What If?

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Two words that can make your head swirl, and give you good thoughts or bad thoughts. Those two words create questions that you usually never find that answer to. They usually branch off into categories like, -Why?, How? What?-
These two words aide in the main questions everybody asks. What if you knew the exact time and date of your death. What if you knew the exact time and date you would meet your soulmate. What if you could do anything.
But no one can do anything, equivalent exchange is always there. You can't just have something, and not give something else in return. To receive, you must give something of equal value in return. FullMetal Alchemist teaches you life lessons.
It's a very famous anime, along with: Inuyahsa. Bleach. Naruto. Case Closed. And something else I can't seem to remember.
Usually in CaseClosed the lead character Conan tries to figure out and solve a mystery. He always succeeds. Which is unrealistic haven't you heard of all of the unsolved cases that were said to be accidental? Have you ever heard of equivalent exchange? What has this character given up to be able to solve over 800 cases no problem. In FullMetal alchemist, they even have to give so much, and they still wonder, what would've happens if none of that has started.

What if we never tried to bring mom back?

What if. Two words that can make your head swirl with questions. What if. Two words that can fill you with guilt. Happiness. Or sadness. What if. Two words that never stop following you,

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