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Draco's P.O.V

I scooted closer to the warm sensation in the bed and groaned.

"Draco, come on love. It's Christmas." I heard against my ear.

"Oh but you're so warm." I mumbled. I felt a hand slip to my bump and then a pair of lips ghosting it.

"Come on my little angels, help me get your mummy up." He whispered and I groaned as I felt one of them flutter over near my bladder.

"I have to pee." I groaned trying to get up but I couldn't cause my bump was too big. Harry helped me haul myself up as I waddled to my room's bathroom. After the wedding, we floo to the manor going straight to bed. I relieved myself and then waddled back into the room. "What did you call me?"


"You called me mummy." I pointed out. His face turned crimson and he started to fidget.

"Well you are technically the mummy." He told me and I grinned.

"Oh I think it's just wonderful! Mummy." I cooed and then patted the bump. Harry got out of bed and went to the bathroom. He came out minutes later and I looked him over. "You're forgetting something."

"What?" He cocked his head to the side and I rolled me eye pointing to my bump. "Oh the bump."

"Were you not gonna wear it?" I rasped.

"No! No! I was going to." He assured. He rummaged through his trunk and pulled it out. He lifted his nightshirt and strapped it on. "Woah you got bigger." He told me and I growled. I through a stinging hex at him and he gasped as it hit him arm.

"I can't help it."

"I know I know." He told me. "Come on, I'm sure your mother is waiting." He said and I nodded. His hand slipped in mine and we walked out of the room. I could tell his eyes were wandering around the halls and I chuckled.

"Like the manor? It seems livelier without father." I mentioned.

"It's huge." He told me. "Your room is probably the size of my aunt and uncles bottom floor." He told me and I looked over to him.

"Will I ever meet them?" I asked.

"No." He answered quickly. "I will not subject you to that... that toxic environment." He hissed and my eyes widened.

"Woah. What do you mean toxic? Aren't they loving?"

"No, they are far from it." He informed me. "Come, we don't need to ruin our day talking about muggles." We walked down the stairs and into the dining area where mother was sipping tea.

"Ah good morning!" She smiled.

"Hello mother." I said and pressed a kiss on her cheek.

"Hello Mrs. Malfoy." Harry greeted.

"Call me Cissy, I insist." She told him and then looked me over. "Dragon, you are positively glowing."

"Thanks." I mumbled. She placed her hand to my bump.

"Any movement?"

"I can feel them move but Harry can't."

"Hopefully soon enough." She said. "Come eat. We have gifts to open." She told us and we sat down. I ate a grapefruit and some oatmeal with cinnamon. Harry ate some eggs and sausage. "Mr. Potter, may I ask you something?"

"Call me Harry and yes."

"Um have you put on weight?" She asked and I nearly choked.

"Mother!" I scowled but Harry laughed.

"It looks that way but no. I am wearing a baby bump that's enchanted to grow every time Draco's does." He placed a hand on my belly. "It's a muggle device."

"Oh how nice." She smirked and we finished eating.

"Can we open gifts now?" I asked and mother nodded. I got up and we walked into the living room. I couldn't bear to stand anymore cause my ankles were all swollen so I sat on the couch as mother, Harry and I exchanged gifts. For Harry, I gave him some dragon hide boot and a matching set of gloves. For my mother, I bought her a nice diamond bracelet. My mother gave Harry and me both a set of girls and boys clothes for our babies. She said better safe than sorry. Harry sat next to me and handed me a box. He got my mother a really nice set of quills which she loved.

"Here you are my love." He told me and I took the box from him. I opened it and it was a bracelet. A charm bracelet. I gasped. It had the date we got together and the date we first said 'I love you' to each other. (Which coincidentally was the date we conceived the twins).

"It's beautiful Harry." I gasped.

"I was thinking that when the twins are born, we can get a charm for them. Like a birth announcement. Then we can add charms along the way. Like their first words, first time walking... maybe the date of our wedding." He told me and I looked at him. His eyes held nothing but love. I swallowed hard and embraced him tightly.

"I love it." I rasped. I buried my face into his lip and sniffled hard.


We were settled back in bed after a great day. Mother seemed to be happy finally with father gone and everything. Severus came over for dinner and was having a great time with my mother. He decided to stay the night after drinking a bit too much, much to Harry's delight. Harry was spooning me with his hand on my belly.

"Harry?" I whispered. He kissed my neck gently.

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"I want to marry you too. But not just yet, okay?" I asked and I felt him smile against my neck.

"Whenever you're ready love, I'll be waiting."

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