Life of an Agent (Transformers Prime Seasons 1 & 2) Chapter 31

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Bulkhead and Madalyn drag Starscream's lifeless body to the corner of the hallway, where nobody would find him. Next to them was a door that led to inside a room of the ship. "Bulkhead. Let's check it out." whispered Madalyn. Bulkhead and Madalyn steped inside the room. It was a communication centre. "A com-unit!" said Bulkhead. "We can use it to contact the others!" replyed Madalyn. BUlkhead walked over to the computer and tried sending the Autobots a message. "Bulkhead to base. do you read?" asked Bulkhead "Do you copy?" Bulkhead was having trouble working the computer. "You need help Bulkhead?" asked Madalyn. "I'm alright Aura." said Bulkhead "Stupid 'Con tech! Is this thing even workig?" Then a high pitched sound came on and the computer screen started blinking and the screen turned red. Bulkhead and Madalyn covered their audio senors to block out the noise as best they could. But sadly, Bulkhead's accident with the computer caused the alarm to go off. "Great now the Decepticons no somethings up." thought Madalyn. Bulkhead pressed a button on the keypad, which managed to turn of the noises the computer was making. "Phew." said Bulkhead and Madalyn in relief. "Come on, let's go before we get caught." said Madalyn. "Just then one of the doors for the communication room opened and they heard footsteps coming in. "Move, now!" whispered Bulkhead as he and Madalyn ran out from the other door,nd hide at the corner of the hallway. They also heard another set of footsteps coming from the room, which helped distract the Decepticon drones who were coming in. "Halt!" yelled one of the drones as he and one other drone ran out of the room in Madalyn and Bulkhead's opposite direction.

"Come on, now's our chance." whispered Madalyn as she and Bulkhead ran down the hallway. "Over here." whispered Madalyn as she pointed to a big enough air vent. "What good will that do?" asked Bulkhead. "Hello?!? Air vents are perfect blind spots from security." explained Madalyn. SHe riped the cage door open from the vent and set it on the floor "Come on!" Madalyn crawled in and Bulkhead followed. "Are you sure about this?" asked Bulkhead. "Relax Bulkhead. As long as we stay in here, we'll be fine. Try to remian calm." said Madalyn. As they crawled though the vent, Madalyn heard Bulkhead whispering to himself "Stealthy, stealthy..." "Heh, heh, nice way to stay calm." thought Madalyn. "Lord Megatron!" said a voice through the speakers in the hallway. Madalyn and Bulkhead some heavy footsteps. And they knew right away it was Megatron, and he was almost literally on top of them. "Scrap." whispered Madalyn. "What is it?" asked Megatron. "An intruder." said the voice. "Autobots?" asked Megatron. "Starscream." answered the voice. Madalyn and Bulkhead looked at each other with their mouth's wide open in shoke. "Last seen in the vesentity on the bridge." explained the voice. Madalyn heard Megatron's footsteps walk away from their position and searched for Starscream. "Starscream's dead! How could he be still running around the ship?" asked Madalyn. "We'll find out later. Keep crawling, we gotta find a way out of here." replyed Bulkhead. And with that, they kept going.

As they kept crawling, the started hearing a humming or buzzing type noise. "What is that?" asked Madalyn. "I don't know. Could mean trouble." answered Bulkhead. Then they heard blaster fire and the ship started shaking. "You just had to jinx it!" said Madalyn. "Pick up the pace!" replyed Bulkhead. It was faint, but Madalyn could have sworn that coming from outside she heard the shirking noise, of an Insecticon. "Bulk... I think there's more Insecitons! Listen!" whispered Madalyn. Bulkhead stoped and listened for any slight sound, and he too heard the shirek. "Let's move, we don't wanna be part of what's going on out there." said Bulkhead. "Right." replyed Madalyn.

As they were crawling, Madalyn past a caged door, ut Bulkhead stoped infront of it. "Aura, I think I found a way out." said Bulkhead. Madalyn stoped looked and Bulhead then turned around and stoped at the cage door. "Perfect. I was starting to get a cramp." replyed Madalyn. Bulkhead punched the cage door off, and he and Madalyn fell through the hole and landed on their feet, inside a giant room. Alround it was filled with boxed energon cubes and in the middle of the room was a generator of some sort. Bulkhead and Madalyn were up on the catwalk of the room. Madalyn watched as a small crane, attached to the generator, pick up a cube in it's claws, and inserted it, inside the generator. "This must be the generator room. That's what's keeping the ship in the air." explained Madalyn. Bulkhead looked down at the power core of the generator then transformed his hand into a wreaking ball. "Bulkhead?" asked Madalyn. "One way or another, were getting off this boat!" said Bulkhead as he jumped in the air, and slamed his wreaking ball into the power core generator. There was a giant explosion, and the generator went up in flames. Madalyn could feel the ship tipping forward down, and she started slidding down the catwalk, but grabed a hold of one of the railings. "Aura! I found the flight deck! It's past this door!" shouted Bulkhead as he pointed to the door "Jump! I'll catch you!" Madalyn swung the railing abit then pushed herself to let go of the railing, and fell into Bulkhead's arms. He sat her down, and the two of them ran out of the room and headed for the flight deck.

"We made it!" cheered Madalyn. Once they arrived they enexpectedly saw Starscream tumble back abit. "Out of my way!" yelled Starscream. But when he saw them, he got scared and TRANSFORMED and flew out of the ship. Bulkhead had a shocked look on his face again. "Was that, Starscream?!?" asked Bulkhead. "And did he just, transform?!?" asked Madalyn. "This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder." said Bulkhead. The ship shoke again, but this time alot more furious. "Grab on and brace for impact!" said Bulkhead as with one hand he grabed on to a pillar and the other, grabed a hold of Madalyn's hand. Madalyn tightly grabed Bulkhead's hand as she saw the surafce come into view. The ship crahed to the ground and slid untill it came to a complete stop near a cliff. Once the ship stoped, Bulkhead and Madalyn jumped down from the ship, transformed into their vehicle modes, and drove back to base.

By the time they finally arrived back at the Autobot base, it was late at night. "The others gotta be worried about us." thought Madalyn. She and Bulkhead pulled into inside the base. Bulkhead honked his horn, letting the other's know they arrived. Once they were in the command centre, they transformed back into their robot modes. Ratchet, Arcee, and Optimus were in the room. "Guys! You will not believe that day we had!" said Bulkhead. Madalyn and Bulkhead noticed the stasis pod that was in the room next to the other Autobots. Madalyn looked through the window, to see Airachnid inside the pod. Frozen like a statue. "Whoa. You guys too huh?" asled Bulkhead. "Whoa! You guys got Airachnid? Nice." said Madalyn. Then her Autobot insignia started beeping, and she transformed back into her human form. "Where did you two go?" asked Ratchet. "Me and Bulkhead, as you know, were scounting for energon. And when we found a stockpile of energon, the Nemeisis appeared out of nowhere. We tried to get to the energon first, but we got knocked out in the process. Next thing we knew, we were inside the Decepticon War Ship!" explained Madalyn. "You were on the Nemesis?" asked Arcee. "Yep. this kids been on it enough times already." said Bulkhead. "I've only been on it 4 times now! Although there was a close call with Megatron, but live and learn." said Madalyn. "But the wierdest part was, Starscream was on the ship. ANd after he almost blew Madalyn to ashes, when I thought I put him out of his miesry, he showed up again!" explained Bulkhead. "Two Starscreams?!? How?" asked Ratchet. "My best guess, is cloning. Madalyn did 'Starscreamm' have the ability to transform? And use his blasters?" asked Optimus. "Yes." answered Madalyn. "Then that proves my theory." said Optimus.

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