Josie's Apology

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Hopefully you recognize the chapter title reference! Enjoy <3.

Josie's POV

Perfect, Anne had to be the one to come out! I already knew she would find me very fast, there was no point in trying to run away from her. It is easy for her, using her senses to find someone. Especially if that someone is me. You will never find anyone as loud as me, and I am currently hating my trait. It can be a good thing sometimes, but at times like this, it isn't very useful. However, my problem was if Anne found me, what was I going to say to her? I have to have an explanation for watching her. Frankly, I don't even know what I was doing there myself. I feel awful for what I have done in the past yes, but that doesn't make me have a right to just watch her in the woods. I was already feeling more and more perplexed. What do I say? 

I gave up and stood there, waiting for Anne to find me. A minute or two later, Anne came running, out of breath. She gave me a perplexed look and said "Josie?!" in a very surprised tone. Great, what do I say to her now? This is why you don't go creeping up on people in the woods.

Anne's POV

What was Josie Pye doing here? She was the last person I was expecting here. Maybe she was creeping up on me to try and bully me in some way. However, she couldn't make fun of me for anything, as she had nothing against me now (except the fact I will always be an orphan). What could she possibly want from me? She hasn't been able to put me down for years now and in fact, she has started to be a little nicer towards me. Maybe I was wrong. But I had to get answers.

Both of us stood there for a few moments, both of us not knowing what to say. I was rather confused of what Josie was doing, watching us. Josie however, looked even more perplexed than me! I felt bad for her, maybe things are not as it seems...

Josie's POV

I had to say something to Anne. It is only fair. After all, I was the one watching her, not the other way around. Here it goes...

"Anne I know it is rude to watch you guys from afar. I really couldn't help myself but to look at what you guys were doing. The truth is...actually I really can't explain it. You should probably get back to the girls, they're must be waiting for you to get back. They'll be awfully worried especially Ruby."

"Josie, if you need to talk I am always here. You can tell me what's wrong." Anne said in an awfully concerned voice. The fact that she is actually willing to talk to me after all these years of bullying her, I am ever so grateful for. However, it isn't right to keep the other girls waiting for her, and it is only fair I tell her to go back. Although, I do need and want to apologize to her. So I told her 

"Anne, it isn't fair on the girls that you keep them worried because of me. I should get going as well. I do really want to talk to you sometime though."

"Josie if you ever need anything or want to have a chat, please feel free to come to Green Gables. I will be happy if you are able to come over."

"Thank you Anne, I will be sure to come around soon." I told her with a grateful tone. I really was grateful that she was willing to talk and hopefully forgive me. She nodded her head and left, quickly making it back to the old shed the other girls were in. I started to make my way home.

The truth was, I didn't come entirely to find Anne today. I actually went to see someone. His name is Nate Wilson, and I have been seeing him for a while. We always chat about random stuff, and it feels right to talk to each other. I feel safe and comfortable with him, like I could talk to him about anything. In fact, I think I want to court him, and I think the feeling is mutual. But we have to wait for a little while, I have to tell my parents about him first. I feel so happy and safe when he is around, and I would like to spend the rest of my life with him. Childhood dreams and crushes, such as the one I had on Gilbert, doesn't feel like anything compared to this. He is fairly wealthy and when he gets the upper hand farm, maybe he and I will be able to marry. I hope my parents do accept him though. And maybe, I can actually find love like Anne.

While I was coming back from Nate's house, I just happened to be passing the old shed, and I heard Anne's voice. I heard the other girls giggling about something, so that's when I decided to stay and listen. If I hadn't, maybe I wouldn't have gotten the kind offer from Anne. So, all things happen for a reason I concluded to myself. With that in mind, I started to walk faster to my household, where my siblings and parents awaited.

Anne's POV

As I quickly walked back to the shed, I thought about the conversation Josie and I just had. She did seem awfully sorry about something, and that is why I made the offer. I think she really did want to apologise, and that is why she was listening to us. When I reached the shed, the girls seemed awfully worried.

"Anne! We thought something had happened to you! Where have you been?" asked Ruby in a concerned yet relieved voice. Ruby has always tend to become too worried about things, and I really didn't mean to worry her. It seems like she was also able to worry Diana and Jane, who don't tend to get worried as easily.

"Oh Ruby dear, don't worry! It was Josie, who just happened to be passing this area, and she accidentally stepped on the twig however, she didn't notice." I lied.

"Oh thank goodness!" Diana's said, her voice laced with relief. Why would the girls be so worried? After all, I was just gone for a few minutes. I decided though not to ask them, in fear I would upset them again. So, we continued to discuss recent gossip, until the subject of my prize came up again.

"Anne, we knew you would win anyways, so we plan to take you to the Carmody concert this weekend as a prize!" Jane told me in a very excited tone.

"We knew you would have a lot to deal with when school opens here, and you won't get much free time, so we decided to have one last outing together before we all part ways again."

"Oh girls, you didn't need to do this, really! I heard the tickets were awfully expensive for it."

"Anne, it's perfectly alright! We already payed, no turning back now!" Ruby said.

"Girls, thank you ever so much. You didn't have to do this, really. It would have been perfectly fine without it."

"Nonsense Anne! We did this for you! Now learn to enjoy it!" Diana said in a reassuring tone.

After all of us conversed excitedly about the concert, we parted ways again, and we would see each other on the weekend. Oh, how excited I was! Wait till I tell Marilla!

Diana's POV

All of us parted ways after we talked about the concert. Oh, how excited I was! The concert was supposed to be the best ones on Prince Edward Island. It is held yearly, and all the best musicians and reciters come and do their things. It is supposed to be spectacular, a night to remember. This was going to be great! Especially with the plan.

As I headed my way home, I remembered I needed to make one more stop. Oh, how dearly I hope the plan works!

I stopped in front of their household, analysing how this can go. It can either go according to plan, or worse. Pushing my thoughts aside, I made my way to the doorstep, and knocked politely on the door.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I tried not to rush it, I might rewrite it if I get the chance to. I have holidays for the next two weeks, so I may upload more. Unfortunately, I have exams straight after the holidays (yay). Please bare with me if I don't update as frequently.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this <3.

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