chapter 2

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It was only the second day of being in heat, and both Bryan and Mario were in agony. Bryan had already  overheated once, which has never happened before. Colin was staying with the guilds while Mitch was with his brothers, taking care of them since they are unable to take care of themselves at the moment. Not to mention the food that they're craving needs to be baked since it's cookies, and they can't exactly leave the pools.

Mario heard a whimper from the other side of the cave and looked over.

''Jakey~'' Bryan whined as he said his mates name.

Mario wanted nothing more than to go comfort his younger brother, but was unable to do so as he was in just as bad as a condition as he was. Mario whimpered himself as he felt a wave a pain rush through him, causing him go curl up. He wanted David but at the same time he was trying to stop thinking about David. He heard the buzzing of a lacrima and knew that it would of had to be Colin since Mitch wouldn't call him and Bryan was across the cave from him. He grabbed the lacrima before answering it.

''C-Colin?'' Mario was panting while trying to hold back a moan as a wave of heat rushed through him.

''Hey Mario.'' Colin had an awkward tone in his voice.

''What happened Colin?'' Mario went into brotherly mode, even though he was in pain.

''Well.. thegardenattackedandmostofusareinjuredsoithoughtthatsincenooneknowsaboutthedragoncavernthatmaybeicouldbringeveryonetheresothattheycanheal'' (the garden attacked and most of us are injured so I thought that since no one knows about the dragon cavern that maybe I could bring everyone there so that they can heal)

Mario, despite Colin's gibberish, knew exactly what he said. Mario groaned as another wave of pain went through him while Bryan whimpered. With a sigh, Mario spoke again.

''F-fine. But don't let them enter the cove. I don't want to risk Bryan or I doing anything we'll regret.'' Mario suddenly moaned out in pain as a wave of heat and pain washed over him.

''Oh dragons~'' He panted but froze when he heard his guild leaders.

''Mario? Are you okay?'' Mario grit his teeth.

''This is on open sound, isn't it.'' He heard a sigh from Colin on the other side.

''Yeah. The only people here are the guild leaders because they wanted to know what's going on.'' Mario let out a whimper as another wave of pain washed over him.

''I'm fine. My magic's just being a pain.'' He was so focused he didn't even hear Mitch enter the cave.

''That's 100% an understatement.'' Mario and Bryan turned to see Mitch walking into the cave with two plates of cookies, causing Bryan's and Mario's mouths to water.

He places one next to Bryan's pool, who basically attacks the cookies, before walking towards Mario and doing the same.

''Who are you talking to?'' Mario shoved a handful of cookies in his mouth before speaking.

''Cofin ans va gifd levders.'' Mitch looked confused before Colin spoke from the lacrima.

''Hi Mitch!'' Mitch smiled before speaking to Colin.

''Hi squirt. Who else is with you because Mario only told me after he shoved a handful of cookies in his mouth.'' He let out a chuckle as Mario glared at him, but than he froze when someone else spoke from the lacrima.

''He's talking to me, Colin, and the other guild leaders.'' Mitch paled a bit when he heard Michael's voice which was full of venom, causing Bryan and Mario to laugh from their pools.

''Stop laughing! You guys would look the same if you betrayed your guilds to become a double agent without even telling anyone about it!'' The guild leaders were shocked since they weren't expecting Mitch to say that, while Colin facepalmed since Mitch wanted to keep it a secret.

''Nah, I'd be dead if I betrayed my guild! Ritchie and Brandon wouldn't take too kindly to traitors.'' Mario was still laughing from his pool as it died down to giggles.

''You've already had way too much sugar Mario. You'd be jumping off the walls if you could.'' Mario giggled, Mitch rolled his eyes and Colin laughed when Bryan said that.

''Mitch, you seemed to have forgotten that the lacrima is still on, meaning the guild leaders heard about you being a double agent.'' Mitch faceplamed at his own stupidity while Bryan and Mario started laughing again.

''Well Colin, before anyone else says anything. Yes they can come but they aren't aloud in the cove, they're not aloud to kill Mitch, they can't pick any plants or fruit, they're not aloud to kill any animals or monsters, and they're not aloud to damage any of the crystals.'' Mario stopped giggling by the time he finished saying the rules before hanging up.

He looked towards Mitch and was about to say something, but another voice beat him to it.

''And what were you talking about when we entered?'' The slayers turned to look at where the voice came from, only to see Luar and Solaris, the spirits of the only moon dragon and sun dragon.

Lunar, being the one who spoke. These spirits were also different than most, as they were solid and not see through, but can become invisible and let people pass through them at will.

''Well...'' Mario explained the first bit of what had happened while Mitch had to explain everything that happened after he arrived because Mario started moaning and whimpering.

''The only problem is that Bryan's mate and Mario's mate are part of the group.'' Lunar and Solaris locked eyes for a moment.

''Try your best to keep their mates away from the cove.'' Mitch nodded at Solaris's words as each spirit went towards one of the two slayers in heat.

They gently rested their noses on top of the heads of the slayers before a white glow appeared. When the light faded, the dragon slayers that are in heat were asleep. The dragons than sat down before moving into a laying position. Wrapping their bodies around the sleeping slayers, they both sent a look towards Mitch that was telling him to go outside and wait for the guests.

Images not mine:


Remember to always try and have a good day/night. Happy holidays wolf pups!!

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