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Once I had gotten some rest (and by rest I mean a Hypnos kid had to make me go to sleep for half an hour), Will, Percy, Annabeth, Malcolm, Grover, Piper, and I gathered outside the Big House to IM Rick Riordan. 

Inside, I was bubbling with excitement, but at the same time I was a little worried about the fact that I was a daughter of Hebe. 

I was supposedly from another dimension, a place beyond the "fourth wall" (???), so did that mean the mythological world existed within my dimension as well? The whole situation was enough my make my brain burst, so I decided not to dwell on it too much.

"Okay," Annabeth said loudly. The group's attention returned to her and she pulled out a prism and a drachma. "Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, please accept my offering. Show me Rick Riordan in Boston, Massachusetts." She threw the drachma into the rainbow and an image instantly appeared. 

A man in his fifties appeared, startled. He had a pen in his right hand and a cup of coffee in the other. Annabeth looked furious. 


He gulped and glanced around at us from the IM. "Oh, hi, Annie. Malcolm. So uh, here's the thing-"

He stopped mid sentence as Annabeth let out a large sigh, annoyed. Percy, on the other hand, looked hurt as he had not been greeted. Rick seemed to notice that.

"Hey Percy. Grover, Will, Piper, and strange blue haired girl I have never seen." He waved slowly, smile sheepish. "Well, um," he fiddled with the pen between two of his fingers. "No one really believes my books, right?" 

Annabeth pointed at me, half-accusingly, and I waved at Rick. "Hi," I squeaked out. "Adrienne Cadence, daughter of Hebe."

"Hebe, huh?" He thought about it for a bit. "I could add that in-"

"Richard." Annabeth snapped. "Not the time. Do you know how dangerous this is? Those books have our life stories! Not to mention, they probably attract monsters!"

"Also, you got some stuff wrong," Percy chimed in. "Wise Girl didn't hate me that much when we were kids..."

"I beg to differ," Malcolm snorted. Annabeth stared at the two boys, prompting them to 'kindly' shut up. I wasn't sure what the point was for Annabeth to scream at Rick Riordan, the bestselling author, since it wasn't going to do a thing - but I suppose it gave her satisfaction.

"Look, Annie, I appreciate you contacting me, even if it was just to yell, but can't  you cover things like this up with the Mist?" Rick sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I have a lot of deadlines to meet! This chapter has to be finished by tomorrow-"

"Bye, Richard. Say hi to the boys for me." Annabeth scowled and swiped through the IM. I stared at the spot where Rick's misty image used to be and blinked a few times. 

"What was the point of that?" Will asked, raising an eyebrow at Annabeth. 

"Satisfaction," Annabeth muttered under her breath. "He didn't give us any useful information, anyway."

"Hey, at least people think we're interesting!" Percy smiled, sea green eyes glinting. He took Annabeth's hand and she leaned into his shoulder. 

"You're such a Seaweed Brain," she sighed.

I tried not to let a squeal escape from my lips and instead grinned broadly. "Well? Now what?" I asked.

Piper looked at me, excited. "Now we figure out what your powers are."

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