Chapter 3 (Present)

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The actors were extremely confused. Season 6 was meant to be the last season. So imagine their surprise when the producer called some of them back and announced that he was planning on making one more season.

"Another season?" asked Valt. "Wow. I guess that Beyblade Burst is more popular than I thought."

"Will I get to be in that season?" asked Aiger. "It felt weird not being in Season 6. I thought that the previous protagonists would appear in future seasons."

Shu was surprised as well. "I was hoping to take a break from acting. It's not fun having people keep asking for autographs."

"Yeah," said Valt. "Besides, there's this talk show we have to attend. On Friday night, when I would rather be watching movies and eating snacks late into the night."

"Fibber," said Shu. "You always fall asleep before eleven at night."

Valt giggled. "Well, what about you? What would you be rather do on Friday night than the talk show?"

"Um... Play video games?"

"Come on," said Valt. "When are you going to admit it?"

"Admit what?"

"Admit that you have a crush on Rose!"

Shu blushed a little. "Valt, we have talked about this. I am not going to fall in love again. Not after what happened with Seina."

"But Rose is different," said Valt. "Seina was just a manipulative person who only wanted you for Instagram likes. Rose likes you for you."

"Valt, Rose and I are friends. There's nothing going on between us."

"But Shuuuuu..."

"Valt, love ruined my life. I don't want to talk about this anymore."

Shu went off in a huff.


Shu may have been mature for his age, but when it came to love, he was completely clueless about it. It was why he had been so easily manipulated.

It started off as just a harmless crush. Shu would call Seina and talk to her about stuff. When Seina started watching Beyblade Burst and found out that he was the deuteragonist, she paid a lot more attention to him.

Shu and Seina started dating. She would want to go to expensive restaurants and pay for the meals using her father's credit card. Shu had tried impressing her with his own home-cooked spaghetti carbonara, but she insisted that she wouldn't eat cheap food. It honestly made Shu sad.

Then Rosalie Charmille came. She was meant to appear in Beyblade Burst Evolution as Shu's love interest, but the writers thought that romance wouldn't mix well with the show, so her character was cut out.

Shu genuinely liked Rose. She was sweet, funny, and enjoyed his cooking. Even Sora and Kirika liked her.

However, Seina became petty and jealous. She tried to stop Shu from seeing Rose. Shu had been torn between his girlfriend and his first female friend who wasn't his sister or crush.

After becoming a TV star, Shu's classmates suddenly wanted to be his friend. Shu didn't like it at all. They clearly only wanted to be his friend because he was famous.

After finishing with Beyblade Burst Turbo, Seina invited Shu to spend a week with her at a beach house. Shu had agreed at once.

Seina slowly started to change. She started to control everything Shu did. She stopped him from even contacting Sora. She didn't want to just hold hands and kiss. She wanted to do things that won't be explained in case of young readers.

If Shu refused to do what Seina said, she would punish him. Not in ordinary ways. She would tie him on the bed and keep him there until he agreed to do what she said. She would force feed coriander to him, which shouldn't have been so bad. But Shu hated coriander and felt sick whenever he consumed it. She would cut him with a knife.

Shu realized that Seina never liked him the same way he liked her. She was using him. But he was terrified of calling for help. Seina might make his loved ones suffer as well. He started to hate kissing her and putting his arm around her.

But one day Seina went too far. Shu had made her dinner, but he had forgotten to add the white sauce she liked so much. Furious, she dragged Shu to the sea.

"What are you doing?" Shu asked in tears. "I'm sorry! I will remake your dinner."

"I don't want to hear about it," said Seina. She pushed Shu in the water.

There was one problem; Shu couldn't swim.

Terrified, Shu had struggled to keep his head above water. He ended up blacking out and waking up in the hospital. For Sora, worried that Shu wasn't talking to her, had come to the beach house to find out what was going on.

Seina had been arrested for sexual abuse, but the damage was done.

For weeks, Shu refused to leave his room. He became depressed and stopped eating. Valt and Rose kept calling him to make sure that he was alright.

Shu's parents had been notified and they tried to get him to go out. But Shu refused to go out at all.

After a long time, Shu agreed to go to therapy. It took him over a year to recover from the heartache he had endured with Seina. But Shu had been determined to never fall in love again.

But although his brain was faithful to his promise, his heart betrayed it. For Rose had been at Shu's side while he was healing. She did her best to make him laugh once more. Once she got fed up and started tickling him.

Shu knew that Valt was right and he had now fallen for Rose. But he wasn't ready to love again. Maybe he would never be ready.

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