After Thoughts

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Thanks to @I-eat-carrots for making me try and write a story. 

This part takes place after Anne has come back from Queen's (Matthew unfortunately is dead) and after she has become friends with Gilbert. This is going to be Anne's thoughts after the first book. 

Anne's POV

"God's in his heaven, all's right in the world," I whispered softly as I made my way to bed.

Although I had been sitting at my East Gable window for a quite a while, I still found myself laying awake in my bed that night thinking about the events of the last couple of weeks. How I had won the Avery Scholarship; when I graduated; when Matthew told me "my girl - my girl that I am proud of,"; When Matthew passed; and my encounter with Gilbert that night. 

But I mostly found myself thinking about Gilbert. And how he had forgiven me very readily. His words repeated in my mind "We are going to be the best friends Anne, you have thwarted destiny long enough." What did he mean by I had thwarted destiny? Was he trying to tell me something? No, it couldn't possibly be. Gilbert Blythe barely even knows me! How would he even know that much about me? Then her mind drifted off to the conversation they had outside of Green Gables...

It started with just talking about their experience at Queen's. Gilbert informed me about how he utilized his time there and I informed him about my time there. Then it went into people in Avonlea, such as the Pyes, and the Sloanes, and the Barrys, and just the town people in general. The conversation started to get deeper from there. About their favourite quotes and books. About what their plans for their future now are (for now). 

I thought about the conversation that night. Then it clicked to me. 

Gilbert is a kindred spirit. 

Even though this was the first time I spoke with him, it seemed like I can talk about anything with him. He may not be like Diana to me, but I feel like he understands me more. He understands what I am talking about. He can understand me.

With that in my mind, I drifted off into a restful sleep...

Gilbert's POV

I was lying awake in my bed, with the moonlight shining on my face. I was thinking about the conversation I had that night with Anne. I was over the moon when she told me with a red face (almost as red as her hair) that she forgave me. I was, and still am right now, happiest boy in the world. I am sure I am smiling like an idiot just now, but it's true. For all those years all I wanted to do was talk to her, try to get her attention. Ever since she hit me with that slate, I've been trying to get her attention. And finally I did. After all these years, Anne Shirley has forgiven me. 

Then I started thinking to myself "why was I trying so hard? Why was I trying to get her attention, trying to make her talk to me? Why was I so drawn to her." Then it clicked to me.

I like Anne. Possibly love her.

But that was too much to think just now. We only just became friends. I am very afraid that if I try anything, I will scare her away. If I scare her away, then I will lose all the trust that I just gained from Anne. Trust is like a paper I guess, if you crumble it then you can't get it back. So I have to be careful. I have to make sure that I don't make any mistakes around Anne from now on. When we were talking, it felt right like we were meant to talk like this.

If anyone were to ask me what my future would look like, I would reply I dream of a home with a hearth-fire in it, a cat and dog, the footsteps of friends—and Anne. Those grey, limpid eyes give me hope and encouragement. They are what has kept me going for these years. I can stare into them for hours and I still wouldn't have explored all the not yet explored worlds lay behind it. And that hair of hers. It has become darker over the years, but to me it's the prettiest thing I have ever seen. It makes easily visible, like a torch. And that mind of hers. The way she uses words. the way she finds beauty in everything even though this world has been cruel to her. That's what I love about her. Okay I have admitted it to myself, I love Anne Shirley. And somehow, I have to make her love me back. I need to make her love me back, I don't know what I would do without her.

I know this is the first time we talked properly, but I feel like she can understand me better than anyone else. I feel like I can rely on her if I need to talk to someone. If I don't have Anne in my life, I don't know what will happen. I can't lose her, not like I am losing some of the people I love slowly.

So I have come to the decision that I  have to do anything in my power to make sure that I keep this gold friendship with Anne, so that I have any hope of courting her or possibly marrying her. 

So that she can be mine. 


That was probably really bad. Anyways I still hope you enjoyed. I have no idea what I want to do with this so if you have any ideas, just tell me! Please don't be afraid to criticize as well (but not to harshly). Thank you for reading <3. 

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