Realization & Getting off Track

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I just realized that I was only going to write AMAZING TASTIC or CRAP IM GONNA PEE THIS IS TERRIFYING moments, but this has turned into more of a rage book:/

Does anyone else think that? I don't know, I need a second opinion and I'm kinda screwed in the friend-zone.

I haven't BEEN friend-zoned. But at the moment none of my friends will talk to me:/ so.....yah.

I've been alone starring at my curling for half an hour, when I thought of a story idea. But.....I have one more thing to decide.


In my new upcoming story my character was supposed to have green eyes, but -skips part because its a spoiler- lets just say I like the name Amethyst, but i wanted character 2 to say Amethyst because of blah blah blah and not the most obvious part. And I was thinking of Jade (because Jade is a light green like her eyes) but that didn't really suit her. Here's the description.

Name: _______ (to be decided (hopefully) by you lovely people)

Yes I just put brackets in brackets deal with it.

Hair colour/length: Black/brown - Mid chest length

Eye colour: _____ (hoping green could be violet if her name will be Amethyst)
So, I'm not gonna tell you anything else because I don't trust myself to not give you guys any spoilers:/ so, yah. If love your opinion! Remember

(Jade = Green) which would be her name and eye colour


(Amethyst = Violet) which would be (again) her name and eye colour.

If you didn't understand my blabbering, I meant to say

I like the name Amethyst, but my 2nd character Jasper, gives her the name because of something he sees in her, or about her appearance. And because I wanted her eyes to be green that didn't help. Unless you guys can help me with something he could see in/on/about her for her name:3 About the eye colour, I traditionally wanted him to get her name because of her eye colour, and amethyst is a violet/purple quartz.

So yah. please comment telling me what you think !

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