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"MY MOM IS HAVING A BABYYYY!" those were the happy shrieks coming from Percy right then.

Sally Iris-messaged him a while ago and told him the good news, and now that the weekend was over (it was Monday), Annabeth and Percy were heading off to college in New Rome.

So, he was going home for a bit.


No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

The Trials of Apollo took place roughly six months after the Giant War ended.



Six months ago was August 1st.

Today was March 1st.

Apollo will knock on Percy's door for help-

And he'll refuse..

And Jason freaking Grace will die.

"Adrienne?" A voice snapped me out of my daze. Piper. "You okay?"

I nodded nervously. "Yeah," is the only thing I say.

In order for everyone to live.. Percy has to refuse.

Jason has to refuse.

Piper has to refuse.

But I won't.

Instead of Jason getting killed, I'll go.

And die.

And hope not to die.

Does that make some sense?


Frickity pancake fruity-snacks. What? I'm trying my best not to curse here!

"Adrienneee," a voice called.

My half brother, Paolo Montes.

Brazilian. He could understand English, but he mostly spoke Portugeuse.

My name sounded more like "Aye-dri-ah-nne" now, though. I decided not to correct him, seeing how happy he was with a new sibling. He started to rant in Portuguese, and with a nervous "Umm, okay..." I headed to where Percy was packing up in the Poseidon Cabin.

"Hey, Percy," I said. He turned around and his expression brightened more than it already was.

"Oh, hey Adrienne!" he exclaimed. "Did you hear? My mom's having a baby!"

"I know," I laughed. "I actually know everything there is to know about your..." I trailed off, curling my hair around my index finger- a nervous habit.

"My what?" Percy asked, confused.

"Never mind."

"SOLANGELO PROTECTION SQUAD ASSEMBLE!" I heard Piper cry. I raced outside to join her, excited, and at the lake, I was met by the most adorable sight- a boy with a surfer's tan and messy blonde hair cuddling and giving occasional kisses to a black haired smaller boy with pale skin, unruly obsidian hair, who was also wearing a black aviator's jacket.

I let out a large fangirl squeal. "SOLANGELOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

Nico di Angelo fanfiction is my favorite thing to read on Wattpad! That, and PJO X HP, PJO X Avengers, and Nico angst. Don't ask me why.

"You coming?" asked Annabeth as she walked across the Dining Pavilion towards me.

"Who, me?" I questioned in surprise.

"Yes, you," Annabeth laughed. "Don't you want to see the rest of your siblings?"

— — —

My other sibling was a moody twelve year old girl named Arya Gupta. At least I assumed she was twelve... for all I knew she could have been twenty-four. Her hair was in a short curly dark brown braid and she raised an eyebrow at me when I approached her, most likely at my hair.

"Hi," I said awkwardly. Arya waved back, still inspecting my hair.

"So... you a Hecate kid? Hypnos? Aphrodite?" Arya asked me.

"Hebe," I replied, smiling. "I'm your sister."

"Cool," the girl crossed her arms. "You got a name, new girl?"

"It's Adrienne Cadence, kid. How old are you really?" I wondered. Her camp shirt looked pretty faded, and I questioned whether she had been here for a long time or not.

"I'm 14," she responded to me sassily. "Got a problem with me?"

"Nope," I snorted. "What are your powers?"

"I can age people down but I can't age myself. And I can also move kids' toys with my mind," she pouted. "It's a little weird. What about you?"

"That's really cool," my eyes widened. I hadn't heard of telekinesis with specific objects before. "As of right now," I recounted what I knew, "I can age myself and other people or objects down and I can summon ambrosia out of nowhere."

"Not fair," she scowled.

I shrugged helplessly. Her powers sounded cooler, but I didn't say anything.

— — — time skip! — — —

How do I find myself in these situations? For some reason, I don't remember the events of the past six months. The last thing I was doing was talking to my new siblings, and this morning I found myself lying in a bunk in the Hebe cabin, auburn leaves falling outside my window.

"Agh!" I screamed as a little girl, around seven, tugged on my arm.

She had big green eyes and frizzy brown curls, and her bottom lip quivered at my reaction.

"Who... who are you?" I asked slowly.

"What are you talking about, Adri?" she tilted her head, confused. "You must be hungry."

I pulled away. "I'm sorry sweetie, I don't know who you are."

"You're just confused." The girl shook her head.

I sighed. "Well, can you get Piper for me?"

"Piper moved to Pasadena five months ago," came another voice. It was Arya, my half sister. She was on the bunk above me, and she looked confused as well. "Adrienne, are you okay?"

"Uh... Percy? Annabeth?" I tried.

"Adrienne, they're in college. You know this," Arya said wearily. "What's going on with you?"

"Call me crazy," I started, "but I don't remember anything that happened since I first met you."

"What?" Arya hissed. "It's been like six months."

"For me, that was yesterday," I grimaced.

"So you don't remember Dahlia?" Arya's eyes were wide. Her gaze fell upon the little girl.

"Should I?" I wondered.

"Adrienne, you were the one who saved her from a hellhound," Arya groaned. "Are you serious?" Her face came to one of realization for a moment. "Oh, shit, you don't remember Aurora, do you?"


Arya jumped off her bunk and looked me in the eyes. "Aurora! Daughter of Iris? Your girlfriend of four months?"

My jaw dropped ever so slightly. "I have a girlfriend?"

"Stupid, stupid, magic, ugh!" Arya groaned, whacking her forehead. "What am I supposed to tell her? You've been blabbing about your date tonight ever since your last date! Which was two days ago!"

"I have a date tonight?" I paused to think. Here I was, apparently six months older than I thought, and I had a girlfriend. I didn't even know I liked girls like that. Apparently older me did a lot of exploring these past few months.

"Ugh," Arya huffed. "What are we supposed to do now?"

"We'll just tell Chiron, and he'll fix it," I shrugged.

"It doesn't work like that, vlakas," she scowled at me. "Now get dressed, and we'll go find Henry."

"Who-" I began, but was rudely interrupted.

"My boyfriend. Son of Hecate. Doesn't matter." She shook her head. "Why is it that there's always a crisis?"

"Hey, this isn't a crisis," I defended.

"You have fricking amnesia. Of course it's a crisis," Arya grimaced. "Come on. Let's go."

I sighed, following my sister out the door.

Arya was right.

When it came to amnesia, there was always a crisis.

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