chase and explosions of utter nonsense

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It was utter madness that is all that is going to describe the scene of Anax riding a bull leading a bunch of barn animals chasing down a few school bullies.

"Come back here and face thy judgment humans." Anax yelled

"Anax what the hell are you doing they're just kids." Connor shouted through the noise.

"They bullied Astrid." was all Anax said to convince his older brother.

"Comeback here you ground rooted landlubbers I'm going to rip you apart and feed you to the phantoms." Connor yelled as he threw energy constructed spears at the bullies al while Xana was laughing like a madman at the carnage before he took over Anax and pulled his gun out to put a bullet in the kids head.

"Like hell I'm letting you kill them." Anax yelled from within causing the two split souls to have a battle of wills within.

"The hell did I tell you about killing people Xana."

"To never listen to you and kill little children in order to spread despair across all and draw the phantoms ever closer to destroying this failed kingdom." Xana bellowed as he tried to realign his shot only for Anax to take over and overload the gun causing it to explode scattering the shrapnel.

"Look what you did asshole, that gun was expensive as shit."

"Hey who was it that aimed a weapon that can kill you at childrens heads."

"Um Anax, Xana, you might want to stop now." Connor tried to warn them but it fell deaf when one of Anax's hand made grenades fell out and armed himself giving Connor time to say this famous one liner.

"Son of a B-" but couldn't finish as the grenade exploded releasing a gust of wind stopping all humans and halting Anax and Xana's argument about punishing the bullies.

'Grenades don't make wind' everyone but the two thought.

"Oh that's good if it was the wind grenade that exploded and not the fire one. Or we'd be 'cooked' for." Anax punned causing the bullies to cry out at how terrible it was.

"Oh hush you five, you bullied my sister so you will suffer my bad puns till you learned your lesson for bullying my sister. Be glad that you're only children." Anax scolded the kids while his older brother tried to figure out where the barn animals were but gave up and joined his brother in scolding the kids.

"Oh ya what would happen if we weren't kids." one of the bullies said but regretted it when they all felt a feeling of dread clawing up their spines forcing them to slowly look at faces of the brothers.

Anax's missing eye had a dark red dot on it as if it was his eye but trail a trail of a sinister looking smoke when it was moving. Then a darkish white colored aura started to swirl around Anax.

His brother was no batter as his usual silver's eyes were now glowing pitch black and cracks started to appear on his body with small trails of blood starting to leave his body.

"Trust me when I say this kids. If you weren't children we would have done more than chase you, we'd have crippl-" but the sound of a cow's cry suddenly cut the two off as they cracks on Connor's body disappeared but the blood was still there and the aura around Anax as well as his glowing eye disappeared as a white and black blur appeared and crush the bullies creating a dust cloud.

When the cloud vanished the cow was there.

So the two looked up and there was a leafless tree filled with barn animals.

"Huh what'd you know now that's an amusing sight." Anax commented while Xana took over his arm to take a picture.

"Moo." was what the cow said

"Hey our deal was one haystack and you agreed to the terms of the consequences so don't go trying to sue me just cause you can't handle a little bit of wind." Anax said

A chicken chirped at what Anax said resulting in Xana giving him the middle finger.

Then they heard someone coughing making Xana go back inside.

Slowly the brothers turned around to meet the source of the cough.

"Beatrix hi, how ya doin." Connor slowly said as he scratched the back of his head chuckling slowly but akwardly.

"Rose this is- just- um-." Anax tried to make an but failed

"And your younger sister Astrid!"

"So you two mind telling us what happened?" Rose said as Anax and Connor sweat dropped profusely.

"This is your shit to deal with not mine so see ya assholes." Xana said before disappearing back into Anax's mind to take a long nap.

"Traitor!" Anax exclaimed before looking back at Rose trying to think of something before agreeing with his brother on this one thing.

'We are totally going to be lectured for this.' the two Lexicons thought.

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