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The truth is just as painful as a lie.

I could already tell it was going to be a dreadful day before I even left my room. Maybe it's cause instead of waking up to an alarm clock I woke up to my father, "Kokichi get you're a** down here!" I immediately felt myself shaking. I barely got up when I heard another call "MOVE you're FREAKING A** ALREADY!" Oh gosh, what did I do? I am pretty sure I didn't do anything...I mean he doesn't ever really need a reason though huh? Still...I hope he for once goes easy on me...

I stumbled down the stairs I could feel myself trembling as my father slumped over a bottle of alcohol I could smell it radiating off him as he shoved a piece of paper in my face and shouted, "WHAT IS THIS?!" I backed away from the paper enough to see my report card and immediately I felt terror shower over my body like as if ice had been poured I could even feel my teeth chattering. The school was never an easy thing, sure the actual work I could handle but going...was another thing entirely. I...I hate it there with a dying passion.

"ANSWER ME DA** IT!" He shouted swinging a bottle at me "I-I didn't....m...m-mean to....." I stuttered only to be met by a swift kick to my side as I fell, and I gripped my side "I AM NOT LETTING AN INCOMPETENT LITTLE MORON LIVE HERE GOT IT?!" I heard him screech as I felt him stomp on my back a few times "HIDEO! STOP!" I heard a voice screech from nearby Ah great...not her to..."STOP! THE SCHOOLS ALREADY CALLED TWICE LAST WEEK STOP IT!" I heard my Mom cry as she ran towards my father. Does she care? Has the incident actually made her care...? Has someone finally had mercy on my soul!?

"Hideo, the school has already called us twice last week for the injuries, I think they're getting onto you! They keep asking us repeatedly, it really isn't a good idea after what happened to him, if you're going to beat that it somewhere they won't notice, at least" my Mother said, and I sighed. Of course. My 'amazing' mother wouldn't care about the wellbeing of her only child left. She would care about her bloody reputation. I felt my father take his foot off me "SCRAM!" And I took the hint running up to my bedroom faster than the speed of light. I'm going to be late, Raeden is going to kill me for this! I quickly changed into my uniform and slugged my bag over my shoulders not even bothering to go to the kitchen, what's the point? Just has the disappointment of the fact I probably won't be allowed to eat for a while.

By the time I reached the school, I was panting as I trudged in. Maybe I can avoid him, for all I know he might not be at school today... "hey brat, you're late" I heard an irritated voice behind me. My luck... I turned around to face Raeden as I felt him grip onto my neck dragging me off the ground a bit as he shoved me against the school wall "cmon hand it over" he said "I don't have all day" I coughed out "let me go! I'll get it!" And he dropped me allowing me some breath when I quickly opened my bag and handed over the homework assignments he wanted. I felt myself stutter "c-can you leave me alone.... then?" And I saw him grin. It's never a good thing when he grins.

"As if I would let my favorite punching bag run free, besides you're the only one who never says anything about it" I felt my eyes widen for a second. It's.... hopeless... it's all hopeless....nothing is ever going to change for one is ever gonna save one is ever gonna care about whether or not I die! I felt him kicking, but I didn't care at this point. I didn't care I it hurt or how many marks this would leave. I didn't care if it killed me. I felt one last kick to the ground before I heard him walk away as I slowly got up grimacing in pain before I quickly headed to class the first bell already ringing. Oh god, not again! If they even call my parents or more time I doubt they would be able to stop themselves from...I shuddered at the thought as I made my way to class.

"Ouma takes your seat, your tardy" my teacher said before I had even taken a step in the room. I felt myself trying not to make eye contact as I practically ran to my seat "Sorry sensei" I then heard already getting out some of my stuff and low whispering came around the room. Again...why are they always talking about me...I sighed not even bothering to pay attention to anything at this point. Let them talk about me.... when I am not able to hear them anymore...yeah...just a little's the day.

 No one at this class, no nobody in the whole school really seemed to care about me. Nobody in the world cares about me. I felt myself holding back some tears as the teacher eventually finished the lesson, as per usual in one ear out the other.  I quickly picked up my stuff and headed to the front of the room expecting to be chewed out. It's.... time. Everything seemed to slow down as I walked up to the rooftop looking around for other students. I was alone. On the one day, I really wished I wasn't as I approached the railing and sighed. No one cared about you when you were alive, no one cared enough to save you from them, so what does it matter to them when your soul isn't even there anymore?

I took off my shoes and stood on the railing as I took a deep breath. And a final one as I allowed myself to lean over the edge and I felt myself airborne. For the entirety of a second before I felt something gripping onto my shoulders "what are you freaking doing da** it!" I heard someone cry out as I felt myself being dragged back onto the rooftop and someone panting. No! They ruined everything! Now I will never be left alone till the ends of time itself! I stared at the boy with bluish eyes and a black hat and startling bluish gray eyes from one of my classes.

"Answer me.... why did you do that?!" I then realized he still had a grip on only now it was around my arms in case I tried to run or do it again I guess. I didn't respond I just looked at the floor "tell me why, I'm not letting you go till you do" I felt tears coming and I didn't even fight them "I-I....w-why didn't y-you let me-" I started only to have the guy shout "of course I wouldn't let someone end their own life in front of me da** it!" I felt myself get released from his grip as he said "but at least tell me, and if not now eventually" I just looked down on the floor"My name is Shuichi Saihara, what's yours?" and I looked at him for once "m-my name is Kokichi Ouma" And he smiled just a little "nice to meet you"

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