Green's Last Flash Of Violet

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So this is just a little something I wrote the other day, and someone told me that I should post to FF.N and Wattpad, so here you are.

It's been three days since the battle with Overhaul. The heroes managed to pull off their plan and were able to successfully complete both objectives; albeit with some lives lost along the way. Togata's mood went all over the place before he found the power to move past it. Ochako and Tsu went back to the dorms because they were told by Aizawa that even though the mission was a success, that doesn't mean they're not high schoolers with responsibilities to take care of. Nejire and Tamaki already returned to the campus after learning that their friend is going to be alright, despite being temporarily quirkless until a future date. Kirishima fought tooth and nail to stay in the hospital with the rest of us, not even backing down from Aizawa's glare. Our homeroom teacher couldn't hold it for long, mainly because of his already dry eyes and the amount of pain that he was mentally in. He eventually left the building, giving us our space and his condolences as he did.

But Izuku?

His mom was crying over his prone body. Covered in tubes and equipment desperately working to keep him alive for a little longer. The doctors already informed us that his injuries were fatal and they wouldn't to be able to save him, even if they had the assistance of Recovery Girl.

But despite that, he stared at the two of us, that smile - that damned smile that could make your heart warm for years because of how bright and comforting it is - still on his face.

"Mom, it's going to be alright. I'll be okay." He tried lifting his hand, the one that was still attached, and managed to place it on the side of her face, giving her the most gentle yet fragile loving touch. Tears poured from the woman's eyes, and not like the ones she cried when she was watching the Sports Festival. No, these were tears of sorrow, falling onto her son's bandages in his torso, dyed red with the amount of profuse bleeding coming from the large hole in his chest.

"I-I know baby.... I-I know. B-but I won't be able to s-s-see you again... *sniff*" The poor mother managed to cry out. But managing to put on smile, she faced her son as she placed a kiss on his forehead, a long, loving, and sorrowful show of affection. After a few seconds of shifting to a hug, a final goodbye for her son, she looked to Kirishima and I, and told us that we should get some words in.

I ran to his side, our red-haired team and classmate joining me as we looked at our friend, my boyfriend. The Hardening user was shedding some tears as he tried to get some words out. I don't blame him, these two started a friendship very quickly upon entering the school the first day and clicked. Every day, you could catch them going around with some silly string, spray paint, or something as they truly enjoyed the high school aspect of our lives.

"Izu-bro. M-man I.... Dammit why'd it's have to be you?!" "I'd rather it be me laying here on this hospital bed than you or anyone else. In fact, it had to be me. My quirk was the perfect counter to both, Kai and Eir-chan's. If it were anyone else, they would've been turned to a literal bloodstain on the ground or been rewound to the point where they never existed."

"I still should've been there to back you up!! I could've jumped in front of the spikes that bastard sent at you guys. But instead, I had to jump with Fatgum and get caught up in my own battle."

He was fixing to go on more, but a very light fist tapped against his cheek, coming from the green-haired boy on the bed.

"Don't you...... ever talk like that..... You were an impor-" he started coughing harshly, covering his mouth with his hand. Pulling it back he saw the blood staining the limb. "Important piece in your battle......Think about it.... Without you.... Fatgum would've died as well...."

"You played your part..... to the absolute fuckin best..... but hey.... I need you to be strong... okay?" He sent another one of his mischievous grins his way, despite the amount of pain he was in. "Otherwise, who else is going to put Mineta on the flagpole from the most painful wedgie?" The two shared a laugh, before the redhead wrapped his arms around the greenette, as he did the same, well, with one arm at least.

"Save me a spot up there man. Because we're going to miss you for sure down here." "Don't worry... Reckon God may try to fight me for a couple seats... I'll miss you too man. Also, don't let my dying stop you from pursuing that one girl from class C I've seen you hang around with." "You can count on it." And he left the side, joining Inko as it was my turn.

"Kyou...." "Izu..." I couldn't hold back the tears anymore, as I crashed into his chest, becoming a mess in seconds as I sobbed into him. Unfortunately this isn't a Disney movie, otherwise he'd be healed by now.

He rubbed his hand through my hair, doing everything he can to soothe me, and damn it was working.

"I'm sorry Kyou. But I had to do this." "It's alright. I know you did. And she's gonna be okay, Green." A small chuckle left his lips at that. "You've already used it." "Asshole." "I know. But that's good. I'm really going to need you to take care of her. She's had it rough, and she needs to be introduced into what a true sense of comfort from someone who loves you really is."

He looked me in the eye, and the two glowing, yet slowly dimming, green orbs told me that he needed me to do it. So, with a shaky voice, but never breaking contact, I told him that I would, and that he can rest easy knowing that she will be protected with my life as well as Kirishima, and everyone back at the dorms will do the same; just as he had done for both, myself and Eri's.

"I'll make damn sure nothing will ever happen to her again. You can count on that." The seriousness dropped from his fading face as he smiled again. "Thank you Kyouka." He pulled me in with his one arm, and kissed me in the lips, giving it everything he had as I did the same, holding his hand as we shared this final moment until we would meet again.

"I will always love you, Izuku Midoriya."
"And I will always love you, Kyouka Jirou." Our foreheads came together as we held each other close, the other two coming in as they saw him fading. A large group hug, as we all counted the final moments.

"Thank you, everyone...."

BEEP.... BEEP.......... BEEP.............

And the line rang as his hand lost its grip on mine, for the last time.

So yeah. Do what you will, this took thirty minutes to write, and have a good one.

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