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Om pov
For the first time in my life
I knew one thing about my wife
She talks a lot
Gauri : tell me na
What do you like the most
Om: do you always talk this much
Gauri : what do you mean ?
Om: from your first steps to your college first day you talked about everything
Gauri : so?
I thought you wanted to know about me
Om : stop pouting
I know everything about you
But one thing is missing
Gauri : what?
Om: if you are so much interested to pursue a career as a doctor
Why did you stop it
You can continue it now
Gauri : you mean
I can study ?
But I thought..
Om: what did you think ?
Gauri pov
The reality hit me
He didn't know anything about my studies
If only I could have told him the truth
I wouldn't have been in such a position
Om: anyhow forget everything
And give me your certificates
I will give you admission in our college
Gauri : will you really do that
Om: why won't I support my wife's dreams
I'm not that idiot
Gauri pov
He was supporting my dreams and I couldn't say anything
Except to hug him
Gauri : thank you so much
Om: no need to say thanks
Now come on you must be hungry
Les eat something
Gauri : ya the kids are moving alot these days
Om: does it hurt
Gauri : a bit
But I can manage
Om: we shouldn't have planned kids so early Gauri
Gauri : it's ok
Now we cannot do anything
Let's raise them together
Anika pov
Looking at my self disgusts me
Why ? Why did I allow him in my life
I slept with a man that too a married man who has a wife
Shivaay pov
I was looking at Anika
Who was staring at the celling looking blank
Tears were flowing out her eyes
While she lay naked next to me looking more hurt than ever
I was wasted and used her as a toy
This shouldn't have happened
She really cared for me and I cannot break her like this
Shivaay: Anika are you fine
Anika: what do you want
Do you want to break me more
Shivaay: I'm sorry
Anika: sorry for what?
You have done what you wanted
You broke me Shivaay
Shivaay: whatever happened yesterday ..
Anika: was a drunken mistake
Which should be avoided right
Shivaay: no whatever happened was the only good thing happened in my life
Atleast I slept with a women I really cared and loved
Anika: that doesn't make me feel any good Shivaay
Leave me
Shivaay: Anika listen to me
I don't want to leave you
Anika: what do you want to do
You cannot stay here Shivaay
Your wife must be waiting leave
Shivaay: no
Because I'm divorcing her
Anika : what?
Shivaay : get ready Anika
I'm marrying you the next second I give divorce to tia
Dolly: Om
Have you lost it
She will study ?
That too in this condition
Om: mom what is their in studying
She has some ambitions let her achieve it
Dolly: you are becoming mad in her love omkara
Om: no mom
I'm just understanding my wife
Tia : after all you have come to ask my help
Dolly: yes it's only you who can stop this nonsense
Tia: very well mom
Don't worry
First that Gauri must pass the admission test right
Dolly: what do you mean ?
Tia : distractions
She must be distracted in such a way
That she should fail in her exam
Gauri pov
I was studying with all my might
But finding time was always difficult
With my bulging stomach
And constant pain
I'm not able to study at all
And due to sleep restrictions by Omkaraji
I didn't have time
And whenever I try to study
Dolly maji gives me some or the other related to the baby
Om: Gauri your still awake?
I told you to sleep right
You might be in labour any day
Gauri : Omkaraji
That's what I'm afraid
My admission test is in one week
And I'm not able to study anything
And this babies
Om: you can study in the morning Gauri
Don't worry
Now drink this milk and take rest
Gauri pov
His actions were again killing me
Doesn't he want me to pass
What is he trying to play
Tej : jhanvi
Tell them
Jhanvi: see tia and shivaay
Whatever you have just resolve it
We don't want you both go through this divorce
Shivaay: I'm sorry mom
I cannot stay with her
Tia : even I don't want to stay with you
But I'm willing to give a try because of mummy papa
Shivaay: whom are you fooling tia
You and trying
I don't want to waste a minute of my time thinking about you
I just need everything to be over
Tej: Shivaay watch your words
You cannot do this
Shivaay : I will do this papa
And no one can stop me
Shivaay pov
I was about to leave but I stopped when I heard a cry from my father
Tej: Shivaay !!
Shivaay pov
I looked back only to see my father clutching his chest
And collapsing on the floor
Gauri pov
I failed again
This is the second time it happened
And Omkaraji didn't say anything but he was disappointed in me
But what to do with two kids by my side
I couldn't concentrate on everything
Om: Gauri mishti is crying
Feed her
Gauri : Omkaraji
I'm studying please wait
Om: Gauri she is hungry
We cannot wait you need to feed her
Gauri : why don't you give some formula milk Omkaraji
I get tired whenever I feed them
Om: Gauri what are you saying
They are just a week old
Gauri : so?
What should I do ?
I want this seat at all costs
And if I fail this time
I will leave these children forever
Om:Gauri !!
Shivaay pov
I was waiting for my dad to recover
And I was busy with the business responsibilities
If all these are a burden the constant presence of tia was irritating me
But. I tend to forget everything and concentrate on my work
Until a sudden visit from Anika
Shocked to me
She was in tears and just hid her self to meet me
Anika: are you leaving tia
Shivaay: Anika what happened
Why are you trembling
What happened ?
Anika: are you leaving tia
Shivaay pov
I didn't want to say the truth
So I just said a white lie
Shivaay: I'm leaving her
Why what happened
Why are you trembling  like this
Anika: im pregnant Shivaay
I don't want to kill it
Shivaay: Anika !

Hi everyone, hope you all liked it

Please comment and tell me how you feel about the story

thanks a lot for your comments and support

I really appreciate it.

have a nice day everyone :)

enjoy :)

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