June 21st.

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"Um...we have an announcement to make...uh...please gather in the gym" Monophanie said I raised an eyebrow at that as I set down what I was working on. Didn't they already give us our motive? What else could they want? I shrugged leaving the dorm as I headed over to the gym. I was one of the last ones, only beat by Saihara who seems to have inherited Akamatsu's trait of being the last one to show up to a meeting. Weird it's almost like game developers don't want to add another ten minutes of dialogue while they wait for everyone to show up in the game...wait what am I thinking?

Monokuma then showed up...happy. Are they doing two motives AGAIN? "puhuhu it has recently come to my attention on what day it is for one of you" what....."today it's one of your birthdays!" wait...what day was it when I woke up in the locker....oh no "specifically Kokichi Ouma" shoot....of all the places to have your birthday. Everyone just sort of stared at me, probably wondering if you can congratulate me if I could die tomorrow.

"Oh yeah" I grinned "bow before me peasants!" Monokuma laughed "that's actually not what I have planned" I raised an eyebrow "today Ouma's giving gifts, for all of today you all can get Ouma to do one thing for you! And if he doesn't do it he gets executed! Also failure to not do this results in execution" Monokuma laughed and then disappeared ....f*ck....I looked around to face the others. Well...what a GREAT day....

I looked around the room and people were eyeing each other then me. Well this won't end well...

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