Zoes past

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Zoe told Jackie and Ace her past

I was born in Zimbabwe my mother was a nurse and my father a doctor. I was 5 years old when the river burst it banks and headed towards our house. My parents were preparing to leave for work when they saw the river heading for the house I was playing in the garden about 25 meters away for the raging flood waters. My parents yelled for me to run as I turned and saw the water heading for me but I didn't. For some reason I stay put and I felt a sudden serge of power flow through me. I lifted up my hands and the earth rose with them making a wall around the house diverting the water away for our house.

My parents where shocked and when the water recedes I collapsed on the ground. When I woke up we here in Zambia in our family car. I asked my mother where we were going she only said that we where heading for Libya so we could cross the sea to Italy for a better life. I was confused why but I went along with it. I have an uneasy feeling about it though as if someone was following us for the whole journey. I only found out my feeling was true when we arrived in Libya about 3 Mount ha after leaving our home in Zimbabwe.

At the port as we where about to board the boat which would take us to sicaly a bolt of red lightning hit the ground. My parents told me to run for the boat and that they would find me when they where done. I stupidly ran for the boat not looking back. I wish I did. When I reached the boat I heard my parents dieing screams and a horrific cackle "you can run but you can't hide I will find you" the voice called after me as the boat left port. When I arrived in sicaly a nun found me and put me in a orphanage and have been moved in and out of them for 7 years know. Then you two came along and that's about it.

Zoe said looking very sad. Jackie went and conforted her as Ace thought deeply on when Zoe had just told them. "Red lightning" ace said confused."that's new". Before anyone could think more on the matter a screen lowered for the ceiling with the director on it. "We agents what have you to report" he asked. Jackie told the direct everything "good work agents and I look forward to meeting you in person Zoe" were his last words before he ended the call. Ace, Jackie and Zoe enjoyed the next few hours on the plane before they arrived at the P.W.T HQ.

Meanwhile in the directors office...

John shut down his laptop down after talking to Jackie about Zoe and signed getting up and locking his office door and turning the blinds so no one could see in. He then made a video call. "Well hello John long time no see." The voice on the end of the line said "don't play games with me Cathryn where's my wife " the director demand. The voice stopped being friendly "first have you found them all or are you just wasting my time." The voice asked as the chair turned so that the director saw her face.

She was a middle aged lady with white hair and red eyes with a crocked smile and a scar over her right eye clawing her eye out. "Yes I have the last one she will arrived in 4 hours" the director signed. "Excellent then once I have them you will have back your wife." She laughed turning around in her chair. "I will see you in 4 hours and John don't look so sad I'm doing this for the greater good of everyone like us so bye" she hung up the call. The director sunk into his chair hating himself for what he had done.

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