Unexpected disappearance

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Happy tree town was the same until one day they were expecting another robbery from the twins but no alarms, no cops, no robberies, no nothing every single person in happy tree town was confused but they haven't been robbed since last week they saw Shifty but didn't do anything he was oblivious Flaky said with a mumbled tone, I...I wonder why th..they haven't ro...robbed us today? Flippy said in confusion as he saw a worrisome Shifty doing something and walked off, well Flakes whatever Shifty's doing over there he bit worried. Flaky whispered, I...I don't know if w..we should.... Flippy put a finger on her lips, we should just check out what he was doing over there he might have been having problems. Flaky nervously nodded as the war veteran took her hand. The two ran to the pole where Shifty was at and then looked at what he was really doing. The red haired girl said, Fl..Flippy I could swear th..that missing poster w..wasn't there before. Flippy nodded and asked, do you think Shifty put it there? Suddenly a 2 familiar voices said, 1. well what else would you think what he was doing you two? 2. Maybe he's trying to find someone that was missing Toothy. Flippy and Flaky turn to see Cuddles and Toothy who were just as confused as they are. The two stopped right next to Flippy as the war veteran began to read the missing poster aloud,


Last seen: Wednesday October 16, 2013 6:48 pm, at happy tree diner parking lot

Describe as: forest green hair and green eyes wore a black shirt, a black jacket, tan jeans and two black shoes.

Age: 20

Name: lifty raccoon

Flippy gasped in horror and repeatedly said, LIFTY RACCOON?!
Flaky gasp as her eyes widened in horror, Toothy was shocked as he said, no way Lifty is gone missing? Cuddles said, Giggles told me she haven't seen him since that night. then the four saw Shiftys depressed and worried face walking passed them. But as a shadowy figure walked the opposite way from Shiftys path a photograph fell out of his pocket Flaky walked towards it to pick it up and looked at it in horror revealing to be an image of Lifty bruised up badly and cut on the cheek he was bound by zip ties from his hands to his feet and had a dirty cloth wrapped around his mouth. Toothy, Cuddles, and Flippy were shocked to as Flaky hid the photograph in her shirt. They were scared as Toothy whispered, should we tell anyone? Flippy shook his head and whispered, no besides who is going to believe us. Cuddles whispered, I have a friend that can trace the location of where it came from I know he'll believe us. Flaky whispered, w..well we b..better get outta here b..before s..someone sees us. Toothy said, yeah cause I don't wanna meet this guys friends. With that the three (Toothy, Flaky, and Flippy who is taking her hand as he was Running to) followed the blond to his friends house.

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