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Draco's P.O.V

Little Severus was now a week old and he was probably the easiest baby. He rarely cried which scared me at first but older Severus advised me all the babies were different. I walked into his nursery and he was just waking up.

"Hi my little love." I cooed picking him up. "Are you hungry?" I asked and he smacked his lips together. I gently brought his face to my nipple and he grabbed on with his mouth to feed. I sat in the chair as he was feeding.

"Hey mummy." Harry said from the door. He was carrying the twins in his arms. They were little people now. Liam's hair fell like Harry's but was an auburn color like his sister. Jay's hair was a bit longer which made her look more like a girl.

"Hi love." I smiled. He walked in and placed the twins on the ground to crawl around. "He's so different from the twins." I mentioned.

"I know." He laughed. "We rarely got any sleep with the twins."

"Yeah and now this little one lets us sleep at least two hours at a time."

"Do you think it had to do with the twins being premature?" He asked and I pondered a bit.

"Possibly. Remember, Jay's lungs weren't as developed as they needed to be." I said and he nodded in agreement. Jay was crawling over to the dresser and was about to pull herself up but Harry picked her up before she could.

"Papa!" Jay scolded and Harry shook his head.

"You could have gotten hurt." Harry told her. "Now go play with Liam." Harry placed her down with Liam who was playing with his blocks. Baby Sev stopped feeding so I gently started to burp him. When he let out a little burp, I started to rock him. "Here give me him." Harry said. I handed the baby over to him and he gently cradled him. I stood up and grabbed Jay from the floor blowing a raspberry on her belly. She giggled and kicked her legs.

"Are you hungry?" I asked her.

"Papa!" She called.

"I think that's a yes." I laughed. "Liam, are you hungry?" I asked and she looked up at me as he put one of his blocks in his mouth.

"No!" He said and I gasped.

"Oh look, someone is getting to be quite the talker." Harry teased and placed Severus in his baby swing. He took the block from Liam and picked him up.

"No! Baby?" Liam asked and Harry showed Liam his brother.

"Yes baby, Sevy is resting." Harry said and then handed Liam over to me. "Now go eat." He pressed a kiss to each of our heads and I set off to the kitchen. I placed them both in their high chairs.

"Kreacher!" I called and he popped in.

"Yes master Draco what can I's do with you?" He asked.

"Can you get me the baby food for the twins?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yes I be doing that for you." He said and then popped out. Jay started to chew on her fingers.

"Don't do that." I said and took her fingers out of her mouth. She pouted and then started crying. "No crocodile tears." I told her.

"Papa!" She cried.

"He's upstairs." I said and then Kreacher popped in. He handed me the baby food and I went to feed them but Jay was still crying.

"Papa." She cried and I sighed.

"Jay stop crying." I told her and she continued to cry. Liam was just banging his hands on the highchair. I huffed angrily and called for Harry. He came down the stairs in his boxers and looked at me wildly.

"What's wrong?" He asked frantically.

"She won't stop crying for you." I spat and he sighed. He picked Jay up and she snuggled into his chest.

"You know you could have done this. Papa is the only word she knows." He told me and I just rolled my eyes. I started to feed Liam as Harry walked away with Jay.

"Baby?" Liam questioned.

"He's upstairs." I said and then put the spoonful of food in his mouth. He smacked his lips together and then swallowed.

"No baby?" He questioned.

"No baby." I repeated and he happily clapped his hands. I gave him another spoonful and he ate it happily. I leaned in and kissed his nose causing him to giggle.

"Mu!" He cooed and I gasped.

"Are you trying to say mummy?" I asked him.

"Mu!" He said and I kissed his cheek.

"I love you Liam." I said and he smiled. Harry walked back in with a sleeping Jay and looked at me.

"She was exhausted." He said. "I'll feed her when she wakes up." He told me and I nodded.

"Harry! Liam almost said Mummy." I piped feeding Liam.

"Oh wow he's really advanced." Harry mentioned. He was rocking back and forth. I looked him over and he was still only in his boxers.

"Were you doing something before I called you?" I asked and he nodded.

"I was gonna shower." He disclosed.

"Go ahead, just put Jay in her crib and I'll be up there when I'm done here." I said and he nodded.

"Okay." He nodded his head and then kissed my head before going up the stairs. Liam finished feeding and I picked him up.

"Are you ready to take a nap?" I asked and Liam squealed.

"No!" He exclaimed. "Baby?"

"Baby." I nodded. "Kreacher clean this up." I called and then walked out of the kitchen with Liam. We walked up the stairs and I checked on Severus, who was sleeping soundly, before I walked into the twins nursey. Jay was quiet so I assumed she was sleeping. I cleaned Liam up before changing him and then rocking him to sleep. He fell asleep rather quickly and I placed him in his crib. I checked on Jay and my heart sunk to my stomach when I saw her.

"Harry! Harry come quickly!" I shrieked frantically. Jay's face was blue and she looked motionless. 

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