Chapter Seven

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A week after the outing and shopping spree by aunty Hanipha, the girls woke up in the morning to make breakfast when to their surprise they saw all the house maids going to and fro making breakfast for the whole family,washing the dishes and doing the laundry,they were all surprised when the maids greeted them because hearing their voices indicates that the girls were not dreaming but rather seeing reality.

" When did you come back from your leave?"Amina asked curiously.

" Yesterday night ma'am"one of the maids answered.

"Are you not on leave till dad comes back?"Amina asked again looking like she's trying to figure out something. Then suddenly she squeeled and shouted happily on top of her voice"daddy is coming back today" the girls started cheering and squeeling happily.

"Guys let's make something special for uncle"Kubrah offered.

"yeah ,you're right who has an idea?"says Hasny." I have a friend who knows how to bake and has a shop ,let's go to her house and bake a huge homecoming cake for dad"Amina says excitedly.


At Mufeedah's she taught them how to bake and they all went to work,talking,laughing,listening to music and getting to know Mufeedah better,she is nice,caring and funny.She laughs a lot which makes her instantly to become Hasny's besty.

" It's time for zuhr prayer,let's pray and leave the cake to bake"says mufeedah cleaning her hands with a towel.They all stopped what they are doing and followed her to her room, they took turn in making ablution and then she spread a large praying mat that will accommodate all of them and then they faced the qiblah and prayed.

" Thanks alot Besty, you're simply the best,I have never tasted a cake as mouth watering as yours.Jazakillah khair"Hasny said while she crushed mufeedah In a tight hug.The rest muttered their appreciation and they went home happy and satisfied that they can offer something to their kind uncle.

As soon as they reached home, a cool and sweet scent welcomed them,they all sighed and sniffed the amazing smell emanating from the living room.Then ,Afra came out looking gorgeous with car keys in her hands, she flashed them a million dollar smile which none of them had any idea she can and waved them goodbye.

"I will pick your uncle at the airport ladies,be good and wear something nice"they all looked at her mouth agape.As soon as she is out of the house Hasny muttered 'evil witch'under her breath and they all went up to their rooms to get ready.


As they heard the horn of aunty Afra's car, they ran down stairs and welcomed uncle mujaheed.

" Assalamu alaikum habibties,I missed you guys so much" mujaheed says happily while they all smiled and sauntered towards the living room.They ate and he narrated his business adventure.After that they presented the cake to him and he looked genuinely happy and grateful ,the look on Afra's face is epic...she looked shocked,surprised and defeated.

"jazakumullah khairan habibties,I am grateful,thank you so much" Says mujaheed ."don't mention dad,you deserve much more "they all said with a huge smile.

"Assalamu Alaikum Aysha"Kubrah whispered in Aysha's ear.she stirred and smiled in her sleep,Kubrah nudged her,but she still didn't wake up.Then she touched her forehead and realized that Aysha is having a fever,she panicked and called the attention of everyone,uncle mujaheed took his car keys and drove her to the hospital.Since he has connections she was quickly attended to without waste of time and she was diagonised of malaria fever,the doctor prescribed some medication for her and he adviced that she should eat and rest.
They arrived home and find the girls anxiously waiting for them at the gate.

"sorry Aysha, hope you're feeling much better now?Allahu yaashfeeki"Kubrah said ,Aysha just nodded and smiled faintly at them.The rest also wished her quick recovery with the exception of Afra who is indifferent about it.She was angry at Aysha for being sick because to her,she disturbed her husband's early morning nap.Mujaheed noticed that something is wrong between the girls and his wife, but decided to keep quite until he's sure about his insinuations.

That night,the girls didn't sleep a wink,Aysha's fever escalated and she keeps mumbling things that didn't make sense.

"I think we should call uncle to call the emergency crew am afraid something more than malaria is wrong with her"Advised Amina.

"yeah you are right please call him"agreed Hasny who is on the verge of tears.Amina called mujaheed for over fifteen times but he didn't pick up the call.She gave up and went to knock on the door of his room but still he didn't answer,exhausted and tired of trying,she came back and met Aysha vomitting in the toilet while Waheedah is rubbing her back soothingly .They made a warm bath for her so that she will feel a little better and gave her a warm cup of herbal tea.She smiled weakly at them and after taking her bath they tucked her in and she soon fell asleep around 5am in the morning .

In the morning, Mujaheed knocked at their door looking alarmed and anxious .

"How is she feeling?I'm so sorry I couldn't find my phone last night, I just found it in the living room" he said apologetically.They told him about her fever and he called the doctor.He stayed with Aysha ,reading one of her favorite book for her until Afra came into the room for the first time ,she didn't even spare Aysha a glance

"Hubby,your breakfast is ready come and eat"she said .He nodded and turned his attention to Aysha"I'll be right back dear,get well soon okay?"she smiled as he followed Afra out of the room.

"Alhamdulillah, I'm much better now"Aysha said smiling as she was walking down the stairs."I'm so happy you are getting better,after two weeks of being sick"says Hasny looking genuinely happy."welcome back to the world of the living"says Amina and Waheedah at the same time.Kubrah hugged her tightly as if her life depends on her and they all smiled and cuddled up to watch a movie .


Thank for reading Life of some teenage girls. Much love🤗

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