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Draco's P.O.V

It was the first time Harry was wearing the pregnancy belly. Madame Promfrey enchanted it to grow every time my belly grows. Since he was skinnier than me, he looked bigger with the belly, in reality he only gained like twenty five pounds.

"You look so cute." I cooed as he struggled to button his robes.

"I can't button them, how can you button yours?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"We got new ones remember?"

"Oh." Is all he replied. He took his wand and enlarged it. He smirked in triumph when he got them closed. He waddled over to me and pressed a kiss against my lips then to my belly. "How are they doing today?" He asked.

"They are alright." I placed my hand to my belly. "I think I've felt them move."

"Really?" He asked excited.

"Yeah it's like tiny bubbles fluttering." I told him.

"Is that normal for three months?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Promfrey said it was. She said you'll be able to feel them around four months."

"That's great!" He gasped. "I can't wait."

"Yeah it's exciting." I smiled. "Shall we go to breakfast?"

"We shall." He grabbed my hand and we started off to the Great Hall. Both of our bulges in our stomachs were evident. The stares we were getting made me feel uncomfortable. I felt Harry's hand tighten on mine and then he kissed my cheek which made me feel better. We got to the Great Hall and Harry beelined to his table pulling me along. We sat with friends because we always sat with mine and he thinks it's only fair.

"Wow you sure have put on weight Harry." Weasley said and Harry scowled.

"I think it's great that Harry is willing to do this for Draco. It shows he really cares."

"And I do. " Harry chimed. He pressed his lips against my cheek and then patted my belly.

"So is everything with the babies good?" Granger asked and I nodded.

"Yeah Poppy said they were good and developing nicely." I told her. "I just don't like getting fat."

"Well that's the process." Weasley said and I glared at him. "What? You need to get fat." He told me and I growled. I threw a hex at him and he fell flat on his back.

"Draco!" Harry scolded but Hermione waved her hand.

"It's what he gets for telling a pregnant person he's getting fat." She chuckled. "Draco, I think you look lovely."
"Thank you Hermione." I smiled and Weasley sat back on the bench as his hair proceeded to fall out.

"You threw a balding hex at me?" He gasped and I shrugged. Harry erupted into laughter.

"You look weird bald mate." He chuckled. "Maybe we can conjure up a wig."

"Shut up Harry." Weasley hissed.

"Oh sod off." I told him. "Promfrey can take care of it." I waved a hand and he mumbled something before getting up. He looked at Hermione who rolled her eyes but stood up.

"Fine, see you guys in potions." She said and we nodded. They left and weaslette scooted over with Longbottom.

"Wow Harry." Weaslette began. "You sure are glowing." She giggled and Harry glared.

"Yeah my little harrykins is expecting a little boy." I teased and he glared at me. I looked at him with puppy dog eyes and his expression softened.

"You're lucky that you're cute." He said and I giggled.

"Oh Potter what have you done to me? I was a bully pureblood and now you've turned me into a softie."

"You'll be fine Malfoy." He laughed. He patted my belly as I ate some food. I placed my hand on top of his went I went the one of the babies move. "Are they moving?"

"Yeah." I nodded and he smiled. He placed his lips near my swollen belly and started to coo.

"Hi babies, papa loves you. I can't wait until I can feel you."

"That's adorable." Longbottom said and I scowled.

"I need to pee." I said and Harry nodded. He helped me up and I waddled off to the bathroom myself. I relieved myself and then walked back to Harry as he was standing.

"Ready?" He asked and I nodded. He grabbed my hand and we walked towards the potions room. We took our respective seating and Sev started to talk about the potions we were doing.

"Alright get started. Mister Malfoy, come here." Sev said and I nodded. Harry walked over to the table as I waddled over to Sev.

"Yes?" I asked.

"The potion we were making is dangerous for a growing fetus, I advise you to go back to your dorm and I'll excuse you from the class today."
"Thank you Sev."

"Stay well Draco." He told me and I nodded. I walked over to Harry and kissed him on the lips before going back to the dorm.

Harry's P.O.V

"Oh good, I can take this thing off." I grunted unbuttoning my robes to take the belly off. "This thing is heavy."

"Oh no." Hermione shook her head. "You keep it on."

"What why?"

"Draco can't take it off so neither can you. Not until he tells you to of course."

"But it's awful." I groaned and she rolled her eyes.

"You should have thought of that before agreeing to do this then." She told me. "Keep it on."

"Fine." I grumbled chopping everything. "I feel fat."

"You look it too." Ron said and I scowled at him.

"Shush, both of you." Hermione said. "Harry keep it on. You look fine. Ron, stop being insensitive."

"Fine fine. But are you gonna wear that to the wedding? Might get a few laughs, I know Fred would get a kick out of it." Ron said and I gaped at him.

"Oh merlin, I forgot. Maybe I can persuade Draco to let me not wear it."

"Good luck with that mate." Ron said and I sighed.

"Yeah Yeah." I waved my hand and placed it on my useless bump. "I'll try my best."

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