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Mature Content

Draco's P.O.V

"Gah gah goo." Jay cooed putting her fingers in her mouth.

"Oh is that so?" I smiled and made a face at my two month old. Harry walked down the stairs after changing Liam.

"For a two month old, they sure know how to take a shit." He said and I chuckled.

"That they do." I said cooing to Jay. Harry walked over and sat next to us. "Is it normal for babies to speak like this?"

"Ah they're just making sounds. I reckon it's normal." He said and then placed the baby boy on his outstretched legs. He blew a raspberry on his tummy and he giggled kicking his legs.

"Harry." I started and moved myself to sit facing him. I placed Jay on the couch and Harry looked at me.


"It's been six weeks." I reminded and he looked at me.


"Yeah and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go on a date tonight. Just me and you. Mother already agreed to watch the twins."

"I would honestly love that." He told me and then put Liam on his back as he face me.

"I was thinking we could go out to a nice restaurant and then come home..." I trailed and he smirked.

"Let's see how dinner goes." He said and I laughed.

"Okay." I looked back at Jay.

"Ah goo gah, gah." She said and I giggled pressing a kiss to her nose.

"I'm gonna miss you too baby." I said.

"Argg." Liam declared and Harry laughed.

"Such a sweet talker." Harry cooed. "Are you gonna miss your mummy and papa?"

"Gah!" He said and Harry kissed his nose.

"Good." He said. "Come on Pooper, get some sleep." Harry started to gently stroke the baby's face. Liam's eyes grew heavy and then he fell asleep. I did the same with Jay but gently brushed my hands through her blond/reddish hair. She let sigh and then fell asleep.


Harry and I were laughing at a really fancy restaurant. We were reminiscing about the good times of our relationship.

"Do you remember my birthday?" Harry laughed. "When we went to that muggle bar and this girl hit on you? I don't think I've seen you sneer so big since our sixth year."

"I was clearly with you the entire night. Clearly into you. Stupid muggle girl for being so oblivious."

"That was also the night of our first time." He told me and I smiled gently.

"I remember that. I had no clue what the bloody hell I was doing. I was afraid I'd hurt you."

"And it only took like ten months for you to." He said and then his eyes widened. "Merlin Draco! We've been together for ten month."

"Oh god." I gasped. "Only ten months? And we have two babies? Man Potter you sure know how to work fast." I told him and he laughed.

"Oh well excuse me, you were there too." He told me and I smirked.
"Ah yes." I chuckled and took a bite of my crab. "But if you were able to get pregnant, I would have gotten you up in the duff months ago!" I teased and he looked at me smiling.

"Do you think this is all you want?" He asked. "Like two children?"

"I've actually wanted a big family. Not as big as those blasted Weasley's but a big family." I said and he laughed.

"How many kids then? And think of it as you won't have twins again."

"Oh then maybe one or two more." I told him. "Have you wanted a big family?"

"Yes of course. The Dursley's never treated me like family and I always was envious of the Weasley's." He disclosed.

"Can I meet them?" I asked quietly.

"Who? The Dursley's?"

"Yeah." I said and he shook his head.

"No like I said before, I don't want you to be in that toxic environment." He said. "They're magic hating muggles and think anything that isn't "normal" is freaky."

"We're they abusive to you?" I asked shocked. Harry never mentioned his muggle relatives unless I asked him.

"No." He mumbled. "They never laid a hand on me. I was just... neglected. Locked in my cupboard until Hagrid came to get me." He said and I nodded.

"Let's change the subject." I assured and he nodded. "Are you finished?"

"I am. Want dessert?" He asked and I smirked.

"You'll be enough dessert for me." I promised. We both hopped up, we paid for the meal, and then apparated home. We changed the wards on the house to only us, mother and Sev can apparate directly into the home. Mother was sitting on the sofa and she grinned.

"Nice night?" She asked and we nodded.

"Perfect. Are they asleep?" Harry asked.

"Just put them down. You'll have a few more hours to yourself." She said and I smiled.

"Thank you mother. Goodnight." I said and she nodded. I dragged Harry towards our room. Once in there, we hopped on the bed with me on top. We kissed very slowly just taking each other in. With a six week sex hiatus, I wanted to make sure it went well. We broke the kiss to take our shirts off and then our trousers. We took off our boxers leaving us naked. I started to kiss Harry's neck.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked and he grunted.

"Yes." He panted. I nodded against his neck and grabbed the lube.

"I'm prepping you." I told him. He nodded and I kissed down his stomach. I stopped at his dick and put him in my mouth having him cry out.

"Draco please." He begged. As I sucked him, I put the first finger in. I chuckled at the tight heat.

"It feels new." I told him taking my mouth off of his dick.

"Brilliant." He told me and pushed my head back on. I rolled my eyes and continued sucking him as I prepped him. I watched his eyes for any signs of pain and when I saw none, I pulled my fingers out. I hallowed out my cheek and brought him to release. I slicked my erection with more lube and inched in.

"Ah Harry." I bit my lip.

"Keep going." He told me. I inched in until I was fully there and then took a deep breath.

"Gods it feels like you're a virgin again. I don't know if I can last." I laughed and he pulled me down for a kiss. I stared to move as we kissed and he wrapped his legs around my waist. We made love like never before. Just savoring each other and making time for ourselves. I hit his prostate and he released again making me chuckle.

"God it feels like I am virgin again. My prostate is so sensitive." He told me after he died down from his second orgasm. I put my lips against his to have my orgasm rippled through me. I moaned into his mouth and he moaned in mine. I pulled away and put my forehead against his. I simply slipped out and lied on top of him. We stayed in each other's arms just listening to each other's heartbeats. This was how it should be. The love of my life and I just together. 

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