I owe you big time (chapter 2)

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Yes, this is a chapter. Enjoy!


Chapter 2,
I owe you big time.

Kagura's pov.

"Well, we finally made it to prison." Erza said as we got out of her car and went inside the school we will be attending for the next 2 years.

Fairy tail high, a elite high school for all subjects, but it's also known to have delinquents two, a little t of them. There's also bullies, but if you graduate with at least a B from this school, you can get an internship to college! Or not even have to go. I plan on surpassing this school.

As we walked in I heard some people mumbling about us. Probably cause of the lack of effort in our outfits.




Some girls were laughing at us as guys whistled. I started to feel uncomfortable as my heart beated faster, so I walked faster to my locker, me and Erza's lockers just so happen to be only 2 lockers apart. We quickly throw are stuff in and hurry to class. When we get there we sigh in relief, we took a seat in the middle row, there were four seats on each table so I sat in the middle so Erza could sit on the side, cause you know, her phobia and stuff. We just went on our phones as others were socializing and trying to make friends, I decided to text Erza.

Sworn2sword: hey Erz, what cha doing?

Strawberryredhead: nothing much, just looking at pictures of cake.

I looked over her shoulder to see if she was kidding or not, she wasn't. I saw her smiling like
a five year old as she drooled over the pictures of cake. I begin to laugh.

Strawberryredhead: what about you.

Sworn2sword: just listening to music.

Strawberryredhead: what song?

Sworn2sword: miss Jackson, by panic.

Strawberryredhead: YESSSSSSSS!!!! Panic rules!!!!

We smiled at each other. But then we heard a bunch of squeals and shrieks. I looked up to see two guys walk into class, one has blue hair and a tattoo, I saw Erza tense up so I held her hand. looked at the next one, and froze. ( play dramatic mysterious music.)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Sorry couldn't help it, I love akuma no riddle/ riddle story of devil. Plus it was the only dramatic music that I could find that would fit this scene.)

I looked over at the next one and froze in shock.
He was looking directly at me. I saw him, he had bright blood red eyes, and dark black hair, and he was directly staring at me, I felt my heart beat up as I had a little trouble breathing. He grinned at me. His face is way to familiar! But where have I seen it before. I felt my grip on Erza's hand tighten as they began go walk towards us. I started to breath faster as my heart was basically thumping out of my chest, they wouldn't look away from us. He was watching me! I saw how the people reacted to them, they where basically throwing themselves at them, just so they could sit with them, but the guys just ignored all them, all they did was walk towards us. the guys, they wouldn't stop staring at me! I started to breath heavier as I looked down, all I heard was foot steps as I saw two shadows out of the corner of my eye, i quietly gasp as I heard the two chairs next to us be pulled out. I nervously look up with a shock expression and I was soon quickly met with the bright red eyes again. The guy decided to sit next to me.

" hey " I heard the guy say in a deep husky voice.

Then it hits me.

I simply just looked away from him, trying to calm down. But I couldn't do it, I can't even think straight.

I think I know were I have seen them before. I quickly look back at the two to confirm if I was right or not, and I was.

It's them.

they looks a lot alike to the two of the guys who murdered my brother.

(End of dramatic music.)

We were in the middle of class as I was basically faking taking notes. I already knew this, and the next 7 chapters were suppose to learn, I was kinda a fast learner at home school. I was just minding my own business when I felt a something fall into my lap. I look down to see a note, I open it up and my eyes widen. It asked if they could meet up with me and Erza at lunch, they wanted to talk to us. I look to my side to see both blue haired guy and the blood red eyes guy blushing slightly. I closed the note and passed it to Erza, I saw her shaken up a little, I took the note and wrote in gigantic letters NO. Then I closed it and winked at the guys, I saw them smile, as the smile faded away when they read the note, I saw them start to sulk. I laughed, but a little to loud.

"Ms.Mikazuchi! What's so funny about math?" Mr.Sagittarius asked.

" n-nothing sir! It's no big deal!" I stuttered.

" then why don't you read the next problem since it's no big deal." He said glaring at me a little.

I gulped as I started to panic everyone was staring at me, watching my every move, I saw their shadows laughing and pointing at me, everyone had bright red eyes glaring at me grinning like an idiot..... Except that guy, from before. I started to breath faster and hold my heart.

Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no! I can't have a panic attack in the middle of class! Not like this, not on my first day.

"Uh- I- I-"

I saw Erza smile as she leaned back and fell out of her chair onto the ground, the class laughed except for me. I was lost in thought, Erza did that on purpose, and she's obviously tuff so she can handle it, but why did she do that?

" Ms.Scarlet! Are you ok?" The teacher asked.

" I- I'm f-fine, but can my sister take me to the nurse to get a ice pack, I feel a little bruised." She asked. Then it hit me, she just saved me.

" s-sure, you can go, but who's your sister?" The teacher asked.

" Nee-San! Help me up." Erza whined like a toddler.

everyone watched as I helped Erza up to her feat and slung a arm around her waist, and grabbed one of her arms and put it over my shoulder to help her walk, she did actually bruise her leg, plus we need to make this seem believable.

" your sisters." Someone asked in disbelief.

" Yes/No" Erza and me answered in unison.

Everyone stared at us confused.

I sighed.

" it's complicated" I said then walked out with Erza who was grinning like an idiot.

" did I do good?" Erza asked.

" you did great, your a real life saver, I almost had an attack, I would have if it wasn't for you. I owe you big time." I told her.

" ok! Then buy me 100 cakes!" Erza said.

" no." I replied.

" oh come on! Pleaseeeeeeeee!"


"How bout 50 cakes then?"






"How bout ten! Final offer." Erza said.

" wasn't I suppose to make the deal here?" I asked.

"Oh right." She said disappointed as I sighed, she looked up with hope.


"Awwwwwww! Come on!" She complained.

" I'll buy you a cake, no more, no less." I said.

" deal!" She said weirdly hugging me as I sighed and rolled my eyes.

'how is she a year older then me yet acts like a 8 year old half of the time.' I thought while smiling.

Wendy's pov.

I had to hurry to make sure I wasn't late, I barely even got to put any effort in my outfit.

Wendys outfit, imagine hey hair down.

Well, I guess it's alright. But I'm just glad I made it, and with 8 minutes to spare.
I walked into school, my locker was number 222. When I walked over there I saw levy frozen with Lucy gawking in shock, I noticed that she was still holding my Starbucks, I took it out of her hand.

" I'll take that, thank you very much." I said taking a sip of it smirking in amusement at my twin being frozen, it's not there fear, just something strange blew up in there face, I can tell by their expression.

" hey, give the shrimp back her coffe." I heard a gruff voice say, I turned around and yelped in fear.

" giant!" I shout running behind levy starting to cry a little and breathing a little faster then normal.

" stop scaring my sister screw head." I heard levy scold the giant as she snapped out of her trance.

" your shrimps sister?" Giant asked.

" my name is levy! L-E-V-Y! Le~vy! Got that metal brain, oh, And also we're twins." She said annoyed.

" I'm guessing you're not identical?" Giant asked.

" nahhhhhh really? I haven't noticed that we have different faces." Levy said sarcastically.

" uhhhh, I'm gonna go." I said as I moved down a few lockers.

I put my stuff in, then I closed my locker and banged into someone. I fell down hard onto the ground as people laughed at me.

" s-sorry." I stuttered.

" you better be! Watch where your going next time, idiot." This guy with purple hair said as he opened up my locker and threw his stuff in, then walked off, he looked back at me and tsk.

I got up and decided to head to class, and guess what, lucky me I have him in my homeroom, and every other class except photography, thankfully. Well that's one way to start off my morning.

//time skip// brought to you by Juvia's stalking habit.

I went into my 3rd period, gym, and lucky me I had Juvia, Erza, and kagura in my class. I smiled at them as I picked a empty locker, threw my stuff in and got dress. When I came out I was wearing a little bit big on me gray shirt pulled back in a hair tie to fit me, and black shorts, also I had my hair in a high pony tail. As I walked out I started to get nervous, I saw the guy from earlier glaring at me.

" hey guys, what up?" I asked them.

" kagura said she's gonna by me a cake!" Erza said smiling and throwing her hands up, she looks like a happy little child.

I giggled at the thought of Erza as a child, I might, be only one year younger than her, but she sure is tall.

" ok class! Today you have a choice of 4 things, 1, swimming." I heard coach Aquarius yelled. I saw Juvia shivered when she mentioned swimming. " 2, track. 3, hockey. And 4, soccer. NOW MOVE YOUR BUTS AND DO WHAT I SAY!!!!" Coach finished yelling at us.

Me and the others all ran onto track, this might be surprising, but I'm pretty fast, I even won 2nd place in states national junior track when I was 8, I'm fast cause I usually like to run or walk to places, but doesn't make me any less of a klutz then I already am. Ok, anyway. When we got on the field there where 8 others who decided to run on the field, and of course with my luck, the jerk was one of them. I then saw this guy with silver/light blue hair walk up, he was wearing the schools varsity jacket.

" hello everyone, I am Lyon a 2nd year at this school, I am team captain of both the hockey and the travel team, so if your interested in either, or have any questions, then just come to me." He said smiling, I noticed he was staring at Juvia the whole time. And he was slightly blushing, I looked over at Juvia who was extremely nervous and timid right now, I wonder what was going on? But I just shrugged it off and raised my hand.

" uh yes, ummm....." Lyon said in a questioning tone.

" Wendy, um hi. I was wondering if I could listen to music while I run." I asked looking at him as people started to murmur about what I just said, I felt myself getting nervous.

" sure, but it's your fault if your phone breaks, anyway,melts begin!" Lyon said as we all started to run, I took out my phone and listen to the song hall of fame, it seemed fitting for the occasion.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As I listened to the song I closed my eyes and ran while humming to the song, I wasn't really trying, after a few minutes after the song ended I opened my eyes in shock, I WAS DEAD FLIPING LAST!!!! I started to actually try and speed up, I saw a lot of shocked looks except from Erza kagura and Juvia, I was then near the front, with Lyon, two girls with pink hair, this boy with Raven hair, and the jerk. I was neck a neck with the jerk, I was starting to sweat but he was a mess, h.e was panting and was sweaty.

" I..... Will....... Not..... Let..... You... Over Lap me!" The jerk said in between pants.

" wait what? Over lap you?" I asked. It took me a few seconds as he gave me a duh expression. "Wait a second! I'm a lap ahead of almost everyone else?!"

" seriously? you just realised that now?! You even passed Lyon!" He shouted as we made it to the finish line.

I just shrugged and started to walk towards the water fountain, the jerk following me.

" no offense, but you look like your going to pass out." I said giggling as he gulped down some water.

" well not everyone is like you, yah know." He said glaring at me.

I just sighed as my big smile turned into a small one.

" trust me I know that, that makes everyone else lucky." I said as I took a quick sip of water and walked away.

The jerk is right, Of course their is no one is like me, I'm just pathetic, the only reason I'm fast is cause I'm to scared to ride a car and I get sick. So why would anyone want to be like me?

Romeo's pov. (Yup, Romeo is the jerk who bumped into Wendy.)

what the heck was that? Did I say something that upset her? Or maybe it was this morning? I bet it was, I was kinda harsh on her, but who cares, I act like that around everyone....... But why do I feel so bad when I did it to her. That sad smile of hers was heartbreaking to me. Why?! She's not different from any other girl in this school, they all have a weird crush on me. But she is different.

Ugh! Why can't I get her out of my head!!!!

What is this feeling? Guilt?

(A/N: it's called love, Romeo.)

Maybe I should apologise to her later.... You know what, I am going to apologise to...... Wait, what's her name again? Shoot! I never got her name!

" hey wait! I need to ask you something!!!!" I shouted Wei ran after her, I finally caught up to her after 2 laps.

" what?" She asked kinda down. We started to slow down and walk.

" hey look, I'm sorry." I said. I saw her look extremely shock, oh come on! Was I really that rude to her?

" for what?" She asked looking down at her feet.

" for you know, this morning...... And every thing else up to this point." I mumbled scratching my head.

I looked up to see her giggling, I felt heat rise to my cheeks as she smiles.

"That's ok, I'm use to it anyway." She said smiling.

Again, her words broke my heart.

" if you want, we can start over." She said smiling.

"I would like that." I said.

" hi I'm Wendy." She said giggling while holding out her hand.

"Romeo." I said while shaking her hand.

her hand,  its so dainty and soft, her giggle is cute, her name is beautiful as her features are stunning. She's sweet and kind, and adorable. Yet how can a girl like that be so mysterious? Her words hurt me and her voice seems lifeless, she's been through a lot. And it makes me angry knowing a lot of people treat her bad. I swear, I will find out what happened to her and make who ever did this to her pay, no one touches my Wendy..... Wait, what?! What is going on with me, what am I saying?! What is this girl doing to me?!

TADA! Another chap, just like I promised, well, I hoped you enjoy it! Holes this makes up for the long wait for a couple chapters ago. Bye guys! Fairy on!

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