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The music was sending vibrations all through out the club. And even in the backstage dressing room it was loud. WildFlower sat at her desk in the crowded room staring at herself in the mirror. Applying the makeup to her faceplate she thought about when she got here. The 2 years she's been here and most everybot comes to see her.

She picked up a picture of a mech that was propped up on her mirror. She studied it for a while when she heard her name called from on stage. She placed a kiss on the picture leaving a lip mark on the picture.

"And next! The femme you've all came here to see! The amazing, stunning, and beautiful.....WILD-FLOWER!!!" The announcer femme yelled a dragging out her name pointing to the curtain. As WildFlower made her way to the stage she began by walking to the beat getting in the mood.

The song 'Who's That Chick' was playing but the D.J had the bass and treble up so loud it drowned out the lyrics. She began by walking to the front of the stage to the beat, and when the bass in the song exceeded she did two back servo springs, and on the third one she landed on her right servo and spun.

The crowd cheered loudly and danced in their own way as well. WildFlower smiled brightly when she saw her fellow dancers come on stage coping her every move. The dance team of the century is what the critics called them. They were so good at reading what the other person did it was as if they were reading each others thoughts.

The song ended after a few minutes of them dancing. At the end of the song Angy, Blisskay, and SpeedCrack stood side by side with there legs spread apart. Then JayFire and Madeline did a backflip on top of their shoulder plates. Then I ran up to them and they all held there arms out. Which I used to jump up to the top and stood on JayFire and Madeline's shoulder plating.

We all stood there for a bit and the crowd cheered loudly. I flipped off of my friends and then the other two came down, we all waved coming to the front of the stage and smiling crazily. People from the crowed threw roses from a flower pot at us. I ran up the stage and high-fived a bunch of people and then the others did the same all the way to back stage.

That was one of our best performance's all week, that would have to get our paycheck a up a little right?

A\N- How do you like? I kinda have ideas but this will be one of those kind of stories were it won't be updated very often. Sorry about that but I would love to here your opinions on how it sounds. If you guys don't like it then I'll take it down, but if you do then I will leave it up so you guys can read more! TFL25 OUT!!!!

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