Chapter 1

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Yunlan's stomach was killing him, he should really learn to take better care of himself. He couldn't remember the last time he had a decent meal or slept a decent amount of hours, and the fact that he had a stressful job and just had more than a couple of drinks with his colleagues didn't help.
He felt pain all over, the head joining in the fun, and he wondered if he would make it home or collapse on the street.

Shen Wei was walking home after another boring day doing the usual boring things. He didn't hate his job, being an accountant was easy for him and working in a big company made it anonymous, and he liked it that way, he was fed up with being at the centre of attention for a lifetime.
And yet there were days when he wished for something more, a thrill to make his days more exciting.
Maybe he was feeling a bit tired tonight, whatever the reason this was one of those days.

He walked keeping his eyes low and straight ahead, avoiding eye contact with the rest of the world, not noticing the man that was stumbling towards him and passed him by without a word.

"What?" Wei said, then turned around to see a man on the floor. With the same soft voice he said, "I don't think he's dead, he's probably just drunk," then he made an annoyed face and walked back towards him. "Alright, let's check him out."

Wei bent down, the man was breathing but was also unconscious. He smelled of alcohol.
"I told you," Wei said to the air again, then he stood up and began walking away. It wasn't his problem if this man got so drunk he decided to sleep on the road.

A couple of steps and he stopped again. "Why should I help him... I know it's late, and cold, but... you're such a mother hen you know." He sighed and turned back.

He usually avoided contacts with people as much as possible, but he knew that if he didn't listen to her he would never hear the end of it. On the other hand, he was worried, it was too damn cold to sleep outside, maybe he could just wake him up so that he could go and sleep it off on his own bed, so Wei would be able to go home without feeling guilty...

He knelt down again and tried little soft slaps on the man's face, getting no response whatsoever. He tried again to wake him up, unsuccessfully, and he took another look at the man, more intently this time.

The guy was young and handsome, why did he treat himself so poorly? Getting so drunk... but then Wei watched his face carefully and saw that he wasn't sleeping peacefully at all.

He had a pained expression like he was suffering a lot, he needed help so Wei pulled him up and carried him on his shoulders.


Yunlan opened his eyes feeling worse than ever. His head was killing him, this was definitely the worst hangover he ever had.

His eyes tried to adjust to the light and immediately something felt off, he could feel he was on a soft, well-made bed with a soft blanket covering him, and he felt warm.
He looked around not recognizing where he was.

He heard a voice.

"I don't need help, I'm only making tea... that's just something to eat with the tea, no need to... I know you like cooking, Andrew, but I'm done already, see?"

Yunlan couldn't see who was talking, and wondered why he could only hear one voice.

He tried to get up but his head started spinning and he almost fell, so he sat back down. A man hurried to grab his arms and help him lay down.
"Careful now."

"Thanks," Yunlan said, then he looked up. "Who are you? How am I in your bed?"

Wei blushed. "My name is Wei, and you fainted on the street, I couldn't just leave you there."

"Oh." Yunlan was shocked, he had always made it home before, this time he had really been too careless.

"I must thank you again then. I hope I wasn't too much of a bother," Yunlan said, then he thought of something and asked, "Who lives with you?"

"I live alone, now stay here while I bring you breakfast."

Yunlan laid down again. He was already starting to feel better and it surprised him. Usually neither his stomachache or his hangovers would leave him alone so soon.

After a while he heard a whisper.

"Stop it, we have guests... ok maybe tonight we'll cook together, happy now?"

Then there was silence. Yunlan waited only a minute before Wei reappeared.

Yunlan couldn't even remember the last time he had such a healthy breakfast, he had even thought of protesting in front of so much food but it seemed rude after this stranger had basically rescued him last night.

He started eating and found back his appetite, ending up finishing everything himself.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know I was so hungry."

"Don't apologise, I made it for you." Now he just needed to make another breakfast for himself, Wei sighed inwardly.

Yunlan felt now strong enough to get to his feet. He realised he was in his underwear but didn't show any sign of embarrassment. He wasn't prone to panic and he knew that nothing bad had been done to him, he felt perfectly fine. In fact, he felt better than he should have, between the stomach ache and the hangover, he would have predicted a much worse morning.

So he simply smirked opening his arms. "Is there something you should tell me?"

Wei bolted up to get his clothes and threw them on the bed without looking at him.
"I simply thought you'd be more comfortable without those tight clothes," he muttered, then disappeared again. He felt extremely embarrassed but he couldn't possibly tell him the truth.

Yunlan chuckled and got dressed.


"How can I repay you for your kindness?"

Yunlan wanted to figure out what kind of man he was. Why didn't Wei just call an ambulance? Yunlan couldn't remember anything, he must have been in no condition to walk. Who would carry a stranger all the way to his own home?

"There's no need, I didn't do anything special, I'm just glad you're ok."

They looked at each other, Yunlan knew it was time for him to go and he'd gladly do that but... "I don't really know where I am," he said with an awkward laugh, "and I left my car at work last night. Would you mind giving me a ride?"

Wei stood uncertain for a second, but what choice did he have?

"Sure, let me get my keys."

As soon as he was ready, they stepped out of the house but then Yunlan stopped, bringing a hand to his forehead.

"I forgot my jacket, just a second," he said and then he ran back inside before Wei could volunteer to get it for him.

Yunlan had done it on purpose, of course. Curiosity was eating him alive.
He dashed quickly into the kitchen, finding it empty. He quickly looked everywhere, finding only silence and an overwhelming absence of people.

He was sure he had heard him talking, but there really was nobody in there.
Was he going crazy or did Wei like to talk to himself?

He grabbed his jacket and joined him outside the door. "Found it, we can go."

Wei eyed him suspiciously, then shrugged and lead him to his car.

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