Chapter Nine

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A month into the holiday,Amina was feeling bored and lonely .She decided to go for a stroll and fresh air .She wore a skirt and maxi dress then she wrapped her hijab and applied light make up.

As she is walking down the lane of their street immersed in her thoughts she heard someone calling her name but she's too afraid to turn around thinking that it may be some bad guys around the area .

"subhanallah ,innalillahi wa Inna ilaihi rajiun auzubi kalimatillahi tammat min sharri ma kalaqa"she kept on repeating and quickening her pace so that whoever it is that is calling her will not be able to reach her before she reaches a safe place where there are people going to and fro.Her breathing starts to quicken and she started panicking .Someone from behind caught the hem of her hijab and jerked her back .she screamed in horror. Before the guy closes her mouth he was given a hard punch on his jaw and before she turned to thank her savior she was dragged into a car and it sped off.

"Assalamu alaikum Meenah hope that thug didn't hurt you?"a familiar voice asked her and it was then that she turned to see Fahad looking at her with a worried expression on his face.she smiled gratefully and muttered "I'm OK Alhamdulillah thank you for saving me ,I can't imagine what will happen if you didn't arrive the exact time you did "he smiled back and told her that she should not mention and she should be careful not to walk alone on a deserted street next time.

As they reached their street he invited her to have lunch with his mum but she declined the offer,saying that he had helped her enough for the mean time. He insisted and she gave in reluctantly.

They narrated what happened to Hanipha during lunch and she was grateful that nothing bad happens

"Nowadays nowhere is safe dear,be careful next time and may Allah be with you" says Hanipha with a sigh.

"Ameen thank you aunty in shaa Allah I'll be careful .Thank you for the delicious lunch also jazakillah khair.I'll head home now"says Amina with a grateful smile.

"Alright hun,extend my regards to your parents "Hanipha answered with a kind smile. She smiled warmly at Fahad and he smiled back before she finally left.

After Amina left ,Hanipha turned her attention towards her son."I will like to discuss something important with you "she says with a serious I'm here to do business tone.He smiled giving her his full attention

"Alright ummi I'm all ears hope I didn't do anything wrong?"he asked with a teasing tone .

"Do you like Amina?I mean if you are asked to choose a wife to marry will she be among the type of girls you'll suggest?"she asked and he flushed looking embarrassed and shy.She smiled and raised her brows urging him to respond to her question.

"Is it that obvious ?I never thought you keep an eye on me until today,yes ummie ,I like her since the first time I set my eyes on her, I like her because of her innocence and because of her vulnerability, I want to make her happy ,fill the void of her parents and teach her how to be strong and fight for her rights.I like her because she's religious and kind,honest and hard working and I like her because I think she'll make an awesome wife,the one that will make me happy and eager to come home to,the kind of woman that'll be a very good mother to my children and the wife that'll make me want to become a better person because she is pious ,she's beautiful without her knowing it . " he breathed out and Hanipha looked at him in awe.

"Mashaa Allah ! When did my son become a poet? I'm so happy you like her for the right reasons because I consider Amina as my own flesh and blood.I will discuss with Mujaheed and in shaa Allah he won't object .God bless you child and may Allah choose the best for you now and forever " Hanipha says looking genuinely happy .Fahad smiled and nodded.He kissed her forehead and went out.


A week after the incident and little heart to heart discussion between mother and son.Hanipha had called Mujaheed telling him that she'll like to discuss something of importance with him,he told her that he'll come over after isha prayers because he don't want Afra to know anything about whatever the matter is until he's sure to trust her with it .

"Assalamu alaikum "he says as soon as the maid opens the door.

"Wa alaikumussalam come on in"Hanipha says with a smile motioning him towards the living room where she had arranged some snacks and a drink for him on the center table .

"You're welcome Mujaheed and thank you for coming,it means a lot due to your tight schedules and everything ."Hanipha stated and Mujaheed shook his head with a smile.

"Never mind Hanipha ,your husband of blessed memory is a kind man and his family deserves nothing but kindness,so don't worry ,whatever it is don't hesitate to tell me."says Mujaheed encouraging Hanipha to go on and tell him what she called to discuss with him.She cleared her voice and rub her palms anxiously.

"It is about your daughter Amina, my son Fahad had shown interest in her and I'm satisfied with the reasons he gave me about liking her .I love Amina like my own and I think Fahad will take very good care of her,so if you don't mind and you haven't promised her to anyone I'll like to seek your permission to let my son get to know her and eventually in shaa Allah marry her."

They both kept quite,Hanipha nervous and Mujaheed deep in thoughts .After a few deafening moments he sighed.

"Alhamdulillah, I'm so happy to hear this, I can't tell you how grateful I am to have known you for a long time and to hear that your son whom you've raised to be a fine young man is interested in my daughter,I've been praying for her to get a pious man and Alhamdulillah my prayers have been answered.I am in support of this union may Allah bless them all and thank you so much"Hanipha giggled with utmost joy uttering some prayers to show her gratitude to Allah.

"The pleasure is mine and I'll ask Fahad to come and meet you at home."she said.

"I don't want Afra to know, because she'll try to jeopardize everything, so please let us keep this between us for the mean time.I will call him and schedule an appointment with him in my office during the week" answered Mujaheed. They discussed so many things before Mujaheed finally left.


Hello awesome readers
Yay!I've updated and I hope you enjoy reading this chappie as much as enjoyed writing it. Please don't forget to ;

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