1: Cupcakes

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I was busy playing Minecraft XBOX with Jay at his room.

"I hope you don't prank me here at Minecraft again Lloyd." Jay said,angrily.

I nodded,innocently.

I wasn't planning that. I cant think of a prank anymore...

Suddenly Kai ran in,as he had a box that says "Cindy's Bakery".

He hid in Jay's closet.

Cole barged in,angrily.

"Geez,Cole ever heard of knocking?" Jay joked.

"WHERE IS HE?!" Cole shouted as I covered my ears.

"Who?" Jay lied.

"KAI OF COURSE!!" Cole yelled, almost making me deaf.

"What about him?" I asked as I tried to hold back my honesty and laughter.

"HE STOLE MY CUPCAKES!!!" Cole answered,angrily.

"Ok Cole geez...just calm down.." Jay said.

Cole took a deep breath and nodded.

"Kai is in my closet." Jay said,confused.

I facepalmed and Cole's eyes are wide.

Kai came out of the closet,bringing back the cupcakes.

What a joke.

He only ate one cupcake.

"What?" Kai asked as he saw my confused face.

"One cupcake?" I said as I raised an eyebrow.

"He won't let me share!" Kai whined as he pointed at Cole as if he was a child.

I glared at Cole.

Cole chuckled nervously.

Zane walked in and whispered something to Cole and they both walked out of the room.

Kai went to his room to take a catnap.

What a weird day about cupcakes.......

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