momentarily halted her enthusiastic consumption of the pork cutlets, wearing a frown. Manako retreated further into her seat, seeking refuge behind Tio as if trying to disappear. Zombina impatiently drummed her fingers on the table and displayed a sneer. As for Doppel... well, she seemed to be putting in excessive effort to appear unaffected by the situation.

Curiously, Rachnera and Mero appeared to be the sole individuals who noticed the sudden tension within the group, their perplexed expressions giving them away. If Sasaki had caught wind of inadvertently stumbling into a minefield, he made no indication of it, nonchalantly continuing his enthusiastic indulgence in the meal. He had always struck me as someone who either brushed off drama through sheer obliviousness or had little interest in engaging with it.

However, the moment dissipated as swiftly as it had emerged, and people started to engage in their conversations in various corners of the room. I noticed Tio placing a comforting hand on Manako's petite shoulder, and then I softly nudged Zombina's arm, leaning in closer.

"You alright?" I whispered.

"Mm," she grunted, digging into the remaining doro wat on her plate. "Just pissed. Remembered some shit from back then. Shit that she should've damn well kept in mind before screwing with you."

It wasn't too difficult to figure out who she was referring to.

"In that case, once we're done with dinner, grab Kuroko and have a conversation with her," I suggested in response. "Until then, let's try to enjoy a relaxed dinner, alright?"

"Sorry, but I..." Zombina began to speak, but her words were interrupted by a blue tendril that snaked behind us, softly caressing her back. She grew tense, her eyes widening in surprise as she gazed at the girl on my other side.

"It's alright," Suu said sweetly, offering a warm smile to Zombina.

Zombina's jaw dropped slightly as she processed the unexpected gesture. I couldn't pinpoint the exact reason why she appeared so taken aback. Maybe she hadn't anticipated it? Although, I remembered Zombina mentioning a while ago that she, like many others, used to view slimes as little more than creatures until recently. Perhaps she was surprised to witness such affectionate behavior from a slime. However, even that explanation didn't hold since she had known Suu for quite some time.

Either way, she eventually took a deep breath and shook her head. Her shoulders slumped, and she grinned wryly. "Heh, there I go again. Fuckin' typical. Never thought Suu, of all people, would pull that kinda shit."

"Why wouldn't I?" Suu inquired, tilting her head curiously to the side. "Daddy cares about you, so it's only natural that I would too."

"Hey, drink your water now," I playfully scolded her, my tone laced with mock offense. Suu nodded eagerly, her eyes lighting up as she reached for her cup as if it were a precious gift. She hummed contentedly as she took a sip through the straw.

"Aw, 'Daddy' cares about me, huh?" Zombina remarked with a smirk on her lips. "Yer melting my undead heart over here."

"First of all, please never call me 'Daddy,'" I groaned. "Coming from you, of all people, it feels incredibly creepy. And should it be a surprise to you?"

"Mm, nope," she admitted, her smirk becoming a toothy grin. "But it's still nice to hear now and then."

"A sentimental Bina never thought I'd witness that," I snorted, provoking her to jab me in the ribs playfully.

Suu giggled beside me, observing the playful interaction between Zombina and me, but remained silent for the moment.

As dinner progressed and more drinks were consumed, people engaged in livelier conversations now that their appetites were satisfied. Miia managed to coax Draco into opening up more, which was a relief. Papi also joined in, using her irresistible charm to effortlessly break down social barriers and bring even more vibrancy to the gathering.

"I've never flown with a dragonnoob before!" Papi exclaimed, hopping excitedly in her seat. "Can we go flying sometime soon?"

"... Are you mocking me, little bluebird?" Draco sneered.

"Oh, Papi sometimes mixes up her words," Miia intervened, playing the role of a mediator. "She usually doesn't mean anything by it."

"I see," Draco's expression lightened, albeit only slightly. "And no, we won't be flying together anytime soon. My kind can only glide, you see."

"Whaaaat?" Papi whined. "But you have wings! If you have wings, you can fly!"

"Not quite," Draco replied, her leathery wings flexing slightly. "They remind us of our heritage from the noblest of beings, the great and formidable dragons. The blood of royalty courses through my veins."

"You're a prince?!" Papi gasped in astonishment.

"I am no man," Draco spat, her temper flaring again. "How dare—"

"Well, to be fair, you dress somewhat like a man," Miia interjected, laughing nervously. "Not that there's anything wrong with that, though! You rock the style!"

Draco's anger instantly dissipated from her body at Miia's words. Instead, a bright blush colored her cheeks.

"I, well, that is," Draco stumbled over her words, avoiding eye contact as she fidgeted with her food. "Um..."

The situation with Draco remained delicate, it appeared. She seemed unaccustomed to what most would consider "normal" conversation, as she quickly became upset over a simple misunderstanding involving someone like Papi (despite knowing that Papi wasn't a child, her behavior often resembled one). While Miia's presence helped defuse some of the tension, it was clear that Draco had more profound mental and emotional hurdles to overcome.

Draco's intense reaction to being mistaken for a man piqued my curiosity. While it's understandable that most women might not appreciate such an assumption (though it varies from person to person), Draco seemed exceptionally offended. It deepened my curiosity about her past, as I had a hunch that it held some unpleasant experiences.

My attention began to drift, and I found myself participating less in various conversations. It became challenging to keep track of everyone in the lively atmosphere. I felt a pang of guilt for not engaging with Mero, Rachnee, and a few others as much during dinner, but they were seated on the other side of the table, near Doppel, whom I preferred to avoid. Nonetheless, I reassured myself that I would have ample opportunity to interact with them once dinner concluded and mingling became more convenient.

"Hey," Zombina murmured beside me, "I'm going."

"Hm?" She gestured with her head towards Doppel, clarifying her intention. "Ah. Well... good luck," I responded.

"Thanks, babe," she snorted, gripping my shoulder as she rose. "Should be quite the experience."

Zombina walked over to Kuroko, whispering something in her ear. Kuroko raised an eyebrow, nodded, and stood up. Zombina then tapped Doppel on the shoulder and motioned for her to accompany them outside. Doppel glanced in my direction, her expression inscrutable, before shrugging and joining them. Tio and Manako watched with a mixture of confusion and concern, and without any prompting, they also got up to join the group.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension. While I wanted Doppel to face the consequences of her actions, I also didn't want any potential damage caused by an enraged member of MON.

"Daddy, you seem worried," Suu observed, capturing my attention away from the departing MON Squad. "Is something wrong with them?"

"... I'll explain later," I replied, eventually speaking up loud enough for everyone to hear, as they were also quite bewildered. "They just need to attend to some MON business before we continue with the evening."

"Oh, perhaps I should join them," Cerea interjected, rising from her seat. "I must do my part, even if-"

"I think it's best if it remains between those five," I interrupted, my voice firm. Given Zombina's earlier remarks about oaths and their shared history, whatever unfolded seemed internal. "If they require your assistance, I'm confident they'll reach out."

Cerea appeared torn, her gaze fixed on the doorway they had just departed through. After a moment, she relented, although with evident dissatisfaction.

"If that is indeed the case," she sighed, returning to her seat. I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for denying her request, but deep down, I knew it was probably what Zombina wanted.

The last thing they likely desired at the moment was an outsider attempting to interfere or insert themselves into the situation.

To be continued...

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