Chapter One

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Assalamu alaikum beautiful people! If you're reading this book for the first time then thank God you're not going to read the crappy chapters that were here before I finally decided to edit and finish off the book based on popular demand. For those coming back for the second time, thank you guys! May Allah reward you all.

I hope you will enjoy the book I was inspired to write at a certain point in my life when I was facing similar or exact occurrences.


The girls are waiting for their uncle  at different places in the airport.Hasny accidently bumped into Waheedah and they said their salams before going their separate ways not knowing that they are going to live together for the rest of their academic years.Fifteen minutes later uncle Mujaheed, Aunty Afra and Amina arrived at the waiting area .Only uncle mujaheed know their faces so he was watching the crowd before he finally spotted Kubrah,followed by ,Aysha ,Hasny then finally Waheedah.

" Welcome ,welcome my girls! Am so happy to see you all here today.It has been long and you all look pretty and grown up mashaa Allah" Uncle mujaheed exclaimed excitedly.

They all mumbled their salaam with a small smile on their faces .Aunty Afra looked at them with disgust and rolled her eyes.Amina hugged them all and they hugged her back.Their luggages were loaded into the trunk of the two waiting cars and they split into two.Hasny,Kubra and Aysha in one car.Waheedah and Amina in the other car.

When the arrived at the house which they all are awed at the sight of,
Uncle Mujaheed showed them two rooms opposite each other and asked them to choose their roommates.

Hasny,Aysha and Kubra decided to stay together in the same room as roommates. While  Waheedah and Amina choose the other one.

Amina, who has been living alone in the house she hardly want to call home is beyond ecstatic to finally have people her age in the house. At least they will keep her company and she hopes to be good friends with them all.

After dropping off their luggage in their respective rooms , Uncle Muhajid summoned them to the living room for a welcome address.

"You are all welcome to our house and I hope you like it,do not hesitate to ask me anything whenever and wherever ,be it a financial problem or otherwise.I want you all to take your studies seriously,behave well and live peacefully with each other, respect me and your aunt and help out in the house though we have house maids all around.Take your religion seriously and please dress decently whenever you are going to school or any other place.I will make sure that you never lack anything that you are used to back at home and if you have a problem with Afra don't hesitate to come and meet me.May Allah bless you all and I am wishing you all the best of luck in your studies"uncle mujaheed adviced and they all nodded in approval before they say a prayer and eat lunch.

After lunch they all moved to their rooms to unpack their luggage and arrange their clothes.

"May I use this opportunity to introduce myself to all of you dearest roomies?"Hasny cheerfully asked.

"yes you may"Kubrah answered with a smile.

"Alright I am Hasny Naseer by name ,am 17 and I love nature am talkative sometimes that is if I like the people am around and I actually like you girls.I hope we will become the best of friends and help each other in times of need.And my major is Biology"She introduced herself while hanging her clothes in the closet.

"Alright I am Kubrah Ahmad am also 17 i love cooking and writing and I am kind of funny if I want to and I like you all.My major is Laboratory science."she introduced herself with a smile.

" I am Aysha Sani, I am also 17 years I love reading and I wear glasses.My major is Microbiology. And I want us to live a happy carefree life together and whenever anyone among us did something bad we should call the attention of that person.I hate holding grudges."She said with a small smile too and they all laughed and mumbled nice to meet you all.

The same thing happened in the other room Waheedah introduced herself to Amina and they joined the others for further introduction. They also learned that they are related but they have never met before. They created a bound that day and went to sleep hoping for the best but expecting the worst.


"Dear !dear!!wake up"Aunt Afra whined, tapping her husband in the middle of the night.

"what is it Afra?"uncle mujaheed stirred and mumbled irritably.

" I dont like these girls at all,I hate them all please just send them away,they are going to disrupt the peace in this house." She pouted. Her statement made him to  stand straight and lean his head on the headboard.

"how can you say such about my relatives?why are you not happy to have them?we never have kids and we are never going to have any,are you not happy to have them?they are a blessing from Allah and you have to cherish them and you must learn to love and care for them I will not tolerate you maltreating them or being biased" he said sternly and turned his back .she huffed and vowed to make their lives miserable.

Uncle mujaheed is not only a lecturer but he has business abroad. He always travel around the globe that's what makes him rich but he has no children to inherit .He spent his wealth on charity and he has an orphanage home were orphans are taken care of and educated.He is very generous and kind but his wife is the opposite,she never want him to help anyone with a single penny, he used to tell her that the wealth of dunya stays in dunya it will not be of use to anyone the moment they breath their last and we are all equal in the sight of Allah except those who are humble ,generous ,kind and religious. But she never take heed.If a person is not rich,driving flashy cars or living in a mansion with millions of naira in their bank account she treats them like sh*t.He is always praying to Allah to guide her and make her see the light.

Money corrupts,yeah he is a living witness,because before he married Afra she is so sweet,humble,nice,religious and kind but she don't even pray regularly until he is around so that he will not scold her.When he adopted Amina he thought she will be happy but he was wrong ,she hates the poor girl with passion maybe she takes her anger of not being able to conceive on the world.He wished just one time she will love and care for the lonely girl. The main reason why he brought the girls is to keep her company and love her like a human being.He will do anything for her happiness and from the look of things the girls are going to fill the void in her heart with love.

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