Chapter 1

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     Princess Sombra lived in the kingdom of Tai since she was born. She learned how to hurt, how to dispose of those who got in her way of becoming queen. She learned all of her kingdoms beliefs, and how to be the perfect little Angel for her parents. Little did she know, that this would be the last day of being fed to. Of being dressed. Of living in the castle. Of being loved by her parents. Of being here.

     Princess Sombra was woken by her butler, Samuel, knocking at her door. "Please Princess, wake up! We have a meeting to attend to!" Sombra groaned. "Stop banging on the door at once! Or I'll have daddy fire you!"

     "Please, your majesty, I wasn't-"

     "You dare defy me, you peasant?" She spat, with venom seeping out of every word she spoke. "No, your majesty. Sorry." He apologized. "Now, go get my dressing maids, and some food, I'm starving."

     "Yes, your majesty, I'll be right back." And with that, Samuel was gone from her still closed door. "Finally." She groaned. Sombra heard knocking at the door. "Samuel, if that's you, I swear-" She was interrupted by the door opening, and having a brown haired young man step in. "Why did you come in without my saying?" She questioned him, staring the handsome boy down. "I thought you wanted breakfast." He said. She looked at the tray he was holding, and blushed. He held his hand out to her. "Aaron Walker, at your service." He said. His hazel eyes intrigued her icy blue ones. "S-Sombra." She took the awaiting hand, and shook it. "So, your the new one."

     "Yup!" He said to her. "That's me!" She smiled. She liked this one. All of a sudden, she heard knocking at the door frame. Sombra turned around sharply to see who had ruined the moment. It was 3 dressing maids, holding some of her clothes. She rolled her eyes with annoyance. Aaron blushed, and said, "I'll see you later princess." And with that, he put her breakfast on her bed, winked, and walked to where he needed to be now.

     Her dressing maids dressed her while she ate the waffles he had brought for her, and thought. "What is this feeling? Do I like him? No! I can't! He-he's a servant! Princesses can't fall in love with servants. But you do love him, don't you? Yes! I-I mean no! I just met him literally! Haven't you ever heard of love at first sight? If course! But-" One of her maids woke her up from the fight she was having with her sub conscious, to ask her what necklace she wanted.

     "U-Ummm... That one." She said, pointing to the diamond heart necklace that matched the silver diamond dress she was wearing. The maid nodded, and pulled her long, silky, silver hair, up so she could put the it on. With that, she went out of her room door, and into the hall. Samuel was waiting for her. His green eyes were eying his pocket watch, with his blazing red hair to add to his abnormal look.

     "H-hello, your majesty... The king is awaiting your arrival." Sombra nodded, and followed her butler to the Judgment Hall. Samuel keeled before his king, while Sombra stood tall, and walked over to the chair next to her mothers. "Thank you, Samuel, for taking her here. You may leave now." Her father's deep voice boomed against the thick walls. "Yes, my lord. Thank you." And with that, he left. "We have a neighboring kingdom coming to negotiate peace plans." He told her. "Cool, may I help? And what kingdom is coming?"

     "Thank you for asking star, but I'm afraid you can't. The kingdom that is coming is the kingdom of Kai." Sombra secretly murmured insults under her breath. The kingdom of Kai was recently a enemy kingdom, with a war going on that has been going on for about 2 years, until recently. "That's why you can't help." She understood why he had called her here now. "So, you need me to stay away while you negotiate."

     "Yes, sweetheart. I need you to stay with Samuel while we do that." She groaned. "But he's boring, and mean to me!" She complained. "I know, but it's only for about two and a half hours." She groaned again, then an idea popped into her head. "Can't I stay with Aaron?"

     "Aaron? The new one?"


     "Sure, I'll have to see if he's in training right now." She looked at her father confused. Training? She thought to herself. "Yes, he wishes to be a guard one day." Sombra looked at him surprised. "So, I'll go to the battle ground and see if his trainers there, and if he is, I'll ask him if Aarons there. If he is, I'll send him up to your room." She nodded. "Yes sir!"

     "Good, now go to your room." Sombra nodded, and almost flew up to her room. I might be able to talk to him! She thought to herself, butterfly in her stomach, while she fan~girled into her pillow.
                                            To Be Continued...
Word count: 863

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