Life of an Agent (Transformers Prime Seasons 1 & 2) Chapter 15

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"And it was written in the combinets of Primus, that when the 47 spheres aline, a perpetual conflict will culuminate upon a world, forged from chaos. And the weak shall perish, in the shadows of a rising darkness." said Optimus. "No sky is raining fire?" asked Arcee. "Goes without saying. It is a doom prophecy after all." said Ratchet. "Optimus? Do you think there's a possibilty that the prophecy could be real?" asked Madalyn. "No way! I say it's a load of who-ey!" answered Bulkhead. "I'd always asume the acients were referring to Cybertron. But being now that Cybertron has been dark for eons.." explained Ratchet. "And considering what has befallen this planet, since Megatron's arrival here..." added Optimus. "Wait, so the prophecy IS real?" asked Madalyn. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, we would have known about these superstictions for ages and never give a second thought!" said Bulkhead. "Why all the rumblings now?" asked Arcee. "Yeah, this doesn't make any sense. If the doom prophecy was made by Cybertronians acients, would the prophecy happen on Cybertron?" asked Madalyn. "Because the planetariey alinement to which the prophecy referred, is nearly upon us." answered Optimus. "It is?" asked Madalyn. "And it would seem it's end point, is Earth." added Ratchet. "Uh oh." thought Madalyn. "Uh, crazy coincedence? Ah right?" asked Bulkhead while shrugging. "How long we talking?" asked Arcee. "A few days, at most." answered Ratchet. "A few days? That's not so bad. Is it?" asked Madalyn. "However unsettling this revalation may be, I am more concerned about those who might believe, that the prophecy speaks to them alone." explained Optimus. "Like Megatron?" asked Madalyn nervoulsy. "Like Megatron." answered Optimus. "Should we tell the other's about the prophecy?" asked Madalyn. "It is propably best if you keep this information to yourself for now Madalyn. I won' be risking any human lives once this occurs." answered Optimus. "Alright, you got it Optimus." replyed Madalyn.

An hour later, Jack, Miko, Raf, and Cole arrived at the base. Raf brought his laptop with him, so he and the others decided to check out 'alien sightings' website's and see what they would find. "Pass." said Jack. "Ah no." said Cole. "Kid in a costume." said Miko. "Balloon." said Raf. "Nope." said Cole. Then the website brought up a picture of Bumblebee in his vehicle mode, and the title for the picture was 'Car Driving Itself?!?!?'. "Whoa! Stop there!" yelled Madalyn. "The camera sure love's Bee." said Jack. "What can you do?" said Cole. "When your a superstar, your papparazi bait!" said Miko as she jumped back into the couch and put her hands behind her head. "I can't believe someone actually got a picture of Bumblebee!" said Madalyn. Ratchet overheard them talking, so he turned and saw the Bumblebee on Raf's laptop. "Wait, is that Bumblebee?" asked Ratchet. "On a conspericey website. Where users post evidence of 'close encounters'. But we have it under control Ratchet." said Raf while giving him a thumbs up. "We do?" asked Madalyn. "Yeah, we just scrub, and replace Bee with..." said Raf as he typed in a few things on the computer and placed Bumblebee's picture with a 'Nyan Cat' video. "Oh my gosh, you replaced Bee with 'Nyan Cat'? Dude that is genious!" said Madalyn as she gave Raf a high five. Ratchet as a couple seconds of the video and he actually laughed. "Whoa, what just happened?" asked Cole in shock. "Ratchet actually laughed?" asked Miko. The kids just stared at Ratchet with confused looks, but Ratchet got alittle embarrest and went back to his computer. "Heh, um, Optimus! You wanna see something funny?" asked Jack. "No." answered Optimus. "Aww! You might like it! Doesn't hurt to try something new!" said Madalyn. "Don't take it personal." said Arcee as she and Bulkhead walked in the room "Prime's are just built that way." "Never seen Optimus laugh, cry or lose his cool." added Bulkhead. "Never? Really?" asked Madalyn as she got up and ran towards the railing infront of Ratchet. "While Optimus certainly keeps his emotions in check, I've known him far more longer than any of you have. And he was different before he was made a Prime." explained Ratchet. "Optimus wasn't always a Prime?" asked Raf. "I think I remember Optimus telling me something like that." said Madalyn. "On Cybertron, one isn't born into greatness. It must be earned." answered Ratchet. "So different how? We talking party animal?" asked Miko. "Optimus a party animal? I don't see it." said Madalyn. "No, no, Optimus was more like, Jack." answered Ratchet. "What? But I'm nothing like Optimus." said Jack. Then an alarm went off at the computer and Agent Fowler came up on the video screen. "Prime!" called out Fowler. "What's the 411 dad?" asked Madalyn. "Those tech hights my apartment's been tracking, we figured it was M.E.C.H. on acount of their stealth tactics. Untill moments ago, a seceurity breach at the Pentington's Particle Calider captured this." explained Fowler as on the left computer screen he brought up a photo of Soundwave. "It's Soundwave!" said Madalyn as she pointed to the screen "I reconize that blank face screen anywhere." "Raf can swap that out for you with a funny cat." joked Miko. "The 'Con without a face made off with a conning edge vase conductor. Here's a punch list of everything else we comfirmed stolen to date." explained Fowler as he brought blueprints for everything the Decepticons stole. Madalyn and Raf were standing infront of Optimus and Ratchet looking at the screen while Ratchet said what the machines of the blueprints were. "Plasma inejector, nutron sheild, teseract?" said Ratchet. "Isn't that from the Avengers?" asked Cole. "There's only one thing missing of what their intending to build." explained Ratchet. "But what?" asked Cole. They all thinked for a moment then Madalyn and Raf realized what they were building. "Another space bridge!" they both said.

Half an hour later when Ratchet, and the other's were going through the stuff the Decepticons stole to build another space bridge, Agent Fowler called again. "Prime, the 'Cons really steped in it this time, they hit a US miliatry lab. Our boys in green will fend them off untill your team shows." explained Fowler. "Agent Fowler, I fear that Megatron's desperation may be at it's zenith. And you know that I can not indone even a single human life." explained Optimus. Fowler turned on his headset and called the general. "Fowler here, evacuate all ground forces immediatly." ordered Fowler. Then he turned off the transmission. "It's probably a good idea for us to stay here, untill things calm down." suggested Madalyn. Then Raf's cell phone rang. He answered and talked for a few seconds then hung up. "It's my mom, she want's me to come home now." explained Raf. "No problem Raf. I'll go with you and Bee. Hey Bumblebee! Raf need's a ride home!" called out Madalyn. "Beep beep bop bop beep 'No problem! Lets go!'" said Bumblebee as he transformed into vehicle mode, and let Madalyn and Raf in. Once they were in the backseats, Bumblebee took off.

On the way back to Raf's house, Bumblebee was driving along dirt road, when he got a call from Ratchet. "Bumblebee! The team may require backup. They are 3 clicks north of you just off the highway. If you can drop of Rafael and Madalyn at the exit ramp, I can bridge them back to base from there." explained Ratchet as he ended the call. "Beep beeep bop beep bop bop bop beep beep 'You got it. Sorry for the sort ride you too.'" said Bumblebee. "That's ok Bumblebee." said Raf. "No big deal, Bee." said Madalyn. Outside, Madalyn and Raf heard some blaster fire and some jet noises. They looked out the back window and saw a Cybertronian jet attacking them. "I know that jet, it's Megatron!" yelled Madalyn. "Megatron?!?" yelled Raf. "Bumblebee! Metal to the pedal!" yelled Madalyn. Bumblebee did the best he could to block the shots, but on the last one, Bumblebee got hit with a dark energon blast. He spun out of control, but hit the brakes and stoped in the middle of the road, and Megatron took off. "Beep? 'Guys?....'" asked Bumblebee. In his front-view mirror, Bumblebee saw two arms lifeless drop on the seats. When he knew something was wrong, he put metal to the pedal and raced off to Optimus and the other's coordinates.

Bumblebee pulled up to the attacked miliatry lab, Ratchet said they would be. He transformed into robot and carried Raf and Madalyn in his arms. He saw that their skin were slightly pail, and purple skin surrounded their eye's slightly, and they groaned, and kept they're eye's closed and they could barely breath. As he walked in the battlefield, he found Optimus, Arcee, and Bulkhead, with Megatron. "Optimus!" said Megatron. "Megatron, do you not see the fally of trying to force a prophecy to unfold?" asked Optimus. "Why leave matters to fate, when one can forge one's own destiny. Ah, speaking of fate." said Megatron as he waved his hand for Optimus and the other's to look behind them. They turned and saw Bumblebee holding Raf and Madalyn and saw them in the terrible appearence they were in. Optimus's eye's widened when he say them. Especially Madalyn. "Uh..." whispered Madalyn. "Raf! Madalyn!" said Arcee with fear in her voice. Arcee took Raf, then checked his breathing, then checked Madalyn, who was still with Bumblebee. "Their breathing! Barely..." said Arcee. Then Bumblebee handed Madalyn over to Optimus. "No..." whispered Optimus. "Op...ti..mus..." whispered Madalyn. "She heard you!" yelled Bulkhead. "Ah, ha. It would seem I've swattered a Bee, and squasted some bugs." said Megatron tauntingly. Then Bumblebee got all angry and transformed his hands into blaster's and aimed them at Megatron. "Beeeeeeep! 'Why you little!" yelled Bumblebee. But Bulkhead grabed his arms and pulled him back. "Bumblebee no!" yelled Bulkhead. Optimus looked at Bumblebee, then at Megatron, who gave him an evil smile. "Ratchet! Bridge us back now!" ordered Optimus. Behind the Autobots a ground bridge opened. Bulkhead let go of Bumblebee, and Optimus handed Madalyn to Bumblebee. "Arcee, Bumblebee, attend to Rafael and Madalyn." ordered Optimus. Bumblebee took Madalyn then he, and Arcee with the kids, went through the ground bridge.

Arcee and Bumblebee walked through the ground bridge with Madalyn and Raf. Ratchet, Jack, Miko, and Cole watched them walk in with shocked, surprised, and scared looks on their faces. "Raf?!?" yelled Jack. "No!" yelled Miko. "Madalyn?!?" yelled Cole. "What happened?!?" asked Ratchet. "Megatron." answered Arcee with narrowed optics. "Quickly! Into my labratory!" commanded Ratchet. Ratchet, Bumblebee, Arcee, and the kids ran into Ratchet's lab. Cole, Miko, and Jack brought out two hospital beds, and Arcee placed Raf in one, while Bumblebee placed Madalyn in the other. Then CrackerJack hooked them both up to a heart meter. Ratchet checked the computer. "Rafael and Madalyn aren't responding! We must perform a diagnostic of their assemblige, uh, vitale signs, uh" said Ratchet as he brought out some tools, but realized they would do any good "No! My tools, they're all wrong!" said Ratchet as he threw them away. "Beep bop beep 'This is all my fault!'" said Bumblebee. Then Jack brought out his cellphone. "We need to call my mom." said Jack. "Your mother may be a nurse, but does she know anything about the effects of energon on the human body?!?" asked Ratchet. "Well, do you know anything about the human body?!?" asked Jack "Mom it's an emergency!" Jack walked away for a moment to talk to her mom about what's happening. Then Ratchet looked over to Raf and Madalyn. "The weak will perish. Stay strong you too." whispered Ratchet.

A ground bridge opened up and June drove inside. Jack ran over to her mom's car as June got out. "Mom! Thank..." said Jack but June interupted him. "Grab my bag!" said June as she ran over to Raf and Madalyn. Ratchet was using his scanner to scan Raf and Madalyn. "Measuring the extent of the obsorpsion should determine the proper course of treatment." explained Ratchet. June pressed two finger's against Raf and Madalyn's back wrist's for breathing levels. "If I don't get them stablized now, they will not leave this place alive, do you understand me?!?" said June. "Uh.." said Ratchet as he backed away. Jack came running in with June's bag. "Beep beep bop 'Stupid Megatron!'" said Bumblebee as he punched the wall. "Whoa! What's wrong with Bee?" asked Cole who was with Jack and Miko. Arcee grabed his arms and pushed him against the wall. "Bee, listen! You think I don't know how it feels to watch a partner, harmed, revenge won't help Raf and Madalyn right now. You need to keep your emotions in check." explained Arcee then she let him go. Bumblebee looked at Arcee with a sad expression on his face, then looked over to Raf and Madalyn with the same expression. "Beep bop 'Alright.'" said Bumblebee as he placed his hand on his forehead.

"Ratchet? How is Madalyn and Rafael?" asked Optimus over the com-link. "It is too soon to know." answered Ratchet. "They are in good hands." replyed Optimus. "Not mine Optimus." said Ratchet as he watched June check the kids heart beats "Curse my Cybertronian pride! We've accepted these humans into our lives, yet I bothered to learn so little of their science, or medicine." "Pull yourself together old friend. Rafael and Madalyn need you." replyed Optimus. "And I, have grown to need them." said Ratchet. "Lock on to my coordinates and activate the ground bridge." ordered Optimus. Ratchet walked over to the ground bridge controls and opened up the ground bridge for Optimus and Bulkhead.

Bulkhead came through the ground bridge and put down the power source for the Decepticons space bridge. "How are they doing?" asked Bulkhead. "Not sure. Too soon to tell, really." answered Cole. June checked Raf and Madalyn's pulses then looked at Jack. "Jack help me get Raf and Madalyn in the car. They're going to the emergency room." said June. "Nurse Darby, your doctors won't be able to compredent what's awfulicting them. Not without a decade of study." explained Ratchet. "I don't have time to argue!" replyed June as Jack walked over to Raf's hospital bed. "The effects of energon blasts on an autobot can be devastating enough. But this is a human!" explained Ratchet as he typed in a few things on his computer. "I'm not getting any readings. How could I have not seen this! Rafael has been infected with DARK energon!" Everyone looked at Ratchet with shocked and surprised looks on their faces. "Dark energon? Are you serious?" asked Cole. "I am very serious Cole." replyed Ratchet. Cole walked over to Madalyn's hospital bed and held her hand. "Hang in there, sis. Hang in there." whispered Cole.

"If dark energon is devouring Raf and Madalyn from the inside out.." explained Ratchet as he scanned Raf and Madalyn "We must expelle it and fast. The only possible way I know. I need energon." Ratchet grabed a energon container. "Wait, you said energon was devastating to humans." said June. "Under normal circomstances, yes, but I am relieing upon the dark matter currently invading Rafael and Madalyn's bodies to lead it head on." explained Ratchet. Then Madalyn and Raf's heart meter's started beeping and the screen turned red. "We must move quickly!" ordered Ratchet. Ratchet took the container and injected the needle part into Bumblebee's arm and extracted energon from him, and into the container. Then he attached the container into the computer of the energon healing chamber and turned to Jack and June. "I need them over here, now!" said Ratchet. June, Jack, and Cole took the hospital beds, and and took them with Raf and Madalyn inside the chamber. Once Raf and Madalyn were inside, Cole, Jack, and June ran out of the chamber, and Ratchet closed the door. He pulled up a lever on the computer which activated the chamber and a bright light glowed inside. Cole, Jack, and Miko watched from outside with their hands against the door. Once the light vanished, the door to the chamber opened and Jack, Miko, Cole, June, and Bumblebee ran in. June checked both of Raf and Madalyn's breathing. "Ugh..." groaned Raf. "Ugh... uh.." groaned Madalyn as she and Raf opened their eye's. "Pulse razor's stablizing!" said June happily. "Uh... Bee?" said Raf with a smile. "Cole... what'd I miss?" said asked Madalyn. "More than you know sis." answered Cole as he hugged her sister "Welcome back, sis." Miko hugged Raf, and while she hugged him Raf and Madalyn looked over towards each other. "Hey." said Raf. "Hey." replyed Madalyn with a smile. "Optimus, we did it!" said Ratchet over the com-link.

"Wait, where's Optimus?" asked Madalyn, as she and Raf were outside of the healing chamber and back in the command center, laying down on her hospital bed. "He went to face off Megatron." answered Bulkhead. "Bulkhead, you let Optimus go out and face Megatron alone?!?" said Arcee as she placed her hands on her hips. "I didn't have a choice." answered Bulkhead. "It could be a trap. We need to get a fix on Optimus's location." said Ratchet. Madalyn laid her head back on the pillow on the hospital bed. "Optimus... please be ok...." thought Madalyn.

"Ok, I'm locked on to Optimus's signal, wait, how is this possible?" said Ratchet. "What? What is it?" asked Arcee. Madalyn overheard them talking, so she moved her head towards them, so she could hear their conversation. Ratchet typed in afew things on his computer then turned towards Arcee and Bulkhead. "We need to get Optimus ou there now!" yelled Ratchet. "Oh no.." whispered Ratchet.

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