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Twins Age 30

Third Person P.O.V

In the wee hours of the night, Harry and Draco rushed to the female Potter's home where they would be there for the birth of their first grandchild. Jay had gotten pregnant via sperm donor and now the pair was expecting a baby girl. Once there, Draco rushed into the room where his daughter was to help her with the birth. That left Harry out by the other door with the other pair of grandparents.

"Well this is it." Fred sniffled. "Our little girl is going to be a mummy." He said and Harry chuckled tearfully.

"Ever think that you and I were gonna be sharing a grandchild?" Harry asked him and Fred shook his head.

"Not in the slightest. In fact, I thought you were gonna marry my sister. That is, until I realized you were gay." He said and Harry blushed.

"Well yeah, we've come a very long way, I'd say." Harry said and then they heard a loud scream followed by Draco's words of encouragement. Fred grimaced and Jamie just wrapped an arm around him. Draco and Fred were really the only ones who really knew how painful it was.

"Ow! Fuck!" The loud shout came.

"Must have forgot the silencing spells." Jamie commented. "Apparently that shit hurts." He said and Fred raised an eyebrow at him causing him to kiss his nose. "But thank you for giving us two beautiful children."

"You're welcome." Fred stuck his nose in the air causing Jamie to roll his eyes. They heard another shout of pain followed by a yell of happiness from Draco. Then after a few short moments of silence, a baby started crying. The three men outside of the room cheered. Their grandchild was here! Draco appeared at the door and smiled.

"Well, she's here." He smiled wiping away his tears a bit. Harry stood up and embraced Draco. "Come on, let's meet her." He said to the other three. They all walked in and Jay was sitting on bed cradling the little girl in her arm. Penelope was next to her and they were both cooing to their little girl. Jay looked up at her parents and Harry approached her. He kissed her head, told her he was proud, and cooed to his little grandchild.

"Would you like to hold her papa?" Jay asked quietly. Harry nodded, the baby was handed over and he held his grandchild in arms. The little girl resembled Jay in a way. The little girl yawned and opened her eyes. They were a sparkling blue likes Draco's.

"She's beautiful." Harry croaked. This was his little girl's little girl, his grandchild.


It was Christmas and the male Potter's had all of their children surrounding them. Jay and Penelope were sitting on the couch enjoying some eggnog. Liam was with his pregnant girlfriend holding a now three month old Hannah, Jay and Penny's child. Liam told his family that he didn't believe in marriage but did refer to his girlfriend as a his wife, he declared that he didn't need proof that he was going to stay with his significant other for the rest of his life. Sevy was with his wife whom he married two years prior. They would not be having children because neither of them felt the need to have children, they'd just be the best aunt and uncle they could be. Lastly Scorpius was fresh out of Hogwarts and he was training as a healer. He was talking to his grandparents who were still very happy with each other. Severus and Narcissa were very happy to be great grandparents to Hannah and promised to watch her at anytime. As Harry surveyed the room, he couldn't help but smile. Sure he was only about 48 but this was his life. Guaranteed it was very overwhelming because as a child he never thought he'd have all of this. This was his life and he was perfectly okay with it. Draco embraced Harry from behind and kissed his neck.

"Can you believe this is our life now?" He asked his husband. "I wouldn't change it for the world." Draco laughed hugging Harry tighter.

"Neither would I, love. Neither would I." And they meant it. Because since everything changed after the war, life was never the same. But hey, you know what they say, life is full of surprises.

The End

A/N- I have to say, this story, out of all my others, made me the most emotional. I have no idea why but I liked how it came out. Thank you all so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed the journey.

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