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Um... almost a bear attack in my house. That's what happened before I woke up at, like, 5:30 in the morning with a fast heartbeat (it's like 6:30 am now)

Okay, to give a lil more information, it started as me sitting down in a chair in the dining table. Right next to the kitchen is the pantry/computer room, and it has a pretty big window. For whatever reason, the window was wide open, with no screen or anything holding it up. From the window came running a bear cub (might've been a black bear based on its fur color), and came onto my lap, snapping its jaws at the air between it and my throat since I was holding it back.

Then someone, might've been my mom, asked why I was holding it. Don't recall if I said anything back, but then they asked about its fur color, or it might've been part of the first question, I dunno. That part's kinda fuzzy. Anyways, it was something along the lines of "black fur with white spots", which was wrong since the cub was pretty much all black.

Then, whoever mentioned its mother and I stood and set the cub down. It went running back to the window, and outside, off in the distance somewhat, was the mother. And she came running at me when she saw me following her cub, although I was just going to close the window

I never got to close it ;w;
I woke up before she got close enough to hurt me. Luckily she was running like a bear should, unlike her crazy fast cub. What's funny from this is that I kinda scolded myself when I woke up (okay, maybe it's not that funny), and then started questioning why the window was open like how I mentioned

What's really crazy about this dream was that I heard somewhere that there was a bear cub going around and doing something similar to what the dream cub did to me, and I realized that fact while I was holding it. The info didn't scare me, tho. The only scary part of the dream was when the mother came running towards me

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