Two witnesses, one deep trouble

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Toothys pov

I really don't care how much we hate those two but treating Lifty like that is just cruel and what's worse is that we took a closer look and looked at it in horror seeing he was wearing some kind of collar and we know for a fact that Lifty didn't enjoy it. Cuddles said, what should we do? I said, the only thing left to do is find Lifty. hey Flak... huh? Before I can finish Flippy and Flaky are gone. We were worried that they went searching where Lifty was held.

Flippys pov

Flaky and I agreed to search where Lifty was being held. besides he has to be in that abandoned hospital a few witnesses confirmed that he was being taken to the east part of town and was taken by a guy they didn't recognize and Jay is almost as messed up as my evil personality Fliqpy! We looked everywhere in the east part of town and it was scary people stair at us as if we don't belong here. That's when I began to hear Fliqpy talking, well well having trouble Flippy? Maybe if you like I can take care of these pests! I said in my thoughts, fat chance Fliqpy if I let you out you'll not just kill everyone here but you'll kill Flaky too. Fliqpy smiled evilly and left my thoughts for now! Then Flaky said in a worrisome tone and pointed to one of the abandoned hospital windows on the third floor, O..OH MY G..G..GOD FLIPPY LOOK! I looked to see a shadowy figure tying up another shadowy figure. Fear took hold of us when we recognized the one being tied up was Lifty! I took Flakys hand and ran into the broken down hospital. We made our way to the third floor and walked as we whispered Liftys name and stopped to where he was being held. We saw the figure from earlier as Flaky whispered carefully, Fli..Flippy? Wh..who is that? I recalled what Cuddles friend told us and whispered in horror, Flaky I think that must be Jay the Wolf the one that Jackson warned us about. That guy opened the door as we tip toed our way and hid behind a door as we heard a conversation behind it and peeked out the barely closed door.

Shannons pov

Hmm being Jays partner rocks. The truth of it is we were having him hostage the reason why we haven't handed out the ransom note yet is because we needed to have a little fun with our prisoner, the dress up thing is just for fun and as I stand beside him looking at our hostage Jay said to me, yo Shannon what do you say we force him to change into this! Jay revealed a long periwinkle dress with no sleeves, white flats, and a evening blue ribbon to tie around his neck. I laughed and said, yeah let's do it! I stand behind him carrying a coffin but I had an uneasy feeling that we had someone witnessing this in fact two witnesses as I spied a autumn colored eye and a lime green eye.

Normal pov

Lifty was terribly beaten, violated, and shaking in fear. They forced him to wear a long periwinkle dress with no sleeves but goes down to his feet, white flats, and a evening blue ribbon to tie around his neck. But as he put the hole thing completely on Jay tied him up and whispered to his ear loud enough for Flaky and Flippy to hear as he placed a hand on his mouth, listen up toots your coming with us and if you try to call for help I'll tape you mouth shut. Lifty started to cry. Jay looked Shannon and said, hey are you even paying attention. Shannon whispered as he looked at his partner, Jay we better do something now. I've got a feeling that someone's watching us. 2 someone's actually. Jay turned to see two different colored eyes watching him.

Liftys pov

I was so scared but then out of nowhere Shannon whispered as he looked at that despicable rapist, Jay we better do something now. I've got a feeling that someone's watching us. 2 someone's actually. He turned to see a barely closed door as he removed his hand from my mouth. But then things turn from bad to worse. One of the witnesses accidentally opened the door completely and to my horror those witnesses were Flaky and Flippy.

Flippys pov

I accidentally pushed the door open without even thinking. Flaky and I stood up immediately as his partner shouted, JAY LOOK I KNEW IT WE REALLY WERE BEING WATCHED! Jay turned to us as I held Flaky in my arms. Lifty looked at us in horror. Jay was about to do something when Lifty knocked him down and screamed as he looked at us, FLIPPY FLAKY RRRUUUUNNNN!  Lifty got knocked down as he told us to run but we did what he told us to do. I ran away with Flaky. But I stopped and said, Flaky go on without me I'll distract them! She asked, wh..what about you? I said, don't worry I'll be fine now go! Flaky ran off towards the door but I stayed put. Jay and his partner looked at me and Jay said as they walked towards me with their sick grins, well well well looks like one of the witnesses is a stupid looking war veteran! I yelled, WHO ARE YOU CALLING STUPID?! Jay smiled as he tried to kill me by grabbing my neck really but I managed to stunned him by kicking him towards the wall long enough to getaway.

Flakys pov

I w..went to get Fli..Flippy help I love him I..I can't just leave hi..him! Th..then I bumped into so..someone. my surprise I..I looked up to s..see Shi..Shifty.

Shiftys pov

What my luck one thing I found out my brother was taken hostage the next thing I know I ran into that nervous Flaky! I said, what the fuck are you doing out here? Flaky looked at me as she stood up she said, Shi..Shifty you ne..need to come with might think thi..this is cra..crazy but me and Flippy. I cut her off because I knew right away that they knew about Lifty them a familiar voice shouted, Flaky over here. It was that war veteran. Flaky yelled happily as she hugged him, FLIPPY YOUR OKAY!! I cured their happy reunion short as I said, DON'T THINK I DIDN'T KNOW MY BROTHER WAS HELD HOSTAGE YOU TWO!

Flippys pov

Flaky said in shock, wa..wait you knew? I was surprised myself as Shifty said, a course I knew. I received a ransom note saying if I don't show my ass here they'll kill my brother. I thought, well that explains the coffin. Flaky and I told Shifty everything we knew at first he didn't believe us but then we showed Shifty the photo of his brother and he looked at it in horror as he put a hand on his mouth. That's when Shifty said to us, Jay you bastard what the fuck are you trying to pull! I said, wait you two know each other! Shifty said with a very cold glare, a course I knew him Jay sexually harassed and raped my brother when we were in high school I was very angry about what he did I was only fortunate that bastard hero saved him before Jay got a chance to finish him off. Flaky said, wh..what a ho..horrible person. I looked at Flaky in a concern way and then turned to Shifty and asked him, why don't you tell us what happened? Shifty took a deep breath and told us what had happened on that day.

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