Life of an Agent (Transformers Prime Seasons 1 & 2) Chapter 17

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"Optimus! Madalyn! Have you two uncovered any more signs of Unicron's emergance?" asked Ratchet through the com-link. "Unicron is power in carnage. And YOU, the last of the Prime's and your Cybertronian friend shall perish!" yelled the Unicron warrior's in unison. "That answer your question Ratchet?" asked Madalyn. "I'll take that as a yes. Were on our way!" said Ratchet. "Negative! Unicron cannot be defeated by seir force. He wants ME, Ratchet. This fight must be mine alone." said Optimus "Lock on to Madalyn's coordinates and bridge her back." "No, Optimus! I'm not leaving you! Remember back at base when I said that?" asked Madalyn, then she transformed both hands into blasters "I mean't it!". Optimus nodded in agreement and he too transformed his hands into blaster's and put his mouth cover 'mask' on. Then the Unicron warrior's started jumping of the cliff's and fall towards Optimus and Madalyn. But everytime they jumped in the air, Madalyn and Optimus would blast them to pieces. Two of them got on their platform, so Madalyn punched the one on the right and blasted it in it's chest, while Optimus flipped over the one on the left. "Were losing room!" yelled Madalyn. "Move! Quickly!" ordered Optimus. Optimus and Madalyn jumped to the next platform, then the one after that while still firing upon the Unicron warriors. Madalyn blasted the Unicron warrior's while Optimus transformed his blasters into swords and staped one in the stomach and threw him off the cliff. Then he transformed his swords back into blasters, and he and Madalyn kept jumping from platform to platform and blasting every Unicron warrior in sight. "Optimus! Jump, I got an idea!" yelled Madalyn. As he and Madalyn jumped to the next platform, Madalyn did a front flip while blasting the end of the cliff they were jumping over, that had three Unicron warrior's and the cliff fell to the ground as they landed on the cliff after that one. "Good work Madalyn!" said Optimus.

As they were running, they got tackled by two Unicron warriors and they all fell to the bottom floor of the canyon. They landed on the ground, and back-rolled backfirst into a wall. The two Unicron's charged at them, but Optimus blasted one of them, but the other punched Optimus. Madalyn blasted the warrior off Optimus and another charged at them. Optimus shot that one down then both Optimus and Madalyn barrel-rolled to the right, out of the way of the collision. Then two more came down from behind them. Optimus cut one in half while, Madalyn blasted the other one's head off and he fell lifelessly to the ground. Madalyn and Optimus got hit from behind them, then another one wacked them with his spike spear in the face, and they both fell to the ground. "Let me go!" yelled Madalyn as the Unicron warrior from behind them grabed her. Optimus heard her yell, so he stabed the Unicron warrior in the chest and threw him off the clif as two more Unicrons jumped up. As Optimus and Madalyn shot them, four more Unicron warriors jumped on top of them. They each grabed Madalyn and Optimus by the arm's and pulled them up to their feet. Their grip was so strong, that they couldn't break lose. "This can't be happening! This can't be the end!" thought Madalyn.

Optimus and Madalyn saw one Unicron warrior jump down from a near by cliff. As he was raising his spike hand to perform the final blow, Madalyn heard the sound of a ground bridge opening, and blaster fire came out and shot down the Unicron warriors. It was Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead. Madalyn and Optimus watched as the other Autobots came down from the ground brige and took care of the Unicron's who surrounded them. Then as more Unicron's were coming down, Bulkhead and Bumblebee blasted them to peices. As Madalyn watched she didn't notice one Unicron warrior who esacped the Autobots try to finnish her off. SHe saw him next to her and was about to wack her with it. "Yikes!" yelled Madalyn as she braced for empacked. But Optimus rolled to his stomach side, did a hand stand and kicked the Unicron warrior that was about to finnish off Madalyn. "Woah." whispered Madalyn. Optimus got back up on his feet, grabed a hold of Madalyn's hand and pulled her up. They too joined the fight with the other Autobot's to take care of the Unicron warriors. Once Optimus stabbed the las Unicron warrior he turned to Arcee. "Did Ratchet not rally my command? Return to base!" ordered Optimus. "Reinforcements will not delay your destruction deciple of Primus!" said the warriors in unison. "Optimus! Your Unicron's target! Maybe you should consider returning to base!" suggested Arcee. "She has a point." added Madalyn. "These manifastations of Unicron can locate me anywhere on Earth. Even our base's shielding would only cloak my position for so long. I will not put other's at risk." said Optimus. "Then fall back and let us take the lead! Just this once!" said Bulkhead. "Please listen to reason!" said Ratchet through the com-link "If you don't survive Optimus, I fear niether will this planet!" Optimus thinks for a moment the over at Bulkhead. "Very well." said Optimus. "Let's move!" yelled Arcee.

Madalyn and the Autobots jumped from platform to platform while blasting all the Unicron warriors. Arcee, Madalyn, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee were protecting Optimus from the warriors. Arcee was up in front, followed by Bumblebee, then Madalyn, with Optimus behind her, and Bulkhead in the back. They all finally made it to the top of the canyon, so they all transformed into vehicle mode and drove off. Then more Unicron warriors started popping up from the ground so Madalyn and the Autobots started driving right over them, crashing into them making Unicron's stone clones fall to the ground like the rocks they were. At a near by canyon, it started falling apart and turn into a giant Unicron rock monster. They all stoped and transformed into robot mode. "So do you suppose we get rid of this one?" asked Madalyn. "Beep beep beep beep bop? 'This that THE Unicron?" asked Bumblebee. "No that the real Unicron. But another of his manifestations." answered Optimus. "If we can't beat Unicrona and we can't out run him, what exactly are we suppost to do?" asked Bulkhead. "All we can do. Nuetrolaize his vessal's as they appear. Untill we find a way to destroy him. Without destroying the very Earth upon which we walk." answered Optimus as he transformed his hands into blasters. "Yeah. How hard can it be?" said Madalyn sarcasticaly. Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and Madalyn transformed into vehicle mode and drove towards the giant Unicron. While Optimus ran after him and blasted him to create a diversion. Once Madalyn, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead got behind Unicron without getting squished, they transformed into robot mode, transformed their hands into blasters and shot blaster fire at Unicron's legs. Then Madalyn noticed the spike hand coming towards them. "Take cover!" yelled Madalyn. Bulkhead, Madalyn, and Bumblebee ran off to avoid getting hit by the spikes. But the spike, being faster then Madalyn and they 'Bots, they got lost in the dust and got hit by the spikes and and flew afew miles into the air and crashed into the ground. "Ow... That's gonna hurt in the morning." said Madalyn. Madalyn watched as Arcee also got wacked by the and was sent flying in her vehicle mode. She then turned her attention to Optimus who kept firing at him. "Fool!" yelled Unicron. Unicron smashed his hand into the ground and four giant blouders surround like a cage, with one more alost landing right on top of him. "Oh no!" yelled Madalyn. Bulkhead and Bumblebee got up and began firing at Unicron's legs again. But Unicron kept walking forward towards Optimus. "I am this world's past, and future, and as of this moment..." said Unicron as he lifted his foot over Optimus's rock cage. "NOOOO!" yelled Madalyn. "All Prime's are simply past!" finnished Unicron.

Then Madalyn and the other's watched as purple energon blasts came out of nowhere and shot at Unicron's head. Madalyn watched as the giant rock monster came tumbling to the ground making a giant dust cloud once he landed. Once the dust cleared, Arcee met up with Bumblebee, Madalyn and Bulkhead and they saw a huge pile of rock's ahead of them. "Beep bop bop 'What just happened?" asked Bumblebee. "I have no idea." answered Madalyn. "Wasn't me." said Arcee. "Me neither." said Bulkhead. "Arcee opened up her com-link. "Ratchet!" said Arcee. "Arcee what happened?" asked Ratchet through the com-link. "I happened!" yelled a voice. On top of the defeated stone Unicron Madalyn saw a Transformer who she thought never to see again. "Megatron!" said Madalyn with narrowed optics "But how? And why?". Megatron jumped down from the pile of rock's and infront of Optimus's rock cage. "Why is Megaron here?" said Bulkhead. "King kong's there too?" asked Miko through the com-link. "He has alined himself with Unicron!" said Ratchet. "Don't be so sure! Megatron just saved Optimus's tailpipe!" said Arcee. Madalyn saw Optimus trying to get out of the rock's so she ran over to his stone prison, right past Megatron, to help him out. "Hang on Optimus." said Madalyn as she pulled a rock out of the way so Optimus could get out. Madalyn knelt next to him, to see with he suffered damage. Then she saw Megatron walk over to them. He aimed his gun at them, and Madalyn heard the sound of his cannon charging. Madalyn gasped and transformed one of her hands into a blaster and aimed it at Megatron.But then, Madalyn saw Megatron do the un-thinkable. Megatron lowered his weapon and extended his hand to help Optimus up. Madalyn looked at Optimus who nodded at her, so she transformed her blaster back into her hand, and steped back, to let Megatron help Optimus up.

"It is rather ironic, considering our last incounter. If memory serves, you were despretly atempting to extinguish my spark." said Megatron. "That option remains very much in play." replyed Optimus. "I would expect nothing less. However, I have a proposal." explained Megatron. "And is it that you have to offer to the Autobots?" asked Madalyn. "Ah, the new Autobot. Aura is it? I have heard much about you." said Megatron as he walked towards her. "Flattery will get you no where, Megatron." replyed Madalyn. "Hm, you remind me of a human I once met. Goes by the name of Agent Romanoff. Do you know her by any chance?" asked Megatron. "You might say that." answered Madalyn with narrowed optics. "As I was saying." said Megatron as he walked back to Optimus "Join me in defeating our shared enemy. Unicron The Choas Bringer." "Is he serious?" thought Madalyn. "Ha! That's ridiculas! Unicron is evil incarnet! If Megatron was to take any side, why would it be ours?!?" said Ratchet over the com-link. "Because Megatron's pride, would never allow anyone other than himself, to rule this planet." repyed Optimus. "You know me all too well Optimus." said Megatron. "You lead an army of 'Cons! Why come to us?" asked Bulkhead. "Because this particular indevour requires something beyond, the realm of my command." answered Megatron "The power of a Prime." "The power of a Prime?" asked Madalyn. "Heh, I guess we don't need you." said Bulkhead. "On the contary, Optimus may be the only one who can defeat Unicron, but I remain the only one who can guide you, to him. Unicron's life blood runs through me, only I can hear his thoughts, and intisapate his movements. Optimus, our past alliances, Autobot, Decepticon, no longer matter. Not while Unicron lives." explained Megatron. "The past always matters!" yelled Ratchet through the com-link. "A truce between Autobots and Decepticons. How long do you expect us that to last?" asked Optimus. "Only as long as mutally benifital." answered Megatron. "And when our perposed fair mission is complete?" asked Optimus. "I will conquer this Earth. My way." answered Megatron. "Burtal honesty from a Decepticon?" asked Arcee. "That's something you don't see everyday." added Madalyn. "Allining with the lesser of two evil's is still siding with evil." said Ratchet through the com-link. "Do you think, you've witness the full power of Unicron? Those foot solders were nothing more than a taste. Unicron has yet to fully awaken. With each passing moment, the bringer of chaos evolves. Mutating Earth from the inside out. What we have witnessed untill now is but a prayloud of the other devastations his rising reek upon your world." explained Megatron. "Like your quest for power destroyed Cybertron?" asked Arcee. "Make no mistake! This time there will be a planet left for me to rule." answered Arcee. "Even if we were agree, Unicron's all the way down at the center of the Earth! How are we suppost to get there? Drive?" asked Bulkhead. "There is only one way." answered Optimus. "Are you serious? The.. ground bridge?" asked Madalyn. "Obsolutly not!" yelled Ratchet over the com-link "Ground bridging into space, or on a moving train is difficult enough! But plotting a blind jump, INSIDE of a centiant being?!? Besides, direct exposer to that much dark energon will dibilate you! You haven't built up enough emunity like Megatron has!" "Yet another strong arguement for such listening. My guidance..." said Megatron. "You can provide Unicron's EXACT coordinates?" asked Optimus. "If you transport us to this planet's core!" answered Megatron "I can lead you directly into Unicron's spark. The very heart of his darkness."

"Optimus, even if we survive the jump, how are we suppost to stop Unicron?" asked Arcee. "Yeah. We tried blasting his soilder's and it didn't seem to do much." said Madalyn. Optimus looked back at Arcee, then at Madalyn, then finally at Megatron, who was waiting for him to answer. "With the Matrix of Leadership." answered Optimus. "The Matrix? Are you talking about THE Matrix?" asked Madalyn. "What is that?" asked Fowler through the com-link. "A vessal of pure energy. It's suppost to contain the collective wisdom of the Primes. Is that right Ratchet?" asked Madalyn. "Indeed." answered Ratchet through the com-link. asked Jack "I mean where is Optimus suppost to find the matrix." "Optimus does not need to find it." answered Ratchet. "He already has it. He carries it within him." added Madalyn. "You uch of Cybertron's history." said Optimus. "I learned from the best." replyed Madalyn. "It was the combined power of the Prime's that defeated Unicron, so long ago. The very reason he now seeks to destroy you!" said Megatron. "It would follow that unleashing the power of the matrix, directly into Unicron's spark, would return him to statis." said Optimus. "Hold on! If everything goes acorrding to plan, Unicron's gonna stay down there?" asked Miko. "Yeah, can't we sighten him out somehow?" asked Cole. "He's not in the Earth's core Cole, he IS the Earth's core." stated Raf. "Rafael is correct. Temperying with your core could mess up the magnetic poles. Trigger the very cataclismic events we have been attempting to rememdy. Tragically, Unicron is your planet's very seed. Always has been." explained Ratchet. "And always will be." finnished Madalyn.

Then Madalyn, Megatron, Optimus, and the other Autobots heard rummbling noises coming from the ground. The rocks on the ground were moving back to the giant defeated Unicron foot soilder. "Uh guys? You seeing what I'm seeing?" asked Madalyn. "We got another one!" yelled Bulkhead. The rock's started to form the giant figure again. "Ratchet! Send a ground bridge!" ordered Optimus. A ground bridge opened up next to Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee. Just as they were about to go through, Arcee stoped and turned to Optimus. "Wait a minute! Were gonna open a direct opeing into our base with Megatron standing right there?!?" asked Arcee. "And seriously? He's gonna risk his own spark to save us?" said Bulkhead. "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, hardly my nature!" answered Megatron as he Optimus, and Madalyn watched the Unicron foot soilder come back up "Consider the offer. I shall keep it busy." Then Megatron transformed into his cybertronian jet mode, and fly up in the air, and attacked the Unicron soilder. "Let's go!" said Optimus as he signaled Madalyn and the others to run through the ground bridge while Unicron was distracted.

Once they all arrived back at base, Madalyn's Autobot insignia beeped, then she transformed back into her human form. "Ok, now that, was intense!" said Madalyn. Madalyn climbed up the ladder next to the ground bridge controls and met up with Cole and the others at the TV area. "Sis, you alright?" asked Cole. "You gave us quite a scare out there." said Fowler. "I'm fine you too. Never better." answered Madalyn as she hugged her brother and her dad, then turned her attention to the Autobots. "I know desprate times call for desprate measures, but bringing Megatron here?" asked Ratchet. "How can you even think about letting that monster near these childern after what he did to Raf and Madalyn?" asked June with a serious tone in her voice. "He will be closely monitered, and only allowed to linger long enough to send us on our journey. Not one moment more." answered Optimus. "What's gonna stop the 'Con from calling in an air strike if he knows where you live?" asked Fowler. "By ground bridging Megatron here, he will be enable to get a fix on our coordinates." answered Jack. "Optimus, what's gonna happen to you, when you all of your matrix energy is released?" asked Jack. "The power in the matrix has not been previously udilised in this matter." answered Optimus. "But, you have an idea don't you?" asked Madalyn. There was a small pause. "Autobots, if human kind is to be saved, I have no choice but to proceed. But you do." said Optimus. "Um, I don't know about human kind, but I'm willing to do it. For Miko." said Bulkhead. "For Jack." said Arcee. "For Raf and Cole." said Bumblebee. "And for Madalyn." said Optimus. "Thanks you guys." said Cole. "Then I guess were all in agreement. Which mean's there's one thing left to do." said Ratchet. Optimus nodded in agreement. "Ratchet. Activate the ground bridge, for Megatron." ordered Optimus.

"Megatron. We are sending transport." said Optimus as he sent him a message. "You can always be relied on to listen to reason Optimus." replyed Megatron through the com-link. Optimus ended the transmission and Arcee activated the ground bridge. "It is best if Megatron doesn't meet you at this time." said Optimus as he looked over to the humans. "Prime's right. Into the hallway." said Fowler as he and the other's walked down the stair's and into the hallway. But Miko tried to sneek away, but Ratchet caught her and pushed her towards the hall. "Aww come on! I've never even seen Megatron yet! Why do we have to hide?" asked Miko. "Because, we said so." answered Ratchet as he walked away. "Come on Miko!" said Cole as he grabed Miko's arm and pulled her into the hallway. Madalyn peeked from the side of the hallway entranced and watched Megatron walk into the base through the ground bridge. "He's here." whispered Madalyn. Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee transformed their hands into blasters and aimed them at Megatron, so he wouldn't try anything. "It's actually happening." whispered Cole as he too looked around the corner and watched. "So this is where the magic happens. Quiant." said Megatron. Then soon all of the humans were watching from the corner of the hallway. Madalyn saw an angry look in Raf's eye's, then Raf bolted out of the hallway and headed toward Megatron. "Raf!" yelled Jack. "Rafael!" yelled June. "Come back!" yelled Cole. Then they all ran after him. Megatron and the Autobots heard footsteps and looked down at Raf. "You!" yelled Raf. Before Raf got any farther Jack caught him, and the others caught up with them. Arcee ran beside Optimus and aimed her blaster at Megatron. "Ah, you two are looking much better after I last saw you. A pleasure to set eye's on you again, Agent Romanoff. Human's rezilliant." said Megatron. "Come on Raf." said Madalyn. "Besides, he's not worth it." added Jack as he and Madalyn handed Raf over to June. As he and Madalyn were walking away, they heard Megatron speak. "And you. I never forget a face. Even that of a human." said Megatron. "What's he talking about?" asked Madalyn. "I'll explain later." answered Jack. Then Madalyn and Jack walked back with Raf and June, while they heard Miko yelling at Megatron and Fowler grabbed her and pulled her back into the hallway. As Madalyn was the last one to enter the hallway, she heard footsteps walking towards her from behind. "Madalyn." said Optimus. Madalyn stoped in her tracks, turned around and looked up at Optimus who knelt down infront of her. "Will you keep something for me?" asked Optimus. "Sure thing big guy." answered Madalyn. Optimus held in his hand a Cybertronian Key Card. As he was handing it to her, the card transformed into a smaller size, small enough for Madalyn to hold. Once Optimus's hand reached her, Madalyn took the Key Card from his hand. "Wow. What is it?" asked Madalyn. "It is.." said Optimus "The key to the ground bridge power supply." "Power supply? But if it's for the ground bridge, shouldn't Ratchet have this instead of me?" asked Madalyn. "Perhaps. But I've been impressed about how much you've matured sense the day we first met." said Optimus. Madalyn never forgot that day. It was the day she first got a job at the Pentagon and Agent Fowler introduced her to the Autobots. "As such, I feel you have earned the resonsibility of safe guarding this important device. Untill I return." finnished Optimus. Madalyn looked at the key card then looked up at Optimus. "Thank you Optimus. I'll keep it safe." said Madalyn. Optimus nodded then stood up and started walking back to the others. "Optimus!" said Madalyn. Optimus stoped then turned back to Madalyn. "Yes?" asked Optimus. "Be safe. Wouldn't want anything happening to my favorite Autobot." said Madalyn with a smile. "I'll come back safely. I promise." replyed Optimus smiling back. Madalyn nodded and watched Optimus leave and join the Autobots and Megatron.

Once Optimus left, the other's joined up with Madalyn and saw the key card Optimus gave her. "Alright, let's go say goodbye." said Fowler. Madalyn, Cole, and the others walked back into the room as Megatron went into the ground bridge first. They watched as each Autobot looked at them, then walk through the ground bridge. Ratchet stayed with the humans to keep on eye on the radar. Optimus was the last to leave. He looked at the human's for a few moments, then smiled at Madalyn letting her know not to worry. Then, Optimus went through the ground bridge, and after a few seconds the bridge closed. "Let the battle begin." whispered Madalyn.

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