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Draco's P.O.V

Harry and I made our way to the first check up by Madam Promfrey. I had gained about five pounds already and I was very annoyed. Harry said my belly was cute but I thought he was just being generous. We had had a meeting with McGonagall who told offered us a room together but we agreed Harry could just stay with me. She told us that if anything happened during our classes apart that Harry would be taken out of class and given a pass to do so.

"Ugh so much walking." I groaned.

"We're here." Harry said to me and we walked into the room where Madam Promfrey was attending to a fifth year with a broken arm.

"Ah here you two are." She said. "Go to the first private room." She told us and we did. There was a bed and a chair against the wall. And something didn't recognize against the other wall. I lied on the bed as Harry sat in the chair.

"She's probably going to weigh you."


"The thing in the room is a scale. She's going to see how much weight you gained." He said and I groaned.

"I don't want someone monitoring how much fatter I get!" I yelled and he rolled his eyes.

"You're not fat, just swollen." He told me with a smile and I scoffed. Promfrey came in with a little portable thing and looked at me.

"Are you ready to see how the little one is doing?" She asked and I shrugged.

"I guess." I said. She motioned for me to stand so I did.

"Now strip into your boxers." She said and I looked at Harry with wide eyes.

"Do it love, she won't hurt you." He told me and I nodded slowly. I stripped into my boxers and she looked at me.

"Your belly sure has grown." She said and I scowled. I stepped on the scale thing and she manually moved the things. "Wow you've gain seven pounds in the last two weeks."

"Is that a lot?" I asked.

"Hmm it seems you're gaining weight at fast rate but everyone is different." She said. "Go on, lay back down so we can listen to the heartbeat." She led me back to the bed where Harry was sitting next to. He grabbed my hand as Promfrey got the machine together. "Okay so I'm gonna turn it on and press this thing to your belly." She pointed to a probe thing. "And the sound will come out here." She pointed to a speaker thing.

"Okay." I said. She placed the thing on my belly and turned it on. A loud thumping sound filled the room and I gasped.

"That's our baby." Harry whispered. She moved the probe thing to the other side of my abdomen and I heard two thumping sounds.

"I can heart my heart beat too?" I asked and she made a face.

"Not usually." She said. She moved the probe to another section. Two thumbing sounds again.

"What does that mean?" I asked but then Promfrey moved it against to the other side where we only heard one. Two heart beats again.

"Does this mean-?" Harry trailed off when Promfrey smiled and nodded. "Oh merlin!"

"Can someone fill me in on what's happening?!" I yelled and Harry stood up. He placed a hand to my belly.

"We're having twins Draco." He said and I looked at him.


"We're having two babies." He told me again and tears made their way into my eyes. I blinked them away and put my hand over his.


"Two." Madam Promfrey confirmed. "They are both in perfect health. Keep it up Mister Malfoy." She smiled widely putting her wand back. She walked out of the room and I took a shuddering breath.

"Harry." I breathed out. He hugged me tightly and then kissed my lips.

"Oh Draco. I'm so scared but we're having two babies."

"I heard." I snapped and his eyes flashed hurt. "I'm sorry. I just need time for it to sink in."
"I know." He said. "We'll be okay, remember?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "But can we handle two?"

"We don't have much of a choice." He laughed lightly. He grabbed my hands and kissed my knuckles. "We have a good support system Draco."

"Who?!" I almost started crying again. I was hormonal, frustrated, and annoyed.

"We have our friends, your mum, Snape... all the Weasley's." He said and I felt the tears rush down my face. "Don't get upset love, I haven't seen you cry since the war." He said and I let out a sob. "Shh." He soothed and I calmed down a bit.

"Will all of those people help?" I asked dolefully.

"I'm not sure about Snape but yes." He said and I chuckled.

"Actually Sev is thrilled." I chuckled. "We had a nice talk about everything while you were in Defense."

"And what did he say?"

"He told me I could go to him for anyone. He's really like the father I've always wanted." I told him with a sad smile.

"See, nothing to worry about." He told me and I nodded.

"Okay." I sniffled. He leaned down and kissed my lips.

"Come on, let's go to Hogsmeade and get yourself a treat." I got up and got on my robes. They were slightly tight so I sucked in my belly and it felt better. "Drake, let out your breath." Harry scolded and I did. "If you feel uncomfortable, we can get bigger robes."

"I don't want bigger robes. I'll feel like Crabbe." I groaned. "He wore huge robes."

"Oh well you're not fat just pregnant." He told me wrapping my arms around me. He placed a hand on my slight bump. I placed my head on his shoulder. "You're carrying our babies and for that, I am happy."

"You're not going through all of this." I mumbled and he smirked.

"Do you want me to?" He asked.


"I could wear a pregnancy bump. Tons of muggles have 'em."

"Why?" I asked and he shrugged. "You'd wear a pregnancy thing?"

"If it makes you happy then yes." He said and I burst into tear. I buried my face into his hair and he turned so we were hugging. "Why are you crying?"
"It's so nice." I sniffled and he chuckled. "How are you gonna get one?"

"I'll ask Promfrey to order one for me." He said and I sniffled.

"Okay." I sniffled. "I love you."

"I love you too." He told me and gave me a squeeze. "Come on let's go tell our friends the good news." He said and I nodded.

Harry's P.O.V

We made our way to the Three Broomsticks to see our friends. They were all sitting together and left us seats. I pulled Draco towards them and they greeted us.

"How was the appointment?" Neville asked.

"We have some news." I said and everyone looked at us.

"W-we're um we're having twins." Draco told them. All of them looked up at us with blank expressions.

"Shit." Hermione cursed.

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