Life of an Agent (Transformers Prime Seasons 1 & 2) Chapter 29

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"General Bryce, Prime is no loose cannon! He's anything but! The 'bots may be big, but they watch where they step. Heck, even the kids..." explained Fowler. "Kids?" asked General Bryce. "Uh oh." thought Madalyn "Gotta think of something quick." "Uh, ah ha, that's what we call our uh..." said Fowler. "Inhouse Support Team!" added Madalyn. "I wasn't aware that you two were udilizing our resources other for yourselves." said General Bryce. "They're.... not inlisted." replyed Fowler. "You've involved civilians in a classified operation?" asked General Bryce in concern. "Highly accomplished civillians. They kinda have certain prodegies just like me. Who contribute in specialized expertise in computer science, medicine, uh andcommunication." explained Madalyn. "So they know how to take orders?" asked General Bryce. Madalyn and Agent Fowler looked at each other with blank looks on their faces then back to General Bryce. "You, could say that." answered Fowler "But what they lack in miliatry training can be disoplined. They more than make up for it with outside the box problem solving. Their courage is to be admired. They've proven time and time again that they're willing to put their lives on the line for their country and their planet." "So your civilians have made enemy contact." suggested General Bryce. "Of course not without my supervision." added Madalyn "Since I had the most experience with the 'Cons it helped them understand the different situations from the battlefield and try to set a good example for them." "They've pretty much seen it all." added Fowler "Rest assured, the safety of these 3 humans, including my daughter, of all humans remain the primary concern of the Autobots." "And our colliges wouldn't have it any other way." said Madalyn. "They've forged meaningful bonds with the 'Bots. And they provide valuable assistance whenever me or Agent Romanoff are otherwised ingaged in the field." said Fowler.

"But their involvement was never intended to be anything other than humanitary. To provide the Autobot with means of better understanding life on our planet." explained Fowler. "Sadly, we haven't begun to take full advantage of their science." explained Madalyn. "I mean,me and Agent Romanoff can pilot our jets withoutever wearing a flight suit." added Fowler. "What keeps your organs from exploding?" asked General Bryce. "A modifaction Ratchet made on the cabin pressure regulator." answered Fowler. "Yeah, he likes to be comfurtable." added Madalyn. "We may be getting off track alittle. Now, please adress to me why we haven't yet been served Megatron's steelhead on a silver platter." suggested General Bryce. "The leader of the Decepticons has 9 lives. 'Nuff said!" said Madalyn as she layed back in her chair and crossed her arms. "It's not like we haven't tried. ." explained Fowler "The sick part is, the moment when we might have pulled it off, we needed him." "Megatron actually helped us save humanity." said Madalyn in amazement. "Elaberate." ordered General Bryce. "We found ourselves facing an even greater threat than M.E.C.H. or the Decepticons. Literally, an enemy within, Unicron." explained Madalyn. "I know this is gonna sound crazy but, what if I told you, that our planet's core isn't made up of what science has led us to believe it is." said Fowler. General Bryce looked down at his desk, took a deep breath, and let out a sigh. "Agent Fowler, Agent Romanoff, I'm sorry to say but I'm forced to discontinue this session untill you two under go a full psyicalogical evaluation." said General Bryce. "Seriously?" asked Fowler. "Sir are you saying you think were.... crazy?" asked Madalyn. As a representative of the United States government, I believe you two may have lost your sanity." answered General Bryce. Fowler and Madalyn had shocked looks on their faces. "I knew it!" thought Madalyn.

"General Bryce I assure you that me and Agent Romanoff are quite sane!" said Fowler. "It defies all logic Bill. Dark energon?!? Then you go on running records saying that you two believe in magical horses with horns on their heads!" stated General Bryce. Fowler and Madalyn had confused looks on their faces. "What?" asked Fowler. "Say what now?" asked Madalyn. "Do you two deny prevously reporting that Megatron helped defeat a Unicorn?" asked General Bryce. "Is that what you...?" said Fowler. "Oh for pete sakes, it's UniCRON!" corrected Madalyn "The ultimate evil?" "Permission to strike this form the record?" asked Fowler in embarrasment. "Granted. But consider yourselves on notice." answered General Bryce. "Aw." complained Fowler. "You were saying?" asked General Bryce as he turned his attention back to Madalyn "Megatron proved to be an allie." "The circomstances were unique, odly the 'Con most likely to be of service is Starscream." explained Madalyn. "Only by default." added Fowler. "Because he may depise his team more than he despise's us." contunued Madalyn "But even after Megatron tried to attempted to terminate him, Starscream still tried to win his master's favour." "Because of Starscream's insecuratey, it's what makes him less perdictable then Megatron. and in some ways more dangerous. He really needs to figure out if it's Megatron's job he wants, or Megatron's approval." said Fowler. "I must inturn and ask why successful termination of Starscream has not been achieved." asked General Bryce. "Air suppierority continues to give the Decepticons an advantage." answered Madalyn. "Though we manage inflict the occasional setbacks." said Fowler. "But the fact remains, Starscream has supplied valuable intel, since he went rouge." added Madalyn "I've witnessed it first hand, twice." "Not to worry though, the 'Bots know better then to trust him implissably." added Fowler "Fortanitly for us, dispite his stratigic brilliance, Starscream is his own worst enemy."

"And let's not forget, he's not the only one who's taken flight from Megatron." stated Madalyn. "The spider." answered General Bryce. "Airachnid. As sedistic as they come. And she and Arcee have quite a history. I can't help but feel that next time they lock up horns, only one of them is getting out of there alive." explained Madalyn while shuddering. "Unless Megatron get's to Airachnid first." "So the infighting amoung the Decepticon ranks continues." commented General Bryce. "And then some. Megatron can't seem to keep his iner circle holding hands." said Fowler. "And you don't think we could use it to our advantage?" asked General Bryce "Motivate a Decepticon to join our ranks?" "There is one, who Prime seems to respect." replyed Fowler. "His name is Dreadwing. Since Starscream and Airachnid left, my guess is that he's been made the new 2nd in command to the Decepticons." explained Madalyn "But having witnessed Dreadwing tear up a town, I wouldn't hang my hopes up that much." "So I must press the point, If Optimus believe's that even a Decepticon can change, why couldn't the reverse be true? Nobody knows what went on behind the Decepticon curtain while Optimus was off the grid. Not you, not Agent Romanoff, not the Autobots!" said General Bryce. "I'm 100% with Ratchet on this one. Being a Decepticon is a choice. One choice that Optimus would never make in his entire life!" replyed Madalyn. "Against all odds, suffering amnesia, Prime enginnered his own escape to face down Megatron." said Fowler "But is Prime capable of change?" "Prime has recently proven he's willing to go further than ever to protect humanity. Optimus Prime is a true patriot. He and his team continue to risk their lives, da in and day out. Asking absolutly nothing in return." explained Madalyn. "The simple fact is, Optimus doesn't have one bad circuit in his body. As leasonses to the Autobot's, we strongly caution that now would be the worst time to call Prime's dedication into question!" explained Fowler as he got up from his seat. Madalyn got up from her seat aswell. "Were on the virge of an even greater threat than we faced before. The Decepticons are on the hunt for long buried relics from Cybertron. Primary intell suggests that these relics could be sacred objects with mystical properties, or weapons of mass destruction." explained Madalyn. "Mystical?" asked General Bryce. "Uh strike that two! The point were trying to make here is..." said Fowler. "Ugh! Hold on!" said Madalyn as she took out her cell phone and dialed a number. "Prime! We need an assist." Madalyn and Fowler walked over to the window. SHe opened up the blinds and opened the window. They all heard and felt a small shake and outside the window poped up Optimus Prime looking inside the window. General Bryce was so shocked he stood up from his chair and the video recorder soilder fell on the floor, but kept the video going. "Agent Fowler, Madalyn, did you uncover M.E.C.H. agents?" asked Optimus. "Nope, they're ok." answered Fowler. "General Bryce here just needs to know the statis of your health and welfare." said Madalyn as she leaned against the wall next to the window. "I am fine General Bryce. How are you?" asked Optimus. "I'm well, uh, soilder." replyed General Bryce. There was silence for a moment as the camera moved from Madalyn to Genral Bryce. "Bill, Agent Romanoff, I believe I have every indacation to believe that Optimus Prime is alive and well. And clearly on our side." said General Bryce. Madalyn and Fowler salute. "We apperciate your support sir." said Fowler. "Dismissed." ordered General Bryce. Agent Fowler and Madalyn hapily left the room.

Madalyn ran ahead outside of the base to meet up with Optimus who was waiting for her at the entrance gate. "Optimus! That was amazing! Did you see the look on his face?!? Oh man I should have brought my camera!" said Madalyn as she had a smile and her face. Optimus smiled down at her. "I'm just glad we cleared things up. Come on, lt's head on home." said Optimus as he transformed into vehicle mode. He opened up the passenger door for Madalyn as she walked towards him. "Thank you Optimus." said Madalyn as the door closed "Your a true gentlemen." "Your welcome." replyed Optimus. And with that they drove off.

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