Episode 5: The Great Dime Chase!

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A/N: BTW, What did you name F/N Duck and why? I'm asking out of curiosity. So let me know in the comments! And without further ado, let's get on with the next episode!

We see Louie watching TV in the TV room as he was sitting on the couch.

Johnny (on TV): I'm Johnny, the brains of the outfit.

Randy (On TV): And I'm his twin brother, Randy, the handsome one.

Johnny: And we got ahead (grabs a hammer) by building furniture.

Randy: (grabs a saw) For your feet.

Johnny: Welcome to our-

Both: Ottoman Empire!

Then we see Louie complaining about the show with a can of Pep in his hand as Scrooge and F/N pass the TV room.

Louie: [Ugh.] This show is so dumb.

Then Scrooge and F/N see this and walk into the TV Room.

Scrooge: You could always turn off the telly.

F/N: Yeah. (points at the remote next to Louie with an open hand) The remote is right next to you.

Then Louie tried lazily to grab the remote but quickly gives up.

Louie: Oh, forget it.

Scrooge: Any big plans for today?

Louie: [yawns] Thought I'd move to the big TV in a few hours. You know... [Belches]

Then Louie turns to the table next to the couch and place the can of Pep on the table with a bunch of other cans on it and opens another one and drinks from it.

Louie: [sigh] (looks at Scrooge and F/N) Hey, do we have any more Pep?

F/N: What the- (points at the cans with an open hand) you got six perfectly full cans right there.

Louie: I only like that first sip. Peak carbonation. (Sets the can back on the table) Never mind, I'll call Beakley. (Takes out his phone) Oh, man, my phone's dead. Guess I gotta buy a new one.

F/N: (shakes his head) unbelievable.

Scrooge: Just charge it.

Louie: Eh, this one's three months old anyway. Who cares? We're rich. (Tossed his phone in the trash can)

Scrooge: No. (Walks over to Louie) I'm rich.

Louie: Well, what about Dad? Don't you two share the money?

Then Scrooge and F/N look at each other for a moment then started laughing.

F/N: (wipes a tear from his good eye) [sigh] that's a good one son.

Louie: Then how do you get the money to make all of those inventions of yours?

F/N: A lot of hard work.

Scrooge: Nonetheless. (Point at Louie) You are coming to the office (grabs Louie and drags him) to learn the value of a hard day's work.

F/N: You know what, (Walks with them) I think I'll come with you two. It's been 10 years since I've been inside that place.

Scrooge: Ya sure lad? You already know who's there.

F/N: Yes, yes, I know. Not looking forward to it. But I know.

Then we see Dewey sneaking around as he sees his father, uncle, and brother walk off as he continues sneaking. Then we see him open a door to Webby's room and walks inside he tries to look for a book until he found a book that says "The Secret Files of Webbigail Vanderquack" on the cover then opens the book and starts looking through it until Webby comes in upside-down.

Webby: Watcha doin'?

Dewey: [gasps] (lets go of the book as Webby catches it) I'm not breaking in, you're breaking in.

Webby: (gets down next to Dewey) Busted. You think I put glitter on my top-secret notebooks just because it's pretty?

Then Dewey nods as he was caught red-handed, literally.

Webby: Well, sure, it's a perk, but...

Dewey: (Gets up) I'm sorry. (Dusts hands off) I was just looking for information about my family.

Webby: You should've asked. What do you want? (Opens book) Shoe sizes, horrible dark secrets only know to your uncle Scrooge and your dad that could change the fate of the world as we know it?

Dewey: What do you know about my mom?

Webby: [gasps]

Then we see Webby looking out the window then closed the curtains.

Webby: What do you know about your mom?

Dewey: Uncle Donald just told us she was gone. The only thing we have of her is this photo. (Shows a photo of Della dunking Donald's head in some cake.)

Webby: [Gasps] Photographic evidence! (Takes the photo) I've gotta add it to my Della Duck file.

She runs off, grabs a file and goes back to Dewey, and puts the picture in the file.

Dewey: You have a whole file on my mom? (Grabs the file and opens it to only see the picture that she put in it) Seriously? This is it?

Webby: (puts away the map to show the McDuck family tree again. Now with F/N in it) I've been looking into her for years, but there's nothing. No photos, no records. No one even talks about her. I even tried to go into your dad's Workshop to see if he had anything. But you know how well guarded he keeps it. One time, a piece of junk mail with her name on it showed up at our door, a day later, Scrooge bought the post office, and I never saw our mailman again.

Dewey: Maybe he retired?

Webby: (Turns to Dewey and walks towards him) Bad things happen to people who ask about Della Duck.

Dewey: So who are we gonna ask?

Then we see Webby smirks as the scene changed to the intro.


We see Scrooge's limo head towards his company as it crashed inside the parking lot.

Launchpad: (rolls down window) You have arrived at your destination.

Then we see Scrooge, F/N, Dewey, Louie, and Webby walk out of the limo.

Scrooge: Be back at six, Launchpad. We've got a long, hard day of work ahead of us.

Louie: [Grumbles]

Launchpad:(puts limbo in reverse) Gotcha, Mr. McD.

Dewey: Thanks for letting us tag along, Dad and Uncle Scrooge, but I suddenly very much have to use the bathroom.

Webby: Oh, and I will show you where to go to that place.

Then Webby grabs Dewey by the arm and takes him to the "bathroom". While F/N watched them go off.

F/N: [Hmm].

Scrooge: What's the matter, F/N?

F/N: Don't you think they're acting a bit strange?

Scrooge: Now that you've mentioned it- (Sees that Louie is trying to sneak away and pulls him back with his cane) Oh, no, you don't. (Drags him towards the elevator and pressed the up button.) We'll have to look into that later, lad. (Walks into the elevator.) In the meantime, let's head to the office.

F/N: (Walks into the elevator) Agreed.

Meanwhile, we see Dewey and Webby walking down a hallway.

Dewey: What is this place?

Webby: (stops in front of a large door) The private library of Scrooge McDuck. (Turns to the door) If there's info on your mom, it's in here.

Then Webby knocks on the door as it opens to reveal Emily Quackfaster, the librarian.

Emily: [groans] Go away, Webby. For the last time, Mr. McDuck's archives are strictly off-limits (tries to close the doors to the library until Webby stops it with her foot).

Webby: Except to his family. (Points at Dewey) Meet Dewey Duck. Mr. McDuck's great-nephew and Mr. Duck's son.

Emily takes a closer look at Dewey then opens the library.

Emily: Behold, heir of Clan Mcduck, the Archives!

Meanwhile, we see Scrooge, Louie, and F/N in the elevator as it opens and we hear Louie gasp. Then we see them walk inside the office of Scrooge McDuck.

F/N: It's been years since I've been inside this place.

We see them pass by the money bin.

Louie: (runs into the bin) The money! (Runs towards Scrooge and F/N) You want me to count the gold? Maybe go out and spend some gold to make sure it doesn't expire?

Scrooge: There's more to money than just money.
(Drags Louie to something covered in a sheet as F/N Followed) Gold is a beautiful thing, (takes off sheet to reveal a dime in a case as he speaks) but even something as small can have meaning. For instance... (Noticed Louie is gone)

F/N: (Noticed Louie was gone) Where'd he go?

Then they noticed that he was about to dive into the money bin until F/N extended his robotic arm and grabbed him before he jumped in and pulled him towards him.

F/N: Have you look lost your mind, son?!

Scrooge: You'll crack your skull open.

Louie: But uncle Scrooge, you swim in money all the time.

Scrooge: Yes, but I worked hard to perfect that skill, building muscles and dexterity.

F/N: And besides, without the proper training the chances to break every single bone in your body is 100%.

Scrooge: Exactly! If you want something, you work hard to get it.

After Scrooge says that we hear a beep then we hear his secretary's voice.

Secretary: Mr. McDuck, the board is here to see you.

Scrooge: (takes out pocket watch and looks at it) We don't have a board meeting today. (Puts the pocket watch away as F/N drags Louie before he tries to dive again) No matter. Come, you two. Welcome to the fast-paced world of business.

(Timeskip brought you by F/N looking at Scrooge's globe)

We see the three in the board room with the chair.

Chair: As you know, revenues are down in our international markets including Dawson, Lillehammer, Eldorado, and Culebra. We feel that-

Then we see someone burst through the door. And that person was none other than Gyro Gearloose with a box in his hand.

Gyro: Shut up, everyone. I've done something brilliant.

F/N: (glares at Gyro) Gyro Gearloose...

Then Gyro looks F/N as he glares back at F/N.

Gyro: F/N Duck...

F/N: Been a long time since we saw each other.

Gyro: I know, it's been years. You're looking... Short.

F/N: [heh heh] And you're still looking like second place.

Gyro: (wince) [Oof] Wow, Duck, that's some impressive tech on you. Did you get Scrooge to give you the money to make that?

F/N: [uh] nope, I used my own money from all the successful inventions I've made, unlike you.

Gyro: (wince) [Oof] (groans) [hoho] Dick.

F/N: What?

Gyro: Oh nothing. Just wanted to you see this new invention that I made that will definitely wow the chairmen. So suck on that.

F/N: [ha ha] But it won't get far, because it'll most likely turn evil like half of your other inventions.

Gyro: (Wince) [Ooooooff!] Oh and Duck. (Gets closer to him) I'm so sorry. (Gets closer) So so sorry, (Gets in his face) that you're latest project isn't working out for you, I heard it blew up in your face. [Ahaaaaaaa!]

F/N: (wince) [Oof] Well that's enough of that. Go ahead and show them what you got.

Chair: I'm sorry, but we-

Gyro: Apology accepted. Now try to keep up with my mind-numbing genius.

F/N: (rolls eyes while mumbling) Whatever you say, Gearloose.

Scrooge: Gyro, what did we say about interacting with other people?

Gyro: (scoff) The cards. Fine. (Grabs cards as F/N snorts)

F/N: He made you use cards?

Scrooge: F/N (F/N looks at Scrooge), behave.

F/N: Fine.

Gyro: [Ahem] "Hello, Mr. McDuck... And others. Are you tired of all those single-use gadgets cluttering up your junk drawer? What a mess. There's got to be a better way!" (Take out a robot from the box) Meet Lil' Bulb.

Gyro: (puts Lil' Bulb down on the table as it waves at the chairmen) A tiny, all-purpose robot that does it all.

Chair: Wait, what does it do?

Gyro: It all. Lil' Bulb is an artificial intelligence personal robot helper. (Gains Louie's attention while grabbing a piece of bread and puts it over Lil' Bulb) He can make toast, (Lil' Bulb runs to one of the chairmen and jumps into his pocket and comes out with his keys) find your keys, (goes to the other chairmen as it glows) serve as a book light for your late-night reading. You'll never have to do anything yourself again.

Chair: [mm-hm] And how will you ensure this one, like F/N said before, won't achieve sentience and turn evil like all the others?

Gyro: Only half of my inventions turn evil. The other half are just wildly misunderstood.

Then we see Lil' Bulb shake it's fist at the chairmen then does a slit throat gesture and keeps shaking it's fist at him.

Chair: What's it doing?

Then Gyro picks up Lil Bulb.

Gyro: Waving. It likes you.

Then the chairmen look at each other then back at Gyro.

Chair: Request denied.

Hearing this, Gyro sighed sharply and puts Lil' Bulb back in the box, and walks away with it as he looks at F/N as he smirks.

Gyro: Shut up, Duck.

F/N: Didn't even say anything.

Gyro: You don't have to.

Then Scrooge opens the door for Gyro.

Scrooge: Keep at it, Gyro. I know you'll come up with something great.

Gyro: Lil' Bulb is something great. I'll show you. I'll show you all!

Scrooge: And maybe wait until you're out the room to say that next time. (Closes the door and gets back to his seat)

F/N: I thought he'd never leave.

Louie: A robot that does everything for you? How could you say no to that?

Scrooge: Part of hard work is knowing how to work with others. My board are the only people cheaper than I am. I trust them completely to make good financial decisions-

Chair: Indeed. (Holding files) Which is why we've called this meeting to discuss your unnecessary spending here at the money bin.

Scrooge: Unnecessary?! I'm Scrooge McDuck. I don't spend one penny more than I need to.

Chair: It says here you're spending 15 million dollars on magical defense.

F/N: To be fair, if you've been up against any of the mythical beings we've faced for years, you would too.

Scrooge: And do you have any idea, how many vengeance curses I have on my head. F/N can tell ya that!

F/N: 1,793 and counting.

Louie: Think I'm just gonna go and get a drink. Yeah.

F/N: Alright, just don't take too long, son.

Louie: Okay, dad.

Louie walks out the door. Meanwhile, we see Webby and Dewey at the library.

Webby: (grabs a book) The Collected Treasure Maps of Peruvian. (Grabs another one) A Topographical Atlas of Plain Awful. (Grabs another one) Scrooge's Favorite Smells, volume 12. (Opens book) Fresh cookies. I knew it. [Oh oh!] They even have a section for Mr. Duck! (Grabs a book) F/N's Favorite Teas. (Opens book) Number 5, Oolong tea.

Dewey: Focus, Webby. (Turns to Emily) We're here to find out about Della Duck.

Emily: So the blue one seeks to learn of his past. But is he strong enough to learn the truth?

Dewey: Yeeeeeesss?

Emily: Wrong! First, you must prove yourself worthy by passing the trials! (Throws down a smoke pellet)

After Emily throws down a smoke pellet we see the smoke clear out as Dewey coughs and waves the smoke away from him with Webby right next to him.

Webby: (whispers) This is my new favorite library.

Meanwhile, we see Louie walk out of the elevator as he looks at the "Pep!" machine and puts a dollar in it as it says that he needs 10 cents more.

Louie: A dollar ten?! (Pats himself) Who keeps dimes on them anymore?

Then we see Louie get an idea as we see him go into the elevator to Scrooge's office to grab his dime on display.

Louie: Oh sweet! (Grabs dime) Scrooge has an emergency dime.

Then we see Louie put the dime into the machine and grabbed the soda from it.

Louie: (opens the soda) I'll pay you back later. (drinks soda).

Meanwhile, we see Scrooge and F/N with the Chairmen.

Chair: But how do you justify spending 5,000 dollars on a velvet pillow for a dime?

Scrooge: That dime deserves its own velvet pillow.

F/N: (Louie comes in drinking his soda) I always enjoy hearing about this story. It's inspiring.

Scrooge: Aye, it's Me number-one dime. The first dime I ever earned. I was a young shoeshine in Glasgow when a man came in, His boots cemented in mud.

Scrooge: I worked and worked until those boots sparkled.

Scrooge: In return, he gave me an American dime.

Scrooge: That dime inspired me to move to America and find my fortune.

Scrooge: It means more to me than every bit of bullion in my Money Bin.

Then everyone looks at Louie as he was sipping his soda very loudly.

F/N: Is everything alright, Louie?

Louie: (gulps soda) Yeah, uh... I gotta go. Bye. (rushed of the room)

Then we see Louie run towards an elevator.

Louie: Gotta get the dime, gotta get the dime! (Elevator door closed on him) [sigh]

Louie looks at the door across from him which leads to the stairs. Then we see him run down the stairs to the floor with the soda machine as he sees one of the workers put the change from the machine into a cart while listening to some music then push the cart into the elevator while we see Louie run towards him.

Louie: Oh, no, no, no... (Elevator closed on him) [groans] (looks up to see the elevator going on level 57) Fifty-seven? Oh, boy.

We now see Louie struggling his way up the stairs only to see that he made it to the 2nd floor.

Louie: Come on!

(Short time skip)

Louie finally made it to the 57th floor as he opens the door, out of breath to see the guy from earlier come out of a room towards the elevator as Louie runs towards him.

Louie: Hey. Wait. The dime! (Elevator closed on him)

Louie tried to open the door where that guy came from, only to find out it's locked, then he looked through the window of the door and sees Scrooge's dime on top of a bunch of coins.

Louie: Okay. Easy. Break in, grab the dime, sneak back downstairs. Oh, maybe stop at the vending machine.

Then we hear a loud clanging noise as Louie looks inside to see a machine collecting the coins in the carts.

Louie: Well, I'm dead.

Then we see Louie watch a video on his phone on how to pick a lock.

Woman on video: Today we're gonna teach you how to pick a lock. First, you need a small thin object, like a dime.

Louie: If I had that, then I wouldn't need the video! (Video switches to an ad) No, don't switch to an ad.

Johnny: This week on Ottoman Empire, we're working on an ottoman for Flintheart Glomgold. He wants an ottoman with storage by this afternoon!

Louie: [Heh heh heh] They're never gonna get that ottoman tufted in time. [Heh heh heh] Focus!

We see Louie look through the window as Gyro walks past him.

Louie: (crawls down) [Aw] there's gotta be a better way.

Gyro: (gets in the elevator) Fools! They'll rue the day they overlooked us, Lil' Bulb.

Louie: (Lil' Bulb lights up) Ding! Wait, hold the-- (elevator closed on him as he looks up to see the elevator stop at L) [groans].

Meanwhile, we see Dewey and Webby with Emily as she pushes a book cart.

Dewey: So what do you know about my mom? Was she really an adventurer like my dad?

Emily: (points at Dewey) Silence! Behold your first test. (Shows a huge filing cabinet) You must decipher the ancient and mysterious code within.

Webby: (walk up to filing cabinet) Yes! I love codes! Dewey, you start with a Number Shift Cipher while I try a Monoalphabetic Substitution.

Dewey: (grabs a card from a cabinet) Pretty sure this is just a library card catalog. (Tossed card away and walks off) Mystery solved.

Webby: Oh, yeah? If it's just a card catalog, then how does it know your name? (Shows cabinet that says "Dewey Decimal" on it) Come on! (Starts climbing cabinet)

Dewey: [Groans] (Follows Webby)

Meanwhile, we see Louie running down the stairs until he reached the elevator on the floor where Gyro stopped at. As the elevator door opened we see Gyro and Lil' Bulb look at Louie as he was breathing heavily.

Louie: Hey, Gyro Gearloose.

Gyro: If this is about the Gearloose Magnetic backpack, I specifically said they should not be used as school bags. (Pushes close door button) Blathering blatherskite, one teen gets stuck to a moving school bus.

Louie: (elevator starts to close) No, no, no. Louie Duck, Scrooge's super-rich nephew.

The elevator closed on Louie until Gyro opens the door with a smirk on his face.

Gyro: Keep talking... Sir.

Louie: Can't believe Scrooge and that tired old board of his didn't see the potential in Lil' Bulb here. And that F/N guy dared to make fun of you for it. I'd love to invest, buuuut I'm gonna need to test this little guy out first. Do you mind if I borrow him for the afternoon?

Gyro: Anything you say, rich nephew. (Grabs Lil' Bulb) Lil' Bulb, you be good. Don't you rise up against your masters. (Hands Louie Lil' Bulb as Louie looks at Gyro with an eyebrow raised) [Ha ha ha] Just a little robot humor.

Louie takes Lil' Bulb and looks at it as Gyro gives an "I'm watching you" gesture as the elevator door closes.

Louie: No. Wait. I need to go... (Elevator closed on him) up! (Imitating Scrooge) Put in a hard day's work. I think I'm so smarter than--

F/N: (opens the door from the board room with Scrooge behind him) There you are Louie! (Louie hides Lil' Bulb behind his back) Where have you been? Wait, you're not trying to get out of work again, are you?

Louie: What? No. I just, um... [Stuttering] Filled up my notepad with all that precious business wisdom, so I went to go find another.

Scrooge: Good lad. Feel free to take as many pads as you want. (Looks at the board) Or are we not allowed to use those either, ye penny-pinching buzzards?

F/N closed the door as Louie sighed until F/N opens it up again.

F/N: Oh, and [uh] Uncle Scrooge wanted me to tell you this. Make sure you use the front and back of every page. (Looks at Scrooge than back at Louie) Oh, and also write small. (Closes door).

(Short time skip)

We see Lil' Bulb unlock the door as it opens while we see it on the door and Louie in front of the doorway.

Louie: And that's how you unlock a door. (Dusts himself of while chuckling) Good job, Louie.

Hearing this made Lil' Bulb mad. Then we see Louie and Lil' Bulb walk into the coin room.

Louie: Finding one specific dime in this mess is gonna be a pretty big job. (Looks at Lil' Bulb) Well, you better get to it. (Kicks Lil' Bulb into a pile of change)

After Louie kicked Lil' Bulb into the change, he pats his hands then goes to sit in a corner and watch Ottoman Empire on his phone as Lil' Bulb's head pops out of the change and looks at Louie.

Louie: It's, like, a dime. Ah, you'll find it.

Then we see Louie watching Ottoman Empire on his phone.

Johnny: Ready to put your feet up, Mr. Glomgold?

Flintheart: You call this an ottoman? It doesn't even have my face on it. (Kicks ottoman towards the two) Do it again!

Louie: [ha ha ha ha].

We see Lil' Bulb look for the dime, not having any luck until it sees the machine from earlier picking up a lot of change. Then Lil' Bulb hops towards the machine and gets inside it and starts taking control as it's bulb starts to glow red. Then Lil' Bulb starts tearing some of the arms off of the machine and gets an evil look on it's bulb.

Meanwhile, we see Dewey and Webby walking with Emily in the library while she pushes the book cart.

Emily: In order to gain knowledge from the Archives, one must first offer up knowledge.

Dewey: (Stops the cart) Look, Quackfaster. Normally, I would be super-into a mysterious conspiracy quest. But couldn't you at least give me a tiny piece of information on my mom?

Webby: Dewey, don't question the ancient methods.

Dewey: I'm just saying, these are feeling a little less like trials, and a little more like stalling.

Emily: It is not for us to understand the ways of the Archives.

Dewey: That is literally your job. (Walks off along with Webby) I'm out. She doesn't know anything.

Emily: (gets in front of the two) No. None shall leave once the Trials are undertaken. There are those who would destroy you for the knowledge you seek.

Webby: (whispers) Just like the mailman.

Dewey: Who's gonna destroy me? Scrooge? My dad? The government? The Unicorn Illuminati?

Emily: Me.

Dewey/Webby: Wait./What?

Emily beings out a sword while screaming as Webby hopped onto the cart as Dewey pushed it away while hanging onto it as Emily chased them like a madwoman.

Meanwhile, we see Louie watching Ottoman Empire on his phone.

Flintheart: You expect me to put my feet up on my own face, you loons? Do it again!

Louie: You know, I used to hate this show, but now, I kinda love it. It's like every ottoman tells a story.

Then we see the dime that Louie was looking for rolling in front of him.

Louie: Hey, you found it. (Picks up dime) Great job... (Looks up) Little buddy.

Then we see Lil' Bulb controlling the machine and turned it into a giant robot as it walks towards Louie. Then it scans the dime in Louie's hand and chances after him as he ran away from it.

Meanwhile, we see Scrooge and F/N in the board room.

Scrooge: If you can find me 3,000 gallons of silver polish for cheaper, I'd love to hear about it!

F/N: And that's impossible knowing how much silver polish costs nowadays.

Chair: Oh, this is getting us nowhere. If you won't make your own cuts, then we're forced to fire staff at the bin to save money. The obvious choice is the archivist.

Scrooge/F/N: Fire Quackfaster?

Scrooge: Never! For 50 years, that woman's level-headedness has kept my archives secure and orderly.

F/N: Yeah, and I like her. She's one of Uncle Scrooge's employees that you can depend on.

Meanwhile, we see Emily chasing Dewey and Webby as she swipes around her sword.

Emily: You disrespect the Archives, you shall become one with the Archives!

Dewey: This isn't working.

Webby: (hands Dewey a book) Here. Knowledge is the greatest weapon of all.

Dewey looks at the book titled "How To Disarm Any Foe" then throws it at Emily as she catches it. Then they started throwing more books at her as she catches them all then tosses them in the air as they went into a bookshelf and on on the plaque as it opens with the title "The Art of ORGANIZING chapter 9" on the page.

(Back to the meeting)

F/N: A real nice lady.

Chair: Fine. Quackfaster stays. But Gyro is definitely unnecessary. We can replace him with your nephew-in-law, F/N.

Scrooge: Are you insane? (Looks at F/N) No offense lad.

F/N: None taken, I stopped doing my work here a long time ago.

Scrooge: Gyro Gearloose, besides F/N, is one of the most brilliant minds of our time.

Meanwhile, we see Gyro put a dollar in the vending machine as it pushed it back out with an error blinking on the screen. He tries again only for it to do the same thing.

Gyro: You miserable piece of rust. I am man, you are machine. Do as I command or I will pull your plug.

Then we see the elevator open as Louie runs out of it.

Louie: [Ah!] He's turned against me. (Lil' Bulb destroys the elevator and chased Louie) He's sucking up all the dimes. Help, help!

Louie ran down the stairs as Lil' Bulb chased after the poor boy.

Gyro: Oh. (Crossed off Lil' Bulb from his good list and puts it on the evil list and goes after it) Better stop it before Duck sees this, or I'll never hear the end of it.

(Back at the meeting)

Scrooge: If you're going to fire all the employees, why don't you just go ahead and shut the whole bin down?

Chair: You do have a perfectly good office downtown. Do you really need a Money Bin?

The chairmen smirk at him as Scrooge grumbles at them.

F/N: Oh boy.

Meanwhile, at the Archives we see Dewey and Webby on the book cart.

Dewey: [pant] [pant] I think we lost her.

But they didn't, for she hid in the bookshelf until she grabbed the two.

Emily: Foolish child. You do not know what you think you know.

Dewey: I don't know anything, and it's really frustrating!

We hear the door open as we see Louie close it behind his back while panting.

Dewey/Webby: Louie, over here./ Louie! Hey, Louie!

Then we see the robot burst through the door.

Dewey: Uh, never mind.

Louie: (points to the left) Look, a distraction!

As the robot was distracted, Louie slides under it and books it. Seeing this, the robot went after Louie. Then we see Emily as she no longer has Dewey and Webby in her hands, for she now has a book in each.

Emily: Huh?

Meanwhile, we see Louie trying to make his way up the stairs.

Louie: Lazy Tuesday equals an afternoon of TV. [pant] [pant] Hard work equals giant robot attack. Great life lesson, dad and Scrooge.

We see Louie go into the waiting room for the board room and hides behind the couch as the robot bursts through the door. The robot walks towards the couch and scans it as it's scanner says "Dime Located". The robot picks up the couch and sucks out all of the dimes from it until Gyro comes in.

Gyro: No! (Walks towards the robot as it walks towards him) You are not evil. You are good, Lil' Bulb. (Lil' Bulb picks him up) Good.

Lil' Bulb scans him as we see a picture of Gyro on the screen with his name followed by the words genius, inventor, and father. Lil' Bulb started to calm down, making Gyro smile until Lil' Bulb also scans some dimes on him. Lil' Bulb flips Gyro upside-down and sucks out all of his money out of his back pocket. Then it turns to Louie as he tried to sneak away then tossed Gyro to a couch and tried to suck the dime out of Louie's hand. But Louie held on tight as Lil' Bulb kept trying to take it until Gyro jumps on Lil' Bulb. As that happened the dime slipped out of Louie's hand and into the meeting room.

Scrooge: You cannot get rid of the Bin. (Louie seeks in) You may think they're crackpots and weirdos- (Louie gets under the table)

F/N: but they're the ones who push innovation and creativity and spur this company ever forward. (Looks at Scrooge) Don't tell Gearloose I said that.

As F/N says that, we see Louie trying to get the dime as the chairmen kept kicking it around until Lil' Bulb bursts through the door with Gyro on him.

Gyro: Just a little malfunction. Definitely not evil.

F/N: (yells at Gyro as he grabbed a book titled Gyro's failed inventions) Well I'm definitely adding that to the list.

Scrooge: What's that?

F/N: (Writes it down in the book) Oh, a lot of Gyro's inventions seemed to backfire, so I decided to make a whole book about it and the reasons why they failed.

Scrooge: Is that the only one?

F/N: Oh no, (closed the book and shows Scrooge) This is the 3rd Volume.

Scrooge: (looks at the chairmen) Look, they're all mad as loons, and if you for them, they're definitely going to seek revenge.

F/N: Yeah, and the fact that you want me to replace Gearloose would piss him off so much he'll make you three the first people on his list.

Chair: All in favor of keeping the Bin and everyone in it far away from our offices.

All 3: Aye!

Then we see the message tube suck up the dime.

Louie: No!

Louie runs towards the elevator and pressed the up button. As it opens he walks forward and almost fell as he just remembered the robot destroyed the elevator.

Louie: Come on!

Then we see Louie run towards the stairs and walks up them as he started breathing heavily. Finally, Louie made it to Scrooge's office as the toon spat out some change, including the dime as it started rolling towards the bin.

Louie: (chases the dime) No. No, no, no! Mine, mine, mine. (Rolled closer and closer to the bin) Wait! Wait wait. Mine!

Louie tried to grab the dime but the dime fell into the bin.

Louie: Of course.

Meanwhile, we see Dewey and Webby getting away from Emily on the book cart.

Dewey: (throws book) Book throw, (throws another book) book throw. (Shows Emily catching the books then putting them on the bookshelves.) Throwing books.

Webby: (hands Dewey a book) This is our last book. Make it count.

Dewey smirks then jumps off the cart.

Webby: What are you doing?

Dewey: Don't come any closer, or the book gets it. (Emily looks at Dewey as he opens the book) I will crease this corner, man, so back off. (Emily walks towards Dewey) Tell me about my mom.

Emily: (points at the book) Why don't you see for yourself?

Dewey: (closes the book and looks at it) This is it. (Shows the book titled "The Life and Times of Della Duck") This is it! (Opens book back up) This is...

Dewey finds out that the pages of that book are completely blank.

Dewey: Nothing.

Webby puts her hand on Dewey's shoulder until we see a page that says "no. 921 134d" on it.

Webby: Wait. I've seen that number before. (Grabs Dewey and runs) Follow me!

Meanwhile, we see Louie in the money bin looking for the dime.

Louie: Just a dime, just a dime. (Picks up a quarter) Oh, a quarter! (Puts quarter in his pocket and spots the dime) Wait, there it is.

Then we see Gyro still on top of the robot as it tried to get him off.

Gyro: Oh, I know what went wrong. (Takes dome off of Lil' Bulb) This is a 75-watt bulb. Lil' Bulb's only built for 50. [aha ha] He just a little mad with power.

Both gyro and Lil' Bulb were about to fall until Lil' Bulb balanced itself as Gyro replaced it's bulb with a 50-watt bulb. The machine backs up as Gyro pulled Lil' Bulb out of it and it started to fall apart as dimes from the back of it started to pour out into the bin.

Louie: Whoa, what the- (dimes fell on him as he groans).

Gyro: So you write me a check or...

Louie groans at him as we see Scrooge and F/N in the meeting room.

Scrooge: A pleasure as always. We'll be in my office if you need me. Please don't need me. (Walks out) Come along, F/N.

F/N: (Follows Scrooge) Right
Behind ya.

Meanwhile, we see Dewey and Webby at a dead end.

Webby: (pats the wall) I don't understand. It should be here somewhere.

Dewey: (looks at the books on the shelves as he stammers) Wait. These books. They're all out of order. (Walk towards one) Quackfaster's a lot of things, but she's not sloppy.

Then we hear Emily's voice.

Emily: Use your training. The most valuable knowledge must be earned.

Dewey: Okay, how much of this is about us doing your work for you?

Emily: About 50 percent.

Then the two look at each other and nodded at each other and got to work. While we see Louie in the bin trying to find the dime until he spots it. Meanwhile, we see Scrooge and F/N head towards the elevator.

F/N: Thank God, I thought that meeting would never be- (the two stops as they noticed that the elevator was destroyed) over.

Scrooge: Curse me kilts!

F/N: Guess we're taking the stairs.

Then the two head towards the stairs as we Dewey and Webby put the books in order then see Louie dig his way towards the dime.

Louie: [groans] Come on, come on, you got this!

Then we see Scrooge and F/N on the 5th floor and kept walking up.

F/N: Man, walking up these stairs must be torture for some people.

Then we Dewey put a book on a shelf as we see Louie dig towards the dime then Scrooge and F/N walking up the stairs. Then we see Dewey about to put Della's book on the shelf as we see Louie close to the dime and Scrooge and F/N on the 75th floor. Next, we see Dewey put the book into the shelf as a blue light started to glow from it as a line goes towards a picture frame on the wall as it lifts as we see Louie closer to the dime as we see Scrooge and F/N walk towards the door to Scrooge's office. Next, we see Dewey and Webby follow the line as we see Louie grab the dime and F/N about to open the door. Finally, we see Dewey in front of the wall as we see a hand scanner as F/N opens the door with Scrooge behind him.

F/N: Oh, there you are, Louie.

We see Louie in front of the dime as it's now back where it belongs.

Louie: [pant] I can't catch my breath.

Scrooge: Don't be so dramatic. A little work never killed anyone.

Louie sighed sharply as he laid on the ground.

Meanwhile in the Archives.

Dewey: [blows air] Okay, here goes... (Puts his hand on the scanner as it pricks him) [Ow!] What's up with this stupid library?

Computer: McDuck family DNA recognized.

Then a door opens as we see a room full of Della's stuff.

Webby: Wow!

Webby take a picture of some stuff as Dewey walked towards a big picture of Della. Then Webby noticed a picture that caught her eye.

Webby: Hey Dewey. (Dewey looks at her) Look at this!

Dewey walks towards her and sees the picture she was looking at. A picture with F/N before he was a cyborg in a groom's outfit and Della in a beautiful bride's dress as they held each other's hands.

Dewey: Why would this stuff be hidden? I gotta show Huey and Louie.

Webby: (noticed something else) Wait. What's this?

Then we see an old note left by Della.

Dewey: "Scrooge I've taken the Spear of Selene. I'm sorry, Don't tell F/N. -Della." Wait, what did she take? Why is she sorry? How come she didn't want dad to know?

Webby: Did she betray your uncle Scrooge and your dad?

Dewey: We can't tell anyone about this until we find out what it means.

Meanwhile, we see Scrooge and F/N with Louie.

F/N: We're proud of you, son. You put in a full day at the office.

Scrooge: (takes the dime from the display) I think you've earned this. (Flicks it towards Louie as he catches it)

Louie: You're giving me your number-one dime?

F/N: (laughs) Oh that? That's not his real first dime.

Scrooge: (opens jacket as he shows a dime attached to a necklace) I never let my dime out of my sight. (Puts it back) I'm not an idiot. This place is full of lunatics.

F/N: Ain't that the truth?

Scrooge: A dime sure means more when you have to work for it, eh, lad?

Then we see F/N and Scrooge head towards the stairs as Louie follows.

Louie: [Ooh] Maybe I'll get my own velvet pillow for this baby. [Ha ha ha] oh, hold up.

F/N: Wait, Louie! (Louie stops and looks at F/N) I know what you're about to do. (Gives Louie five bucks) use this instead. You can keep the change too. Think of it as my reward to you for all your hard work.

Louie: Wow! (Goes to the soda machine) thanks, dad!

F/N: No problem, son.

(Timeskip brought you by F/N looking at his copy of the wedding photo and smiling)

It's now nighttime at the Bin as we see Gyro in the lab.

Gyro: [Hmm.] (Rights on a piece of paper on a clipboard) Gyro creates robot. Robot gains free will.

We see Lil' Bulb trying to crush a roach with a mallet.

Gyro: Robot turns on Gyro. (Scribbles on paper then flips it to another piece of paper) Gyro controls robot. Gyro is robot.

Then we see that paper as he underlines the words "Project Blatherskite" then everything fades to black.


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