Good Job, Ink!!!

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I'm beginning to have seconds thoughts about when I'm ending this book. I have a feeling that I missed a few that I'll get next chapter, but man this is a lot more than I expected. Still, thanks so much for the questions. I might open the dare box after I finish these questions and close the ask box, so the next few chapters will have the final questions, but new year, new rules.


"Just here to check, how's everyone doing?"

"We're doing okay." Nightmare replied. Outside, Dream was running away from Kevin, who is now a mother hen to Nightmare."They do that sometimes." Nightmare said.

"Who does everyone love the most?"

Cross hugged Nightmare."This one." He said. Nightmare hugged back and smiled."I love Cross as more that just a friend, but I love Error as a brother and Kevin as a brother as well, except Kevin would be my older brother and Error would be younger, so I guess the answer depends on how you put it. Romantically? Definitely Cross, but as brothers, then Error and Kevin are tied. At all? I'm not really sure if I can decide. Sorry Cross." Nightmare replied. Cross sniffed and Nightmare laughed a bit."Poor Cross. Come here." Nightmare said as he hugged Cross with him leaning down on Nightmare.

"I gUeSs ThE rEsT oF tHe SqUaD, bUt MoStLy As If ThEy WeRe BrOtHeRs. It'S a BiT cOmPlIcAtEd SiNcE tHeY'rE tOgEtHeR, bUt YoU kNoW wHaT? BeInG tHe ThIrD wHeEl IsN't AlL tHaT bAd If YoU sHiP tHeM. YoU nEeD aLl ThReE tO uSe WhAtEvEr UsEs ThReE wHeElS, aNd ThEy KnOw ThAt. We StIlL hAvE tHoSe TiMeS wHeRe I'd LeAvE tHeM aLoNe, BuT i DoN't UsUaLlY lEt ThAt HaPpEn. YoU kNoW wHaT, tHoUgH? I'm StArTiNg To LiKe ThIs GuY. Or GiRl." Error replied as he threw a dead human up in the air. The SCP caught it and ate it. They seemed happier with human flesh.

"Error, can you use your power and have your evil side? I can sense your aura and it is very strong. I'm staying here and I can change my size. Also bird, why did you walk away? Are you scared?! I'd not fight me. I won't even defend myself, just stand here. Are you a scardy bird?"

Dream was currently in his office and looked out the window to see SCP 682 staring at him."Oh, crap." He said. Ink walked in and Dream grabbed him before placing him in between himself and the window."Help me." Dream said."It's fine, boss." Ink said."No, no it's not fine." Dream said. Ink rolled his eyes and hugged Dream."Better?" He asked. Dream froze, but soon hugged back."It'll do, I guess." He mumbled.

"I wOuLdN't CaLl It My EvIl SiDe, JuSt ThE sIdE tHaT iS wIlLiNg To WiPe OuT eVeRyThInG iF sOmEoNe KiLlS mY fRiEnDs, BuT yEs, I gUeSs I aM pReTtY sTrOnG." Error said. The SCP shrunk itself to the size of a small dog and Error picked him/her up for a hug."CaN i KeEp YoU?" Error asked in amazement. That's when he realized; Holy sh*t, my haphephobia isn't acting up.

"How are Ink and Nightmare?"

Nightmare was sitting down while Cross was just there, hugging him."I'm fine." Nightmare said.


"Boss fell asleep and for some reason, I don't have the heart to move him." Ink said. Dream's wings drooped and he was almost on top of Ink with how heavy he actually was. Ink just stood there and let him sleep. At one point, Ink fell down with Dream on top of him and all Dream did was sleep on top of him. He looked away, but moved an arm on top of him so he was hugging him. Sure enough, Dream unconsciously grabbed his arm and hugged it a bit, earning a look of surprise from Ink.

Finally, Dream slept for more than 30 minutes.

"Hey, I know what Blue did was really bad, but at least don't kill him. I know he can be a better person, especially because in other timelines, he's different. He doesn't like violence and even have an extreme fear of blood. He didn't even r@pe Error, he helped him and killed those who tried to. So please, even if you don't like him, please at least help him. He just needs love."

Nightmare thought for a bit. After about ten minutes, he sighed."Curse my sympathy." He said to himself."We weren't planning on killing him, we were originally planning to make him suffer fates worse than death, but after hearing that, I suppose the little b*stard deserves one more chance. I'll talk to Error and this Oreo about this matter and we'll see what we can do, but that doesn't mean we're being nice to him." Nightmare said."I say it's worth a shot. We've helped each other with our problems, maybe we can help another." Cross said. The more Nightmare thought about it, the more he realized how he had let his anger control him."Fine, but we'll have to talk with Error." Nightmare said.

"NiGhTmArE!!!" Error yelled. He came in while carrying the SCP."If He Or ShE sAyS iT's OkAy WiTh ThEm, CaN wE kEeP tHeM?" Error asked."That's up to them." Nightmare replied.

"If you ever had the power to travel back on time, what would you change and how would it affect the future?"

"I sAy NeVeR lEt BlUe R@Pe Me AnD hElP hIm SoOnEr." Error replied quickly."You know what? I think I agree. Now how are we going to help him?" Nightmare asked.

"Does Error accept head pats? Can someone head pat him? Does he need a head pat?"

Error shook his head."I'm FiNe. BeSiDeS, i'M tHe OnE wHo'D bE gIvInG tHe HeAd PaTs." Error replied.

"Nightmare, I know you're needed and important. Those villagers were cruel and stupid and didn't deserve someone as wonderful as you in their lives. Thank you for not giving up. What would you do if JR wasn't a problem?

Cross, thank you for being there for Nightmare. What is your favorite food?

Error, you are strong, smart, amazing, and completely deserving of wonderful things in your life. Do you like to do fiber arts?

Blue, do you realize your behavior is ultimately self destructive?

Ink, what do you want out of life and what would you be willing to do to get it?"

"Good question. I never really gave it much thought. Now that I think about it, I don't really know. Maybe I would be trying to get Dream to confess to his 'friend'." Nightmare replied.

"Of course! And I really like chocolate, but you know what chocolate tastes better with?~" Cross asked. Nightmare poured some Hershey's syrup into his mouth and went for it. Error walked out with his SCP friend.(No, they didn't do IT). He heard what KattraKnit said and smiled.

"ThAnK yOu! AnD yEs, I eNjOy It. I'vE mAdE hAmMoCkS bEfOrE aNd EvEn A fEw ScArFs." Error replied.


"What do you mean it's self destructive?" Blue asked.


"Honestly, it's to figure out why I feel this way. I don't have a soul, so I shouldn't be able to feel, but if I think about my boss, I don't feel as empty. I don't know how much I'd do, honestly." Ink replied.

Back with Blue

"Blue how did you meet Dream and Ink? Also how did you discover a way into the Anti-Void?"

"Well, I was simply walking through town and happened to bump into them, and that was it. Sorry if you were expecting something exciting, but I was just lucky. As for the Anti-Void, I learned after I met Error that the only way for me to get in was either by Error opening a portal, or whoever teleported name into that house." Blue replied.


Okay, I'm done with this chapter. I'll answer the ones I missed next chapter, and after that one will probably be the final ask, so leave whatever questions you have left next chapter or this one. Now for the people who's questions I did get to.


These are not in line with when the questions were asked. Hope you enjoyed.

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